
in #life6 years ago


Some time ago, I was walking back from the coffee shop, coffee in hand.

Hey BoomDawg! How goes it?

I looked up, a dude in my work was walking toward me with a big smile on his face. I knew him. Kind of. I definitely knew him. Yeah, it was... It was... that dude. Oh damn. I couldn't remember his name?

Too late though, my mouth had engaged like a crypto-kitty eating Etherium biscuits.


Hey, Barrmf?..

Barrmf stopped, an annoyed look on his face.

It's Brian, man? Brian! Come on man, every time?! Why can't you remember my name, we worked together on the big Oracle Upgrade a couple of years ago, remember?

I grinned whilst trying not to look sheepish which made me look as if I was suffering a debilitating stroke.

Ha! Of course! Brian man! Gotta run, catch you later.

I walked on.


As I got into work I thought about poor thingmybob. He was right, I had forgotten his name countless times. It just seemed to slip through my grasp for whatever reason.

Like the time I had bumped into him in the toilet.

Hey Boomdawg.

Hey Joe.

Brian had looked at me incredulously.

No man, Joe was the guy who sat beside me?! It's Brian!

I had laughed manically.

Of course man, silly me. Sorry, been a long day.

He had given me a look as if I had left him in a car on a hot sunny afternoon.


Or there was the time I had bumped into him on the stairs.

Alright BoomDawg!

I had looked up in surprise and realised that I had no idea who he was. At least, my brain had no idea, my mouth on the other hand kicked into gear and before I could clamp it shut, opened and started flapping like a tent on a windswept moor.

Oh hey... Mrrmmmbb?

I had mumbled the last bit hoping that it might have passed for any old name.

He had looked at me with no little disdain, like he had caught me farting in his coffee cup.

It's bloody Brian, mate. Fuck sake.

Then there was the time we had been in a meeting together. He had looked at me sulkily over the table.

Hello BoomDawg.

I looked back at him.

This time. This time I knew it. I tilted my head up in a smug nod.

Yo... Erm... Umra... umb... Barb??


He made a mournful noise like a dog trapped in a cellar.


He said flatly.

This plainly could not go on. Most people have the decency not to get all chips in their knickers if I can't remember their name but this one. Hmm, he was a problem.

One thing they say about me though is that I approach a problem head-on.

The next time I saw him I lifted my head up high.

He saw me coming. I saw a mix of emotions on his face. He was obviously deciding whether or not to even say hello seeing as how I couldn't ever remember who he was.

I grasped the bull by the horns.


Alright Mikey!

I drawled.

He stopped dead in his tracks. For a moment I thought he was going to punch me.

He looked incredulous.

Mikey?! Mikey?!?! It's fucking Brian?!

I tutted.

You think they will let you get away with that kind of talk in Prison, Mikey?

He shook his head and walked on muttering something about someone being a bastard.

I carried on with a spring in my step.

Poor Mikey. He had a lot to learn.


Bahahahahahaha, Obviously a name or person not worth remembering. I work in a huge school and we have over 50 teachers on staff. With so much changing from year to year and because you work closely with your division group, there are lots of staff who I don't know by name. I refuse to even try to pretend I know their names. I simply wave and say hello. I feel bad when they use my name and I don't reciprocate but it is safer that way. I will even warn the good lady before we attend a party or staff event. "If I don't introduce you personally it is not that I am rude, I just don't know their name." Now, she will introduce herself and they will give the name. I have it down to a science.

That's a good call with the good lady, I will need to remember that one for future use! I normally don't mind not knowing some folks names but his just deviled me because I always felt like I did know it right up until I tried to say it

100% upvote from @betgames :)

I am usually good at remembering names, but I had one work colleague that for the life of me I could never remember her name. Probably because I really couldn't stand being in the same room as her for more than 10 seconds! I did chance upon her in the coffee room, when I happened to catch the tail end of a rather interesting conversation. Another colleague was caught saying...just because there is snow on the top, doesn't mean there is not a fire in the mountain... referring to her snow-white hair and trying not too successfully to entice her out on a date! I just cracked up. From then on, she became known as old snowy! Problem solved!

Aha, now that's what you want, a handy nickname. That's quite a cracker too!!

Lol. I think I will have to use that at some point. Not charging up a lady of course, I all far cruder and sophisticated ;0)

A coffeeshop as in a place where you buy coffee?
If you mean coffeeshop as in described below, I think I know why you keep forgetting his name! Did you order cake as well?
(Note to readers in holland you coffeeshops are places where you can buy weed legally).

Haha, in in the uk so just regular coffee!! Although they would be a fine reason to forget!! Lol

Lol. I have done it many times by not calling them the right name though. I just don't call them anything more like "good to see you". You tend to remember names of people that mean something to you. The one girl at work I always get her name mixed up and don't anymore as she sounds like a certain chocolate bar.

That's my normal strategy! Not saying they're name but with Mikey I just can't stop attempting it!

Then it's Mikey's fault for having a shitty name that no one can remember.

My thoughts exactly. Serve him right! He hates being called Mikey. I like that aspect of it. Hehe

I think it's something as normal as drinking coffee The fact of forgetting the name of the person you're talking to lol

I do agree! Crazy!

I am terrible with names too ...its when i cant remember my own i begin to worry...lol

upvoted and resteemed

There is only one name that matters and that is your own! :OD

'Brian'. Yeah, I pronounce that name flatly too.

Now 'Robson', I can can get excited about... not like that though... I'll leave now.

Ooer, yes indeed. Leave quickly before it all goes to pot!!

This happens to me all the time. I don't understand how they remember my name when i can't remember theirs. so i just say 'hi' and hope they don't ask follow up questions.

I think I might just start punching them in the balls :0D

That will certainly help them to remember you :)

Without a doubt!

Well, theoretically you should remember his name now right XD LoL! Poor Mikey Brian XD

A friend's favourite technique for forgotten names was just using friend labels, the ones he gave me as examples were the usual "mate", "buddy" and because he was wanting to be ridiculous/amusing, "chief".

I used to think my inability to remember names was a terrible flaw on my part as no one else seemed to struggle, later found out it's actually to do with how my brain is wired (slightly oddly) so I warn people now that I'll try to remember but it will probably take me numerous meetings before I remember their name. And for gaming/online people they really need to introduce themselves by whatever name they want me to use first otherwise they'll be stuck with the nym forever XD

I suspect my brain is wired up in entirely the same way. I am the same as your friend using dude and man. It works a treat except for good old Mikey!

It's a sign of getting old @meesterboom
There ye go Boom! :P

Haha, that could very well be true! :0)

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