Chapter Four Statistics...some relevant notes regarding CPS interventions. Part II

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Let's begin with where we left off two days ago, specifically that the three states with BY FAR the highest death rates from "abuse"--even though, nationally 70% of these cases did not ever involve the AWOL "Child Protection" "Services" departments in those states--were Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia.

The death rate, nationally per 100,000 children for kids dying from "abuse" is 2.36. Arkansas leads the walk of shame at 5.96/100k, while Mississippi is second at 5.68, and West Virginia third at 5.33. (Source: No other state even tops 4/100k. Now, what is the first thing that pops into your mind when thinking about Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia.

I don't want to disparage the good people of those fine places, but I bet if the "Family Feud" had a category where you had to list "podunk" or "hillbilly" states, all three of these would appear among the top choices. In fact, they may well very well be listed #1, #2 and #3 there, as well. Also, these three are routinely in the bottom five of states ranked by quality of education. Here is just one of hundreds of links on that:

They are also ranked in the bottom tier of states for per capita income, with Mississippi routinely coming in dead last:

You might think that the reason deaths are so high from "abuse" in these states might have something to do with the lack of "child protective" services. But this is not necessarily true, as all three are about average when it comes to the percentage of people in the state working in that field. This link has a ton of information on that subject, and is very interesting to look at carefully in its own right:

What we can say about the deaths in these states is that they are well below average (addition to income and education) in instances where the social workers in these states had any contact with the victims before their deaths. Forty-two children are said to have died from "abuse" In Arkansas during 2016. Of those, only five had had any prior contact with CPS/DHS. In Mississippi, the situation was even worse with only one prior contact involved with their forty-one deaths over that same period. West Virginia had twenty deaths and ZERO prior contacts by government with those children.

Preliminarily then, we can say that deaths are higher in these poor states for a couple of key reasons--lack of opportunity, and lack of social workers doing their jobs. I don't want to get to far down that road though, as these are also states where people--especially rural people, do not trust government, and are not likely to even rat out their own neighbors to the government when it might actually be justified in rare instances. I can say one other thing though about these states...Two of them are Rockefeller "fiefdoms," and we all know whose murderous political dynasty is from the number one offender, Arkansas, don't we?

The fourth generation was full of brothers...Laurance, Winthrop, John D. III ,Nelson, And David. Here they are:

Winthrop was sent to Arkansas at a fairly young age, to use the state as a social engineering playground for the family's new sociology experiments--essentially University of Chicago and "New School for Social Research" stuff, but also quack pharmaceutical experimentation, family planning, "code enforcement," etc. He remained there most of his life, and is even rumored to be the real grandfather of one William Jefferson Clinton. Here is a sample link:

Additionally, the same thing was done with John D. III's son Jay (or John D. IV) and West Virginia. "Jay" oversaw all sorts of social engineering crap in West Virginia, especially up in the coal mining towns. He also was a U.S. Senator from West Virginia for THIRTY YEARS...1985-2015, and was Governor there for the eight years prior to that. The jury is still out regarding the legitimacy of all those supposed "elections" by West Virginia voters of a guy who could not have been more unlike the people of West Virginia....but that's a story for another day.

(The New School for Social Research in New York City-- a Rockefeller think tank and origin place of "sociology" and "the social sciences," as a tool for human population control and "guidance.)

Needless to say, the Rockefeller family was very heavily involved, from the 1930s on, in familial interventionism of all types. They were all rabid eugenicists who truly believed in cleansing the gene pool, etc. Margaret Sanger was a big devotee and recipient of Rockefeller largess, as was one Adolf Hitler and the sex maniac, Kinsey. They were also directly involved with the infamous Tuskegee Institute affair, forced sterilization programs for poor southerners, etc. They were also right there when the push was made in the 1970s to get government departments dealing "with Human Services" and "Child protection" up and running.

I wonder if we can take anything directly from the fact that two of the worst states in terms of actually protecting children were essentially, for decades, the private social-engineering laboratories of two prominent Rockefellers.

Food for thought, eh?

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