NES History and Top 10 Games - Mythic Games

in #gaming7 years ago

 we are  going to the time of the house console that shapes the world of  imagination and presents the games that are always on the corner of our  mind as nostalgia. Year, 1983. Place, Japan. We go to the time of our consul known as 'Atari / Ateri' but recognized in the world as 'Nintendo Entertainment System' (NES). 

 The  NES was launched in Japan in 1983, in North America and South Korea in  1985, and in Europe in 1986. NES is the first home console Nintendo has  launched on the market. The NES, which was  launched with the name 'Family Computer' (Famicom) for Japan, gradually  became known as 'Nintendo Entertainment System' in North America and  Europe. Basically Famicom and NES look like the same console, but their appearance and features are different. The  Famicom was red and white in color, while the NES, with its known gray  color, bumped into the rectangle 'controller' with red keys. But  before the NES came to the world, Nintendo attracted the attention of  the players and measured the pulse of the game market with innovations. 

 Returning to 979, Gunpei Yokoi made the first of his first moves to succeed Nintendo. Called  'Game & Watch', these portable mini-game consoles have attracted  great interest in Japan and have signed Nintendo's success. With this idea completed in 1980, Game & Watch's first game, 'Ball' (Top) was released to the market. Although  everything went well for Nintendo, Yokoi began to engage with the  'Donkey Kong' Game & Watch model in 1982 and started the history of  portable game consoles. This tool, which we know  as Gameboy, perhaps the most popular game console of Nintendo, will  inherit Game & Watch's legacy years later. 

 Nintendo's  success at Game & Watch is to create and present a brand new system  that people can play together, even the whole world can play. Nowadays,  with the prejudice and the quality of the games, the size and the  visuals of the games, Nintendo NES is prepared for the games to be  designed as 8-bit. 8-bit, language is not easy?

We all know about how much of the 30GB - 60FPS games now score. Although  we can not now discuss why the gaming industry has become this way, I  have not been able to mention these issues slowly. However, position, NES 

 By  the middle of the 1980s, people were slowly coming to think that the  game consoles would be temporary and that there would be no effect on  human life and economy. Nintendo,  who played the biggest role in the development of the gaming industry  and culture, was known for the toys and cards he produced before Famicom  / NES. Nintendo has grown rapidly with the success of Famicom / NES, along with the Japanese video game market. Recognized for his entrepreneurial spirit, Nintendo was quickly  recognized around the world and distributed home consoles to every  corner of the globe, engraving his name and games into the heart of his  fans, his childhood and his life.

On the other hand, this was not Nintendo's only move to change the game industry. Along with NES, Nintendo has also changed its relationship with game console manufacturers and third-party game developers. With  Nintendo's rule, now no game developer will be able to play games  without the 'licensed approval' owner, and they will not be able to  market and sell. In this way, they are able to pull the games to a certain level to the  home consoles and prevent them from being driven to the market for each  console.

We all remember that we met NES and SNES at the end of the 80's and even at the beginning of the 90's. There was no time to record the game, nor the tricks. 1  Do you mean "try to play millions of games" in the morning, or do you  try to get up from the family secretly and start a game and finish it  until the evening before the weather is brightened? For  games, you can imagine how many patient numbers I have to go to play  games and not read, I burn NES 'adapters without overheating. Every 'atherium cassette' was a joy at that time. Even though those games were played over and over, we never got bored and tired. "Do you think a new game has come from?" He said, "those episodes were so exciting to the screenings of Abi 's on TV. In fact, I remember everyone on 'fourth or fifth birthday' got 'clothes'. My upper neighbor 'Cem Abi', 3 or 4 years old, had a grandmother and a birthday late, but he brought Batman's NES play. Think about the excitement that I experienced at that moment. I caught the tape like Little Tsubasa and filtered through the air to insert 'atheria kasedimi'. I want to cry…

I  would like to present to you the 'Top 10 games series of NES' without  putting this article for you and for me even more emotional. While  you are familiar with my list and see what games you know, you  certainly will not be able to see the games that should be listed for  you. Since the list is entirely my own, tell me the games you can not see, tell me where to find the game, buy it and invite you. We will play together, we will remove our tears together. 

 The best 10 game series of the NES legend! 

