My pill

in SteemitContestlast year (edited)




Hi, steemit it's my first time posting here. Though I don't know much about steemit but I'd love to partake in this contest because I think its an amazing topic. I actually watched matrix and seeing this topic My Favourite pill my mind went straight to matrix. Oya read down and tell me what you think about my choice of pill.

All the pills listed are amazing, it was very difficult for me to make a choice and yeah I choose pill 3 and 7.

Pill 3 is to get 100k followers and pill 7 is to join steemit team for a year. Ohh I just wished I will really be given those two pills listed above.

Firstly, let's talk about pill 3, when I saw 100k followers the first thing that came to my mind was oboy I don blow be that oooo I can't really point out the level someone has to be before getting such followers or how often the person write. But I know that getting 100k followers won't be easy. I choose this pill because for someone to get to 100k follower it simply means that the person is popular and I love being known by people.

This popularity off course won't come just in followers, it will include in post engagement, up voting, commenting on my post and more. It also a sign that I'm doing well in steemit community.Thereby advertising me to the steemit community.

I've been in steemit for a month plus and yet I don't think I even have upto 7 followers, sometimes I post yet nobody likes or comment on it. Getting 100k followers will definitely be a big deal for me.

Secondly, let's talk about my next choice of pill that is pill 7. Hmmm joining steemit team for a year? Yeah that will definitely be my answer. The first day I heard about steemit, I asked my referral so many questions that she couldn't answer; first, was who created the platform? Who are the organisers ? Who are the teams? How long did it take them to get to this stage?... Those were my questions, I wasn't expecting any answer from her but I was just thinking about what a creative mind can do. And I wished they will give me a chance to be part of their team even if it's just a day I will really do appreciate it.

I know being in steemit team will give me a whole lot of opportunities, I will have the privilege to create a community, verify people, post my write up and the whole community will rush and up vote it, some comments, I will even have the privilege to create a contest and so many people will be following me ... I can just imagine.

Believe me I will do so well as a member of steemit team because it will look like a dream come true for me. And yeah I picked two pills....

I invite @morgan76 @aburihan1 and @ctime


Nice picks from you. You are the first one to choose 100K followers and yes it ain't easy to have such followers here in Steemit. In fact, I don't think anyone has such following base in this platform. Even the SteemitBlog account only has 39000+ followers. So this is a good choice.

For the pill 07, would you join them without a salary for one year? I mean what if it is an unpaid Internships?

I will gladly join the team even if it's an unpaid internship.

I hope it will be a good choice!

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