He doesn't like travelling

in #cat7 years ago

The reason why I haven't been blogging lately, or the few articles that I have written were pretty short was because I have moved to another rental apartment. It took me a while until I finished moving all the stuff I had, made another contract for internet, which was awful because it took me a week before I could start browsing again freely on my computer. This has impacted the quality of my posts and interactions here, but I will try to do my best to compensate with my next posts.

The first article I have written from my new apartment was About short posts and it is the article with the biggest potential payout I ever had. It received most of the rewards from @lukestokes, one of the top 15 witnesses. I really encourage you following his blog, he has a lot of interesting articles on different topics, and the most important aspect about his posts in my opinion is that most of them promote ideas of morality and ethic.

The most important and hardest thing about moving to another house was my cat... At the previous rent I was staying at a house so the cat was his own yard, he was visiting our neighbours and walking through the neighbourhood so he had a happy cat life. Right now, the life at an apartment would be much harder for him, and I had to make up my mind and take a decision about him. Either let the cat be raised from now on by my parents in my hometown or sterilize him and keep him with me in our new house.

It was a hard decision for me, as I was going to miss him a lot if I was to let him stay with my parents, but on the other side, if I decided to sterilize him just in order to keep him with me, wouldn't this made me a selfish person?

So here we are, on the way to my parents town


As I am writing this on my phone again, he is giving me that eyes. It makes me pretty hard to focus :))

It is clear that he hates me for taking him from where he grew up but I am afraid that I had no other choice. The city where he will be living from now on is at three hours distance from where I stay (there are just a little over 100 kilometers, but the trains in our country are really slow) so I will not be able to visit him so often.

That's it, some things just have to move on.

Thanks for writing and have a great day!


Two years ago I moved to other country and because of this was forced to leave my favourite cat with my brother. Still suffering without her despite I adopted one cat from shelter. Soon I will have an opportunity to bring her here but she has never been outside the flat and is afraid of everything unknown. I wish I could ask her what to do because when you love somebody you try to do all the best for her/him but not how will be better for you.
Hope your cat will understand one day the positive results of your decision.

Oh, I hope too that he will be better there. Right now, after one day, he is very sad, barely eating and drinking water. He seems very confused but hopefully he will get used to the new house and the new parents fast. In the end I left him with my sister and our grandmother because my parents did not had enought time to look after him because they were working.

Thank you so much for your support, I really hope you will take the best decision regarding your cat too. I don't want to be ever in the situation of taking this kind of decision ever again...

Thank you)) I will do my best with her...I hope.
I used (like many others) to think that cats are selfish and dogs on the contrary are very loving. However, personal experience of communication with cats constantly proves that this is not so. They can love not only because you give them food. Have you ever seen the movie "A Street Cat Named Bob" (2016) based on true story? I liked it so much! BTW Bob is a ginger cat too))

It breaks my heart :/ but it might be better for him.

My cat is sterilized, but I don't think it was a selfish decision. Since my cat is an inside-cat (the kind who doesnt go outside and only lives inside) she was really suffering from her natural instincts and urges to you know.. make some kittens. She was in pain when she was on her period and getting her sterilized has made both of our lives a lot less stressful.

As for the moving a lot I can refer as well. I have moved so many times and always taken my cat with me. The first few moves were hard and I saw that she was in stress due to new environments. But I can say that it has gotten a lot better now and I think she is starting to get used to it. I mean I hope we don't have to move anytime soon, but from time to time when I visit my parents for longer than 2 days I take her with me. She didn't like car rides or being in a carrying bag and meowed for the whole ride, but she is also getting used to that. Our christmas trip to my parents went really well and she wasn't so stressed anymore. It seemed that she was actually even happy that I didn't leave her home alone. :D

As for leaving the cat with your parents I hope your cat will be okay with it. I tried it once as well, because I thought that I don't want to traumatize the cat, but actually she was sad without me. Everytime I visited I could see that she really misses me and I think in the end she considers me her family. She was devastated that I left him and she was happier again when I took her back. :)

I completely understand you. In this case, my cat is a male, so he is not suffering for period pain. And another reason why I took my decision to let him at my parents is that he has spent 2 years in a house that had a yard so he could go for a walk whenever he wanted. There was always a window open so he can get back to the house and I think that the move to an apartment would be too much for him. I don't know which is the best choice, for now I will try to see how is he doing with my parents. Of course if he will not like it at all, I guess I will have no other choice but to sterilize him and take him with me. But if I am doing that, there will be no turning back...

