Vice Governor Inaugurates the Construction of Baitul Mukminin Mosque Lamteh

Banda Aceh - Deputy Governor of Aceh Nova Iriansyah with Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman inaugurated the expansion of Baitul Mukminin Mosque Gampong Lamteh Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh, Wednesday 03/01/2017. The inauguration was marked by the first stone laying procession.
In his speech, Nova expressed his appreciation and appreciation to the Lamteh community for having exclaimed and proclaimed the expansion of Baitul Mukminin Mosque
"I really appreciate the aspirations and the optimistic will of the Lamteh community, because this mosque is the need and the means of Muslims to worship," said Nova. He hopes the construction of the mosque can be completed within two years of workmanship.

Nova is optimistic if the development target can be achieved. Moreover, it is known that throughout Aceh, the community is the backbone of mosque construction. From statistical data, 85 percent of funding for mosque financing comes from the community.
Nevertheless, Nova continued, the Government of Aceh and the Government of Regency / City also should not be disengaged from the obligation to support the construction of mosques throughout Aceh
Moreover, continued Nova, the mosque is not merely a place of worship, but also became the center of education and dissemination of syiar Islam as well as a means for fostering the ummah, the alignment of wrong things, and as a place to foster solidity of unity and unity.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Lamteh Mosque Development Committee, Ilyas Nyak Tui said that the total budget needed for the construction of the mosque reached 10.5 billion.

Baitul Mukminin mosque said Ilyas will be built two floors with an area of 1450 square meters and will be able to accommodate 1200 pilgrims from the previous which can only accommodate about 700 people.

"There is still a lot of funds needed, therefore we hope the good help from the Government and the people so that the building of this mosque can be finished soon," said Ilyas. (Humas-Aceh)
Informasi yang sangat berguna @ampon
Sudah diupvote yaa.. Jangan lupa voteback rakan @meiza :)
Makasih @saintismuda
Best Construction for best people in Aceh Especialy Mr. Gubernoor