Fusion: Checkmate

in #life6 years ago



Both Mikey and I squawked with terror like parrots in a Peruvian Aviary as the Alien face leered out of the plastic curtain toward us.

It made a muted honking noise, like some terrible alien goose monster.

I thrust Mikey at it to buy me some time. He fell at its feet, squawking and flapping his limbs about. Damn, I wished I had bought a spoon so I had some way of fighting back against this foul beast from the very depths of Space.


The Alien honked again then pulled a rubbery hand-like thing up to its head and started tugging at the side of its face. I squeaked in slow motion like a rusty hinge as it jiggled and pulled before its face came sliding clean off with a sucking noise.

My bladder having fought so bravely against the urge to empty itself gave out and relinquished a couple of drops of terror whiskey into my pants.


Mikey had gone silent and I realised I had my eyes closed. I opened one a tiny bit

The faceless thing was leaning over poor Mikey, obviously to feed.

I pushed backward and ran up the stairs.

So long Mikey, looks like you won't have to worry about Prison bread anymore.


I got out of the building at double speed, settling down in the cafe nearby with a triple-shot. This case was getting too hot. I slammed the java down my neck and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

Rack me up another triple, will ya sweetcheeks?

Tattoo girl with the ratty arm muscles behind the counter nodded and set to it.

You look like you have seen a ghost.

She giggled.



I took the second coffee from her and drank it a little more slowly than the first.

I've seen some things. Poked some holes. It ain't always pretty when you see what comes flying out.

She looked me up and down appreciatively.

I hear you. Hey, listen, I am heading out the back for a smoke. Fancy a puff?

She surreptitiously pulled something cigarette'y looking from her shirt pocket before sliding it back into hiding.


I nodded and tanked back my triple Joe. It looked like she was offering me a sexy party. Or a joint. I knew which one I had my money on. I lamented the fact that I had used the condom in my wallet as a water bottle on one of the hotter days but hell I could always fish a sandwich wrapper out of a bin if it came to it.

I followed her out.

A short while later I returned to the office.


The sexy party had turned out to be a joint after all. Probably for the best. I smelled alluringly of smoke and anchovies. The anchovies I put down to my little terror whiskey accident earlier.

My face was set in a grim line as if I was using it to clean a cat's litter tray.

I pushed past security and headed straight for the stairwell. Time to crack this nut open. I had sneak-thieved a spoon from the cafe and secreted it in my back bin.

I was ready.

I retraced my steps

The door leading to the stairs didn't have the warning tape on it anymore. I progressed into the stairwell.

The lights were on and flicker free.

As I neared the bottom I steeled myself to see Mikey's remains scattered on the steps.

There was nothing.

Nothing at all.


No plastic curtains. No Mikey. No Alien.

Just a faint smell of pine.

This couldn't be? There was definitely some kind of Alien construct here before and this is where the Alien beast had started eating Mikey?

I searched around but there was nothing. Even a lick of the bottom step only revealed a faint taste of salmon.


I headed up the stairs to my office.

As I neared my desk I stopped in my tracks.


There he was, all alive looking and uneaten.

Oh hey Boomdawg.

I moved forward to question him but a vicelike grip latched onto my shoulder. I jerked around to face my attacker. It was El Jefe. He pulled me to the side.

Hey, I was going to move you onto the new project, Fusion... You heard about it?

I nodded, my eyes still fastened to Mikey who was patently not dead. Or at least the thing that appeared to be Mikey.

Fusion got canned. Infra costs, we will just have to put it on the back burner.

At this I turned and gave El Jefe the full Jack Johnson.

Fusion... canned?


Things were happening too fast.

El Jefe laughed.

Yeah but don't worry. I have something good for you to get your teeth into. Something that will keep you more than occupied. On Monday I want you to report to the 5th floor. Project REDSHIFT


Yeah, now beat it.

I left El Jefe and walked tentatively over to Mikey.

Hey Mikey.

And Mikey turned his eyes to me and said 'not now BoomDawg, I'm kinda busy.'

The good lady buttered a fruit scone and offered me it on a plate.

