Holy Sheet - humor - day 12 MAC

A memory was triggered this afternoon while in a Discord conversation with my friend @lexikon082; a conversation about how kids come up with terms that have assumed meanings but really it's kind of jibberish.

The memory was from my youth and I must have been about 11 or 12 years old.
Thinking back, my parents were only in the early 30s; babies raising babies from my perspective now!


image source

But I digress; I was starting to push my boundaries and one of them was playing with language and assumed meanings.
How far could I take a pun, twist a phrase and get away with...


It's not a mystery that the F word is my ultimate favorite word - so diverse and FU----N

I'll have you know that my parents were very strict disciplinarians. I suppose they had to be just to have some sanity in a house with 4 young children. As the eldest child, I take the honor of "breaking them in," which, in my opinion, eased the path for my younger siblings to get away with murder.

Strike that. I acknowledge that my brother, being the only boy in the family, had it extra rough. (Sorry, little brother)

So, I must have been play acting or something because I wrapped myself into a toga from a borrowed bed sheet and went downstairs to play. That's when I noticed the little hole.

Poking my finger through it, I ran up to my father. "Holey sheet, dad. Look!"

With ninja speed, he awarded me with one of these:

I saw the twitch of a smile. I wasn't in big trouble and I didn't have to eat soap but it was the beginning of my lifelong love of language, innuendo -- word play, if you will.

So, when you hear your kid saying, "That's so pilgrim," maybe he saying you look like shit. Hold the soap.


Holey sheet is a favourite here XD My teenager also likes to bust out "Sh...eeeeeeeet" in gymnasticsand when the coach or other gymnasts look at him he be like I DIDN'T SWEAR!

Then there's the pun wars that the kids get into. They're so terrible they're amazing and I want to run screaming XD

Remember this scene? It opened the floodgates for covert cussing. LOL

Pun intended?

I don't remember that scene! But I'm woefully ignorant of a lot of common pop culture knowledge and references XD

My kids come out with-

Holy Schnikes!

We have a great appreciation for 90s / noughties, Classics in our household. Nothing surpasses the great Chris Farley.

May his memory live on forever, rumbling like the most powerful Tropical Storm. Every time the sky's open and rain down upon us, I think of him.

The great El Niño.

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