CPS...Redundant, unneccesary, wasteful, and WAY, WAY too invasive and costly.

For some time I've been thinking the best thing for all parents and groups who oppose "Child Protective" "Services" (CPS) waste, incompetence, tyranny and abuse is to link arms and push for total elimination. Law enforcement offices and REAL COURTS are more than capable of taking care of those few calls that actually do warrant full investigation and legal action against those very rare parents who really do abuse their own children.

Just as an example, there is a well-known children's home (actually a group of 31 homes) that is mostly privately funded, hires no government employees, and has a long, long record of helping children--especially older children--who have runaway or been abandoned. Here is a link:


While these folks aren't perfect, they cost the taxpayers nary a dime, and over their many decades, there have been very few incidents of reported abuse, and only a couple instances of fiscal irregularities. Compare that to the hundreds and hundreds of complaints of all sorts of terrible abuse, fraud, waste, incompetence and outright criminality on the part of CPS and their minions, sub-contractors and associates. The worst recent complaint about Covenant House was about the Manhattan location, and that merely involved overstatement of the numbers of children helped, in an effort to win more funding.

Here are those articles:




According to the Covenant House website (first link) 88,000 children were helped by the programs in the past year. THAT, is probably similar to the number of children that are in CPS custody (out of 400,000-500,000 children) who probably really need to be there.

Imagine...we eliminate CPS nationwide, let the local law enforcement authorities actually do their jobs and prosecute those rare cases where government interventions into families are actually warranted, use our tax refunds (of the billions and billions that we currently spend on CPS) to donate to organizations like Covenant House, and voila!, problem solved.

Not only would hundreds of thousands of children be far better off, but big nanny-state government would be dealt a critically deserved blow, the red stain of CPS on our national fabric (and conscience) would finally be blotted out, and we could go back to the proper relationships between families and their communities. The importance of THAT can not b under-stated, as a lot of the other libtard nonsense (like the current all-out push for mandatory vaccinations) is built on the same premises that enable and empower the CPS monstrosity.

Certainly privatizing the legitimate functions of CPS will involve a need for more inspection and monitoring of foster homes, but that is small potatoes compared to the problem we currently have of trying to monitor thousands of employees and judges who rely on the gross system that provides profits for them to keep their screw-ups and outright criminalities secret.

As opposed to what happened with the infamous "Boy's Town" scandals in Nebraska, there seems to be no direct linkage between Covenant House and CPS. That is THE CRUCIAL difference. Of course, if we eliminated CPS this wouldn't be a concern, but is pretty obvious that the link between corrupt government and fostering environments is the key to whether or not those environments have an opportunity to actually help kids instead of to abuse them...or, worse, yet, to funnel them into pedophile/prostitution networks (as some elements within Boy's Town used to do--despite the denials.)

Let's face it, big government has what ever the opposite of the Midas Touch...i.e. everything they touch turns to repulsive slime.

So, let's get government out of the family intervention business, and let's get rid of their bogus quasi-courts, their corrupting profit motive for seizing children, their corrupt lawyers and case managers, and turn their assumed "responsibilities" back to where they belong...with law enforcement, local charities, and privately-funded group homes.

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