 Nintendo Entertainment System / November 28, 2015
NES History and Top 10 Games

Put your '1' cassettes at 99999999, we're going back to childhood!
By Ismet Ergul

Despite  the fact that it is written 'clear' in the user manual, we all have,  without exception, all of those dusty tapes we have borne in our mouths  and breathed all our strength. After  we brewed, we quickly and firmly put our nautical worker in place, and  pressed the opening button, and we passed with excited eyes towards the  television. While  our tubular televisions are not 1080p Full HD, the games are content,  story and player innovation and fun is the front-panel, "they can not  play 60FPS because they are inadequate!" I take you to times when unwarranted conversations do not pass. We  go to the time of the home console, which sets up the games and the  players of today's players, shapes the world of our imagination and  presents games that are always on the corner of our mind as nostalgia. Year, 1983. Place, Japan. We go to the time of our consul known as 'Atari / Ateri' but recognized in the world as 'Nintendo Entertainment System' (NES).

The  NES was launched in Japan in 1983, in North America and South Korea in  1985, and in Europe in 1986. NES is the first home console Nintendo has  launched on the market. The  NES, which was launched with the name 'Family Computer' (Famicom) for  Japan, gradually became known as 'Nintendo Entertainment System' in  North America and Europe. Basically Famicom and NES look like the same console, but their appearance and features are different. The  Famicom was red and white in color, while the NES, with its known gray  color, bumped into the rectangle 'controller' with red keys. But before the NES came to the world, Nintendo attracted the attention  of the players and measured the pulse of the game market with  innovations.


Returning to 1979, Gunpei made the first of his first moves to succeed Yokoi Nintendo. Called  'Game & Watch', these portable mini-game consoles have attracted  great interest in Japan and have signed Nintendo's success. With this idea completed in 1980, Game & Watch's first game, 'Ball' (Top) was released to the market. Although  everything went well for Nintendo, Yokoi began to engage with the  'Donkey Kong' Game & Watch model in 1982 and started the history of  portable game consoles. This tool, which we know as Gameboy, perhaps the most popular game  console of Nintendo, will inherit Game & Watch's legacy years later.

Donkey Kong Game & Watch

Nintendo's  success at Game & Watch is to create and present a brand new system  that people can play together, even the whole world can play. Nowadays,  with the prejudice and the quality of the games, the size and the  visuals of the games, Nintendo NES is prepared for the games to be  designed as 8-bit. 8-bit, language is not easy?

We all know about how much of the 30GB - 60FPS games now score. Although  we can not now discuss why the gaming industry has become this way, I  have not been able to mention these issues slowly. But position, blow NES and cassettes without spitting!

By  the middle of the 1980s, people were slowly coming to think that the  game consoles would be temporary and that there would be no effect on  human life and economy. Nintendo,  who played the biggest role in the development of the gaming industry  and culture, was known for the toys and cards he produced before Famicom  / NES. Nintendo has grown rapidly with the success of Famicom / NES, along with the Japanese video game market. Recognized for his entrepreneurial spirit, Nintendo was quickly  recognized around the world and distributed home consoles to every  corner of the globe, engraving his name and games into the heart of his  fans, his childhood and his life.

On the other hand, this was not Nintendo's only move to change the game industry. Along with NES, Nintendo has also changed its relationship with game console manufacturers and third-party game developers. With  Nintendo's rule, now no game developer will be able to play games  without the 'licensed approval' owner, and they will not be able to  market and sell. In this way, they are able to pull the games to a certain level to the  home consoles and prevent them from being driven to the market for each  console.

We all remember that we met NES and SNES at the end of the 80's and even at the beginning of the 90's. There was no time to record the game, nor the tricks. 1  Do you mean "try to play millions of games" in the morning, or do you  try to get up from the family secretly and start a game and finish it  until the evening before the weather is brightened? For  games, you can imagine how many patient numbers I have to go to play  games and not read, I burn NES 'adapters without overheating. Every 'atherium cassette' was a joy at that time. Even though those games were played over and over, we never got bored and tired. "Did the new game come on?" 

9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

 The famous 'Ninja Turtles' of the 1980s loved both the pizzas and the Italian Renaissance artists. While  the popular cartoons and the toys of the series were being driven into  the market, it was unthinkable that their games would not be. The  games of our 'Turtle Soup Potential characters' that reached popularity  in Turkey and in the world and that they loved oneself came to the NES  was one of the games that brought me out of childhood with difficulties.

The  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, developed by Konami and developed by  Ultra on the market, offered us a variety of gameplay formats with both a  2D platform and an isometric camera as a game and a great addition to  the development of games if we consider the NES period. Although it was a single-player game, it was the salt pepper game that presented four turtles as playable characters. 

 He was one of those games that I could never finish, my patience and my ability was not enough for those times. Teenage  Mutant Ninja Turtles, who presents the similarities of the platform  game Castlevania presents to gamers, thinks that Konami wants to see us  as Leonardo Belmont at every opportunity. 


