Fridays PHOTOS Around The Homestead ~ PEACHES ARE HERE! - 📷 [PICTURES INSIDE]

It's one of the most favorite times of the year! The Peach harvest! We are still working hard at growing and pruning our baby peach trees here on the homestead for the day they will bring about a harvest. They are still young. But not too far away, there is a place of paradise. It's actually called Peach Pickin Paradise. We buy a few bushels every year of both clingstone and freestone type peaches for canning and preserves to use throughout the year. It's cheaper if you come and pick them yourselves.


Peaches all laid out and ready for processing.

Jaimie removing a turkey from a brine. We raise our own turkeys on the homestead and they can get pretty big. They can easily get as big as store bought turkeys without all of the GMO feed, antibiotics and chemical medicinal cocktails they give them at the factory farms. THIS IS A REAL NATURAL HERITAGE BREED TURKEY!

This is the largest sunflower ever grown on the homestead. I won a first place blue ribbon after taking it to the fair. the sunflowers growing this year are not near as big.


This chicken is wondering where some of her gal pals are? HINT: They're not far away. The brick wood over is excellent for roasting chickens and turkeys. We've also used it for roasting squash. It provides an amazing smoke flavor.

These are the amazing Bolivian Achocha Cucumbers that we grow on the homestead every year! The full harvest will also be coming in on these too! Don't be fooled by their violent appearance. Those spines won't hurt you. They're pliable and soft and you can eat them raw or cooked!


The harvest season has begun and we will be busy busy busy putting up as much food as we can in the pantry. This is food we will eat and share during the coming winter. As busy as we are, it become difficult to keep sharing and posting it all online but we know that so many appreciate the pictures and videos.

If you have any questions about any of the photos and what is taking place, please post them below and we will try and answer them to the best of our ability. THANKS FOR BEING A PART OF OUR HOMESTEAD! YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

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I raised my children on a farm growing mostly cotton, soybeans and cattle.
Beautiful pictures and you are going to be busy for a while with the harvest. Very nice post. Up voted.

Zac, how about an achocha update? I bought some seeds from you last year. Although I got them planted later than I wanted I do have 3 plants growing nicely...hoping I will get some produce from them!

Ours are growing excellent. They are growing up the arbor. We'll do a video for sure coming up.

Great! Looking forward to seeing what yours look like! Thanks!

Rather jealous of all those lovely peaches. I've just got my first little peach tree and it has given us 5 delicious peaches. That doesn't sound much but living in wet and windly wild west Wales in the UK I didn't expect any !!

Congrats on your first harvest!

Would you post a pictures of the book that you have that state the level of toxicity in birds, in which state which are good eats and which aren't? Please and thank you knowledge is important to me!

It's called, "What The Bible Says About Healthy Living"

Wow! Amazing harvest and what abundance! My mouth is watering from those peach pictures. :) Do you pickle the small funky cucumbers or just eat them raw? Happy harvesting!

WE have so many pickles still in the pantry that we are not canning any this year. We are just eating raw from the garden.

Nice! That's a good problem to have...Too many pickles! Love it.

huge sunflower :)

Those peaches look so delicious. You have some work ahead of you water bathing them, but it will be so worth it. Will you be brining and smoking some of your turkeys? Works well as a replacement for ham flavoring in cooked dishes. Your achochas look beautiful. Do they require a lot of fertilizer? I haven't had much luck with them, so I am not doing something right. You have accomplished so much since you started your homestead. So happy you are now on steemit. Thanks for sharing what's going on, your photos and videos are great. Best wishes for your family.

Great pictures. Thank you for share them.

How many acres is your farm?

I really enjoy seeing all the hand-powered tools in the background! So inspiring.

Wow, looks awesome. So many peaches. This is a great harvest. I am looking forward to my harvest in my greenhouse. Not big, but lots of fun. ;-)
I like to make marmalade out of fruits peaches, mango, strawberry etc..

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