Support to Artists │My picks 19.03.2018.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

arist of the week2.png

Dear people of steemit!


This is my third weekly round-up of artists that have caught my eye with their respected works in the last 7 days! Purpose of this feature is to unite more artists here on the steemit platform and to give them much support, feedback and visibility as I can. I, as an artist, know from first hand how hard is to get noticed with your artwork, not just here on steemit but all around the globe and we all know how much art is important for the growth of our society. So let's hope that this initiative will bring at least someone wind in the back and prosperity in their future artwork as will inspire them to produce even more and better content as we rise up with this community!

Every 7 days I will pick 6 new artists from the field of visual arts and publish them in these posts. There is just one general criterion for my picks; my view of the world and these artists that deserve their position in it! :)

This week my fondness goes to:

Don't stop creating magnificent art!

Thanks for stopping by and supporting!

━ Megy━



Contact: [email protected]




Odlična inicijativa, nadam se da ću jednog dana i ja ovde osvanuti...samo još da se ponovo dohvatim "alata" :)

Ajmo onda, alatka u ruke! :) Hvala!!!

Third weekly round-up already? Time flies :)
Thank you for another great promotion of great people and their work.

Ah, time...better forget about it ;) Well, thank you for stopping by and supporting!!!

Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!

mogao bi da napises nesto o tome sta rade, ili mozda uz svakog da dodas neki rad, pre bi zainteresovao ove sto citaju.

Svakako, dobar prijedlog! Razmisljam i o tome, a moguce da i bude tako nekad u buducnosti.

Art is life! Thank you for supporting it

And life is art! ;) It's my pleasure!

Just seen this now! Thanks a lot for your support @megy.fine.arts!!!

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