8. Final Fantasy

 With  one being one of my favorite series in general, it is the game that  saves a company from sinking and makes it come to these days. Hironobu  Sakaguchi named 'Light Warrior' assembled his dreams, collecting the  whole 'meaning' for the final, 'final' attack, while today's  'Square-Enix' can not take Enix or even pay the salaries of his  employees. This game, called Final Fantasy, was Square's last experiment. They would either win or lose.

Years passed, Final Fantasy did not finish. Kefka, Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Tidus, Sakaguchi left the company and founded Mistwalker. What is interesting is that we expect a game that is seen as a 'last dream' of a company to be put on the market in 2016. This is important, Final Fantasy. 

 Final  Fantasy, one of the most successful role-playing games of NES,  attracted much attention with different classes, magic and enemies. After  setting up a 'party' for four people, our adventure started and we were  stepping into a world that was waiting for us to be discovered. It was time for you to become light warriors. 


7. Metroid

 In fact, Samus' destiny seems to be very similar to Link's. Metroid,  an open world and platform as a game, succeeded in becoming one of  Nintendo's popular games which came up to date with its 'linear'  (non-linear) structure. Having  the same engine as 'Kid Icarus', Metroid was one of the games that had  great impact on both the North American and Japanese game market with  its action-adventure structure. In  1987, Metroid was released to the market by Nintendo on the market,  offering players the spirit of exploration and research that was not in  those days. In short, Metroid was hosting the platform feature of Super Mario  Bros. and at the same time the 'Legend of Zelda's discovery' content.

All the regions in conjunction with each other, creating a larger map, you have the chance to explore the way you want. If we wanted to turn into Morphball, we could shape Samus into the armor he was in. 

 Mother Brain, you were one of my biggest problems when I was a kid. How many nights have you not slept me, a conscience ... 


6. Battletoads

 As a matter of fact, 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' plays a big role behind the creation of Battletoads. I can predict at least half that the story of Battletoads, which  Tradewest had on the market and developed by Rare, was 'The Wolves Are  Tortoises, And The Wolves Are The Woes'. "

Joking aside, it's been 24 years since we met Rash, Pimple and Zits. I  think we should experience a long controversial meeting at Battletoads  in this 24th year, if we want to count the contributions of the players  and the game industry to their effects. Battletoads, who received extremely positive comments with the game  and the visuals, was overwhelmed by the 'ateria-kidding' genres.

In  'Battletoads', one of the rootstones of Arcade-Beat 'Em Up' games, we  can patronize our enemies behind us, drive vehicles and get to  bottomless pits. The  best part of the game is that you can blame your brother, your brother,  your cousin or whomever you play with when your rights are over because  of the difficulty of the game. I've done it, I know ... 


5. Castlevania

 In my childhood, Castlevania is one of the games I can not play because of my difficulty but I want to play a lot. In  1987 Castlevania, which was put on the market by Konami, is about the  war of the vampire hunter Belmont dynasty against Dracula. Dracula will always be a Belmont to collide with people, while people are going back and forth with evil wishes and rituals.

At  first sight, Castlevania, which gives a feeling of typical platform  play, showed us the deeper and hidden items, content and significance  upon the discovery of the players. Despite  having 8-bit visuals, Castlevania, who felt the horror items among the  NES games with his enemies as well as his music, was attracted by his  different gameplay from other games. Castlevania,  the Belmont dynasty's first vampire battler who fought Simon Belmont  with Dracula, is the kind of thing that requires a lot of offensive and  platform stuff to get used to. 

 Castlevania,  one of the games that draw attention with its difficulty, presents an  adventure that can not be forgotten by its players while influencing  most games with its story and concept. When you read this sentence in your silence, open the 'Vampire Killer' and help Simon in this sacred task. 


4. Contra

 Undoubtedly,  Contra, one of the best and innovative 'Shooter' games offered by NES,  is one of the games we all play and are influenced by. Contra,  which was released by Konami on the market in 1988, brings a blend of  'Rambo' and 'Alien' films and brings together a streamlined game where  we can play with our friends or neighbors.

Contra,  scratched with 8-bit music, has added a new meaning to 'Shooter' games  with both horizontal, vertical and cross target options. What was it that made Contra so special? Without  the treasure of Konami, which made up the contemporary FPS games and  its players, perhaps the game industry could have been much different. 

3. Mega Man

 I want to talk about an interesting situation before I remind you of Mega Man, which is Japanese Rockman. When  Akira Kitamura first created the Mega Man, it was obvious that he was  influenced by the kind of music while giving the name 'Rockman'. The name of Mega Man's robot sister is 'Roll'. If you do not notice, you will understand that the names are 'Rock'n Roll'. At the same time, the Japanese name of Protoman, who is both friend and opponent of Mega Man, is 'Blues'. Interesting, is not it?