Yeah. There is a chance that your cat is used to being able to go outside-inside whenever he wants and maybe he will not get used to the apartment life. So I understand you from this aspect. My cat has been inside since she was 3 months old so she got used to it and she is actually afraid of the outside world. Always shivering like hell when I try to show her the world, haha. :D

But I mean if your cat likes going outside there is also a possibility that he will get lost when living with you in an apartment. My mom also took a cat which always tried to go outside. She couldn't keep ANY windows open on a hot summer day or anything, because the cat was always trying to go outside. On time the cat just pressed herself out of the door when she was gettin back from work. She just ran out so fast as soon as my mom opened the apartment door and she wasn't able to catch her. Of course, sadly, the cat didn't come back. :(

So maybe yeah, in this case it is much more safe for your cat to stay where he is familiar with the outside.

I had a cat who always wanted to go outside, who would claw at the door, and would not let up, so I finally let him out. He loved it outside, was always exploring, and also always came back to me when I was home and at night. But sadly one day he never came back. He may have been eaten by a coyote, or got lost, and we don't know. I understand what you feel, and your post and comment made me stop and remember him.
I agree with you @kassixo and @mejustandrew that stopping your cat from going outside would make him very sad and bored inside, and that him going to your parents' house is the best thing to do.

The story with your mom's cat was a little bit funny at the beginning but then finding out that the cat actually succeeded to escape and did not came back is pretty sad... I am sure that my cat will feel the same, he doesn't like to stay inside for more than a couple of hours. I wish that this is the best solution I could take!

Sad that you had your cat move in with your parents. Tough choice for you to make I think, but a good life for your cat with your parents.

Good luck in your new home!

Thank you so much! I appreciate that you understand what I was going through. I hope they will be able to keep him, and he is going to have a good life, at least until I will move to a new house where I will be able to keep him...

Very hard decision, but I believe you had the cat's best interest in mind while thinking it through. I had to leave a cat behind in my divorce, and it's painful. I completely understand how you feel.

In respect to sterilization; well frankly, if the cat is wandering free in the neighborhood it's a good idea. For males it is a relatively easy procedure, and he'll likely bounce back to his old self in a day or two.

Good looking cat! How's he adjusting to life at your parents?

Thank you so much for coming by! In the end I left him at my sister, she is having more time for him than my parents and she started to love him a lot. He got used to the new house pretty fast, now he is walking freely at night or whenever he wants in the new neighborhood and he looks much happier than even staying with me. He has a lot of new cats there and I guess this is the reason why he got so comfortable there :)

I am so sad to hear that you left your cat behind and also that you got through a divorce. I guess this kind of things should not happen, but sometimes we can not control everything in our life so we have to let it go. I really hope you are well now...

The divorce was absolutely for the good. But leaving the cat behind was not :(

😃😃😃..So funny cat i think ...
Looking so great sir...
I love cat so much ..
But travelling so enjoyable ...
Enjoy your day. .
Thanks for sharing ...
I will wait for your next blog

Huh, so sad to see that you are spamming comments without reading the posts. At least this post you did not read, for sure, because I went through some hard time regarding that cat which used to be mine. I appreciate all the support of people who commented right here, but this comment, well, I am sad to see it.

It makes me feel sad to hear about this, and it is such a dilemma. I think it is best for him to be leaving, and that he will like his new home, but I can tell how special you are to him and how much he wants to be with you...

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