The Diary Game:Details about today 23/06/2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Hello Good morning,good afternoon and good evening everyone respectively depending on where you are currently,i hope we are all doing well,glad to have you once again,its a previledge for all of us to see a day like this so special and i thank God who gives live in abundance...
Its morning already and i am awake,looking at the beauty outside from in,the cool breeze is so sweet here right now and its helping me calculate a bit how im going to spend this day,
Last night i could not sleep at home because there was no light when i returned home soi had to rush down to the studio since it was not too late so i can at least charge my phone and sleep comfortably,


Though the sleep wasnt as comfortabpe as it would have been in my own apartment i had to manage because at least there was not heat in the building
I actually slept here till this morning,since there was no one having the night session for work,i did looped some sets of my favourite jamz to help spice up my sleep..

As you can see i am trying to open this production software called PRO TOOLS,one of the best,i want to get to a session ,a project im currently working on to touch few things,balance few things on the mix this morning before i have break fast or go out because i am planning to go out to do something else today,here is the session i am about to work on
After that i just have to go home and run a lil services on my generator,its a small generator and i know how to fix petrol generators too ,not only how to play guitar,so i started losening the tank,starter kit,the top,detached the exhause,and the detached the engine block or cylinder so i can gain access to where the piston,rings and basket bearing
Then i noticed the piston and rings were bad,i had to replace them,i already had it inside my work bag so i removed to replace
After fixing everything the generator was very okay,suplied light normally then i had to look for something to eat and keep myself cool and energized ,i remembered then that i have a home made garri,good for zipping,i rushed to a nearby shop to buy groundnuts and sugar,prepared the garri and started zipping
IMG_20210623_101952_4.jpgi added a lilttle chocholate,and added cold water,after zipping i became heavier than expected so i slept,and woke up around 4:30,then remembered i had a class with these kids,a guitar training class



The class went very well,fun and nd remakable,these kids though they can disturb,i must say they are smart,very smart,i enjoyed teaching them,its fun when You have kids that ask you questions that will make you go learn more or even feel intimidated somehow when next you have a class with them,its funny and annoying at times depending on how you handle it,to me i see it as a very good thing,if i cam successfully teach th,i can teach anyone else as far as teaching is concern,
After the class i left the compound,said by to all of them and walked down to my house,
In conclusion i would say the day was tight and ocupied for me but i thank God that i actually succeeded in all i did,now its time for me to have some rest at home,listen to some songs,watch some videos and sleep,so friends thats a breakdown of how i spent my day,thanks..see you next day,much love.

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