Vanishing Point #4

in #life6 years ago


The good lady slapped a bowlful of green moosh on the breakfast table in front of me and I had the fork halfway to my mouth with its fibrous green load before I did a double take, making a noise like squeaky feet.

I lifted the fork up for a better look.

Close up, the moosh was all fibres and nodules like the remains of a sheep caught in a lawnmower.

What the fuck is this now?

I inquired pleasantly of my life partner and co-conspirator in the realm of child-creation.

It's Quosh.

She said with a strange proud gleam in her eye. A gleam that I had only seen once before when she had thought to get all three-finger on me.

Quosh? What, like the Raven?



She looked confused. That was ok, poetry had never been the good lady's strong point.

Never mind. What the hell is Quosh? I mean fuckity baws, it looks awful. How can anything be that green?

It's blended spinach, ginger and Quinoa. It is very good for you. A superfood, in fact.

Hmm mmm.

I made a disbelieving farty barty face.

She stared me down, her gaze like iron. I broke under the onslaught and raised the fork to my lips. The green spawn slipped into my mouth like that foosty wet torment that grows at the back of an old fridge.


Her eyebrows raised in victory.

Well, what do you think? Better than overnight oats, isn't it?

I nodded, chewing thoughtfully.

She looked happy. I couldn't bear to tell her that this stuff tasted like slightly fizzy, gritty grass. I hoped this didn't mean that I wouldn't be able to digest it in a one'r and that the good lady would be collecting my leavings on a tray for second helpings tomorrow?

I snarfed the rest down as fast as I could and stood.

Listen banana-face. I've got something important to tell you about work.

She looked up from her big bowl of Quosh, her jaws masticating back and forth.



She asked around a mouthful of Quosh cud as if she had an inkling of the horror that lay ahead of me.

I braced myself against the table top.

They are sending me to Jupiter. Today. One way ticket. No coming back apparently.

Her eyes shifted about madly in their sockets and if there had been a bell around her neck it would have donged sorrowfully.

Hufoom ooo? Ooo ay?

I am afraid so my little shiny bahjinash.

She looked visibly distressed and clutched at her throat, flecks of green gob flying from her mouth.

I calmed her with a steady hand to the shoulder. I had worked on a farm once when I was younger and had been known for my ability to gentle the beasts of the earth. She stilled and I took one green flecked chin in my hand and pulled it in my direction.

Listen. You have nothing to be afraid of. I will be back. Dammit, I will find a way back to you, no matter what it takes.

She made a narrow squumphing noise.

I nodded and retrieved my Long coat and Fedora.

Keep your squeakers on ice, baby. I will go to Jupiter, find out what has happened to Mikey and find my way back. You have a man's word on that.

I tipped my hat to her and made my way out.

To Ganymede...


Ha! The Raven! That old scamp!

Quosh!? Here I thought it was another variant of Quorn! Based from the description, I feel like I'd much rather have Soylent Green instead!

Off to Jupiter now, eh? See you in a hundred years when Jupiter comes back around, astBROnaut!

It's slingshot time!!!

Maybe :0)

Oh you tease!

It's true, it had been did many times before!!

Jupiter is fine this time of year.

It's in a fine position! :0)

That green stuff must have side effects.Nothing green is good for you. Mojito's are about the only green thing that is good for you.

I never thought of mojitos! Yes, awful awful side effects of the running variety!!

Good to know. I thought that it was only me that has that effect from greens, so avoid them like the plague!

I was the finisher in the kitchen, regardless of the size of the monster that stood in front of me.

Very entertaining my friend.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Cheers mate! There is something to be said for being a finisher!!

Hrmmmm.... Ginger, Spinach and Quinoa ...

Despite the fact that I'm allergic to spinach ... I can't see those flavours combining well.

Garlic, Spinach and Quinoa might be edible!

Yaargh!! That would be almost as bad! To be fair it had a touch of chili in it as well. It wasn't as bad as I made out :0)

You seriously ate that lol? You deserve more if so, for not telling the truth and saying it like it is, tis cow food and not fit for human consumption in my eyes at least lol. :-)

I ate it! It was minging, just like grass really but weirder and worse!!!

ha ha lol it is your own fault this one my friend, I would rather face the wrath of the demons than eat that. Whilst you are off the earthly place, come visit me, I am at ur-anus as my home page states. :-)

I will be of to look at the planets then and see if I can see that jeweled one ;0)

I might run away to jupiter if I was faced with eating stuff like that too....hahahaa

I kid you not, the sheer horror I am subjected to in the name of health!!

Howie has gone on what he calls 'The warrior's diet'. First he did a three day water fast, now he only eats from 5-9pm, otherwise water and black coffee. Apparently it's the warrior's diet because long ago before supermarkets, you hunted your food and generally got one good kill and ate once a day.

I am going to do the water fast part, he dropped a good bit of weight from that ;-)

This is my diet in a way. I have bulletproof coffee in the morning and usually eat one meal in the afternoon/evening. Tell Howie a good job

Posted using Partiko iOS

He also got a boxing game on the VR headset for winter workouts, haha!

I'll tell him :)

I fucking love the sound of that!!! That is immense!!

Damn, I might do it. The good lady would have kittens :0D

It does have a certain ring to it, doesn't it? The way of the warrior.... :)

It does, I can see me telling them in work that I am on it, lol!!

At least you'll have something to contribute to the atmosphere of Ganymede.

Hahahaha!! Oh yes indeed, much more gas!!

Stop. Go straight to the toilet. enter a cubicle, shut the door and 'down trou.'
check the number of dangly bits,
Eating green things/stuff is not good for you, cows start from a young age, and in their second year they have 4 dangly things between their legs.
Sheep and goats are the same, except, because they are smaller they only get 2 dangly things.
good to see the resolve to return, even to somebody who is trying to change that manly form, [or is to LL[Little Lady] or YM[young master]?

At least for now I am udder free!!

I shall be on the watch for it though. When I return which is written in the stars!!

So they say!

Howdy sir meesterboom! haha! This post is so full of funny noises. How you know how to write them the way they sound has to be a real gift. "The green spawn slipped into my mouth .." oh man! It sounds horrible for being a super food! Eat up sir, it'll keep you young!

It might keep me young but the price is my sanity!!! :0D

haha I get it but when you're 60 and look and feel like 40 you'll thank the Good Lady! If you can keep your sanity! lol.

I will probably be green by then!

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