And did you ask him about the stairs?

I frowned.

Yeah, I asked him. He said 'nothing happened' then put his headphones in and ignored me.

Hmmm, that's terrible baby. So are the Aliens gone?

I took a bite of the fruit scone.

All the signs seem to suggest so. It could be a dead end. I am moving onto something else on Monday. Should I let it lie? Should I just give up?

She came round the table and stood beside my chair, her mound pushing urgently against my shoulder.

Never mind all this Alien talk, you smell of danger and anchovies. I think we should go upstairs?

Her voice had a wolven husky tone to it which made my bangstick twitch.

I looked up at her, for a second a queer glint shone in her eyes and I thought I caught a whiff of salmon.

She offered her hand.

I reached out and took it and we went upstairs.


Ok... that is it... i'm grabbing myself a condom and i'm going to use it as a waterbottle xD

All these fish smells, I'm going to start describing everything with fish smells too ahahah

Never had terror whiskeys though... I think you should probably see a doctor, there is probably something wrong with your sphincter, maybe it's the age, you should do one of those dreaded "exANALminations" that every man fears xD Maybe ask the alien, heard they were pros at anal probing, first thing they learn in school :P

One you have used a condom as a water bottle you will never look back!!

Ah the terror whisky's... Perhaps you have just not been terrified enough?

It takes real terror to let loose a few drops. They are precious things. They add a certain mannity to a chap. Ladies will swoon when they smell the terror whiskey!!!

Ladies will swoon when they smell the terror whiskey!!!

Really? i'm going to start pissing myself before leaving the house if that works... it's like that axe chocolate commercial, but instead of axe is piss...

I recommend you try it! It's guaranteed* to work!!!

*not guaranteed

That ended well. And Redshift you can pay by the hour, that's something.

Now, how about that alien?

I am all about them hourly payments!

Aliens, I mean where to even begin. They smell fishy that's for sure

Ok, I was beside myself with the water bottle rubber and then immediately you pulled out the fish sandwich wrapper. It might just be waxy enough to get the job done. LOL. Considering the willingness to lick the bottom step and to know the salmon taste from whatever else has been splooged there means there really are no boundaries.

All the boundaries are gone!! They are no more!! Hehe!

Well that ended on a high note! I never would've thunk it! With the real Mikey as the only casualty, I'd say all in all it was a good case. El Jefe knew about the nefarious plot all along that basturt. I can't wait to see what lies behind the REDSHIFT curtain!

A high note!! Like the doh in doh rae mi fah...

Hehe, yes indeed. Who would have thunk it!! :0)

Well... there's you, bro-hammer. You thunk it. You thunk it real good!

Aw ee aw, aw aw aw, aw aw eeh ooh.

That is the hook from push it good :0D

Hahaha! I couldn't resist mouthing it out loud!

Lol. Me neither!

You had me at using the condom as a water bottle...And the fish sandwich wrapper! Oh dear! I will have to think about this one...

Hehe, I loved those descriptions. Sometimes I wonder myself where they spring from!

That is the project you talked about long ago and no one knew what it was, now seems to be more a reality that only words lol and I want to see how it ended XD

No one knows how this craziness will end. Or even where it will end!?? :0D

Wow! You were so wild in this episode making love with two women I presume while attempting to solve the Alien case. In my opinion, Mikey defeated the alien and pretended not knowing about it. Upvoted!

It will be an eternal mystery!! :0)

Oh I know about terror whiskey. I leaked a little when I got the bill for dinner while on vacation lol!

Ha, I have been in quite the similar situation myself! ;0)

I wish I could understand this. But my understanding skills are not good. I watched the video part and liked the background music from it😁😁


Lol, I love your honesty! :0)

Hooo what episode dear friend, alien, fish smell and Mikey left unharmed and alive, the boss pso to the Fusion project in a can and now the REDSHIFT project is on the 5th floor, which has included your boss, we will see what destiny holds with this new project. we will have to wait a week
I wish you a beautiful night dear friend @ meesterboom /

It's a never ending topsy turvy tale of madness. Cheers for reading @jlufer!

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