
in #life6 years ago


I had arranged a chat with Cow-Lick, my plucky young team member. I had booked one of our silly meeting rooms that have lots of wires that lead nowhere and TV's mounted on the walls which don't work.

As I arrived I saw that Cow-Lick was already there. He appeared to be taking a selfie of himself and horrifyingly was doing a bit ofduck-face pouting.


I harrumphed like a bull with no teeth and he looked up, guiltily fumbling his phone away.

Alright boss man?

Yes indeed I am.

I replied with a handsome flair. Not too handsome though as I didn't want the young feller-me-pip to pop seventeen boners.

He shifted in his chair.

So what can I do for you?

I smiled to ease the tension. It is something I have found in young fibbertygibbets. In work, they seem to think that at any given moment in time they are going to be scolded, parent-style as if they have left skid-marks on their underwear again.


Nothing to worry about, just a quick review of the test coverage for the user stories you are working on.

Despite being told not to worry, he looked worried. Which on his young face made him look like a gerbil smelling a fox.

What's wrong with the coverage?

He asked nervously.

Ach, relax, it's just standard stuff.

He relaxed slightly.

I always worry when I get called into a meeting room that I am going to get the sack.

He said apologetically.


I made a noise like a farty-bum-bum being chewed by a llama.


Ha, don't be a Gonk. It's fine. So, let's look at story 117...

I pulled out some sheets of paper. As I did so I heard a strange noise. Like a weevil gnawing at a milk carton. I looked up. Cow-Lick was trying to stifle a giggle.

What on earth is a Gonk?

He asked as if the world and its dog didn't know what a Gonk was.

A Gonk? It's one of those little furry things. You know, like a cardboard tube covered in fake fur with googly eyes?

He looked mystified as if I was telling him of my great love of medieval vases. I whapped my own phone out and swiftly looked up Gonk on google images.


There see?

He held my phone for a moment, drinking in the sheer Gonkiness of what he was seeing before passing it back with a snigger.

Like, is that from the eighties or something?

I frowned.

Erm, aye, probably about then.

Cow-Lick narrowed his eyes and looked at me as if seeing me for the very first time.

Were you like, born in the eighties?

He asked with a mixture of wonderment and disdain.


I replied.

NOT the eighties?

He shook his head in disbelief, then lowered his voice.

Wait, so you were born in the seventies?


I examined him for a moment and imagined in my head that I was booting him squarely in the balls.

Yeah, I was.

He flinched as if I had asked him to come and sit on my knee.

How old are you?!

He asked in bewilderment, his world shaken to the core by the news that people as old as me still existed in this day and age.

I flopped the papers I was holding down on the table between us and gave him the vinegar eye.

Old enough to see that your work leaves an awful lot to be desired, young man. So shall we continue?

He looked suitably chastened and nodded.

I allowed myself a little smirk. Wee bastard, he'll learn...


Can cowlick come to steemfest next year?? I’d love to get him rat arsed!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ha, that wouldn't take much!! Shot-tastic

Wow... I've never heard of Gonks before either...

Gonks are a novelty toy originating from the United Kingdom in the 1960s. [...] Now with collectible status, their legacy is one of being the first toy crazes of the post-war period.
source: [wikipedia]

That's certainly essential knowledge in the #GooglyEyes department and I'm really glad to learn it from you!

Hehe, the first time I saw some googly eyes was on one!!

Must admit neither did I. 😁

@meesterboom these young people now think that the world started today, and everything else is too old, I would like for Cow-Lick to meet Uncle Boom, the problems would end
I wish you a beautiful nights

They would end in a spectacular fashion!!

You were born in the 70s??? Why you're still a spring chicken !

Where was his manners ? ... oh right, I almost forgot, no one uses those old things anymore.

Yeah, manners address for old people!!! Lol

Remember the days when you thought somebody in their 40's were SOOOOOO old???? Hmmmm not that old now hey? I am going on to 50 and it is sounding damn old, but then again, I still feel the same as in my 30's. So screw these wee bastards hahaha

O I did not know that were there names, but when I saw the pic I knew exactly - 80's best time ever.

Hehe, thems the ones!!!

I do remember it, that's probably the worst thing I can almost empathise with that feeling except of course the boy is on the other foot!!

He needs a smack on the head with his papers.... and you have the advantage of little ones keeping you young so you can still show him a thing or two.

I think they are making me age!!!

Hahaha always keep in mind that little Boom will be able to help you with your beer reviews not so long from now

Lol, maybe he can take over and give me a rest!

Did he just assume that you were a young chap just like him? It seems that people don't know your age unless you tell them. You are aging beautifully, meesterboom! Keep it up! Upvoted!

I think he assumed I was in my thirties. Well that is what I like to think. Lol

He was probably shocked that someone as young and handsome as you could possibly have hailed from so many million years ago 🤣

Posted using Partiko Android

He no doubt was. Perhaps he suspected me of time travel or having cracked the fountain of youth :0D

Doesn't he know it's forbidden to ask a person's age?? It's like asking if they have already pledged allegiance to our lord and savior Cthulhu. It just is!

In another note, I don't know what the heck a gonk is either, and I get nervous every time I get called to a meeting. Must be correlated.

Hehe, the meeting thing is real;!

ha! the vinegar eye! perfect response.

ahhh, and now contemplating the 70s...I was but a budding hippie child ;0)

Hehe, he was getting taken aback that such old could exist. Perhaps I should be flattered lol!

Of course you should be flattered! the young do need a kick in the pants, I mean, a reminder, now and then.

It's the balls that are getting kicked. Somehow, one way or another!

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