I bought Mega Man Legacy Collection last month, and once again I realized how much I love this series, even if it is difficult. When I say 'Yellow Devil!' I feel like you are souring your face and sweating cold sweat.

Mega Man, one of the roots of the platform games, is one of the productions that inspires many games. Capcom's  1987 Mega Man video was one of the players' favorite robots, whose  visuals, music, and music were sculpted into their minds. 

 An interesting novelty brought by Mega Man is that the end of the episode was the weak points of the enemies. In the main menu of the game, while 6 episodes show the enemy, we are able to take the power of enemies. With  this new power we achieve, we are going to the enemy with the weak  point and we can finish it by making it easier, do not believe it,  because the end of the chapter is much harder than enemies to go to  enemies. Remember Elecman and Iceman's part, the missing cubes, remember you. 


2. Super Mario Bros.

 Go ahead on  the map in 1 - 2 sections and keep the game faster than you can,  'Toad's' Piremses' is another of the most joyful, traumatic, and  influential games of our childhood,

We go to years  when Luigi is crushed, his little brother is friendly, Mario is eating  mushrooms and growing up, and at the same time, he is growing Nintendo. Each  of the '999999999999' superanny bros, one of the australia tapes, was  one of the most colorful games of the NES, while the music was added to  the 'never-to-be-memorized' folder of our brains. It's hard to think of a gaming industry that does not have Super Mario Bros., never been. 

 On the  other hand, we can also say that it is the head of the games that allow  new players to meet the game world while getting used to the game and  having the ability to finish the game. Super Mario Bros. For. Super Mario Bros. released on the market in 1985. now a 30 year old adult. With Shigeru Miyamoto being the greatest gift to humanity, we all owe thanks to Miyamoto Masuda for decorating our childhood. 

1. The Legend of Zelda

 Just think of the innovations that The Legend of Zelda brings to the game industry and the two games that came out to the NES. It  is a fantasy world, a great reminder of the great music, a vast open  world, a story full of interconnected but different alternative  universes and times, and at its simplest, Shigeru Miyamoto's innovation  to shake the game industry. 'Save' feature. The  Legend of Zelda series designed by Takashi Tezuka and Shigeru Miyamoto  together with being one of the strongest roots of action-adventure games  has become Nintendo's most popular icon after Mario. For those times, Nintendo's best-selling game, the Legend of Zelda,  sold 6.5 million worldwide, with Nintendo for the first time exceeding  its 1 million sales target.

The  Legend of Zelda, in a fantastic fantasy called Hyrule, is about our  main character, Link, looking for 8 pieces of 'Triforce of Wisdom' to  save Princess Zelda. Princess Zelda was taken prisoner by a demon army named 'Piggy' named Ganon. In  other games of the series, Ganon will be the legendary male warrior of  the 'Gerudo' race, and it is both the enemy of both Link and Hyrule. 

 The Legend  of Zelda, also known as the 'Most successful game' in many magazine  sites, is also seen as the beginning and the forerunner of Japanese  role-playing games. In many of today's open world games,  the Legend of Zelda, with its traces and influences in role-playing  games, is at the forefront with its puzzles and discovery spirit.

Overlord,  composed by Koji Kondo, will be seen as a composer of the music of the  same name 'Ocarina of Time' many years later, while our minds as 'The  Legend of Zelda music' have been engraved. I do not think we can find much better than The Legend of Zelda when we have such legendary music, novelties and stories. 

 When I come to the end of the list, I can tell again how much the game industry owes to NES and Nintendo. Although the future of the gaming industry, which has reached today's  point with great difficulties and risks, is not seen as bright by most  actors, I still believe it is a hope that I hope not to prepare this  list even though I hope not to share ideas with you.

Thank you for reading the first article of Game History. I  am delighted to have received useful and interesting information about  NES, the game industry, Nintendo, or the games in general, and expanding  your horizons. In fact, when I dedicate this part of my writing to my own thoughts, I can tell you that I am writing a kind of essay.

Friends, players. I  do not think John Carmack can imagine so much these days when he says a  word like 'The story of the games is not important, it is important  that people are having fun!' And I am unfortunately not joining Mr.  Carmack. You  should have noticed that the game industry offers games that can be  poured into books, movies can be taken and even lessons can be taken  out. However,  as we receive 'items' in the same games, as we do with 'EXP', we also  need to take this information and move ourselves up to the next level. In this way, we can glorify the gaming industry in Turkey and reach places we deserve. 


Buen post, excelente amigo, me recordaste muchos juegos de mi infancia, el atari, el supernintendo.. te felicito por esa información, saludos =)

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