
in #life6 years ago


I sat at my desk sipping a coffee. The office was quiet. Peaceful.


I sighed contentedly.


Oh bugger, El Jefe had materialised out of nowhere and was stomping toward me. He had a peculiar look on his face as if he had just been told the chicken in his soup was actually testicles.


Buenas dias tonto!

I said mustering up some false cheer.

El Jefe stopped short.


I blinked reassuringly a couple of times.

I said 'Good morning friend' in Spanish.

He frowned, his brain sloshing around in his head like a rat in a bin full of water.


What can I do for you today then?

I asked kindly.

I need to speak with you. Come with me.

Oh oh, he didn't seem to be full of his usual malicious cheer. This might not bode well. I got up and followed him to one of the meeting rooms. Inside he sat down heavily and creased his brow whilst I sat across from him.

We sat in silence for a moment whilst he chewed imaginary figs.


Then he spoke.

There are big changes afoot.

He said heavily.

Hmm, this definitely did not sound good.

Are there?

I replied. I put on my best team player face. It makes me look like a cat that is getting its chin tickled. It seems to convey the right amount of gravitas for these kinds of situations.

Yes. Big changes.

He took a deep breath.

I winced. It's never a sign when your boss takes a deep breath like that. I wondered if I had done something wrong. Was I for the high jump? Was El Jefe about to tell me to Fuck off, we don't need your sort around here?

He leaned forward with an intense look as if trying to get the last beans out of a tin.


The thing I need to know, BoomDawg... Are you with us?

What? Are you with us? What the fuck was that meant to mean? Was he going to kill me if I said no? I am pretty sure that's not on. I had a quick scan of the floor to make sure it wasn't covered in plastic sheeting.

It wasn't.

Still. In situations like this, it pays to be on your guard. I started scanning the meeting room for weapons and potential attack vectors.

El Jefe sniffed and waved a hand at his face as if the flies were back.


We need to shake things up. Are you ready?

There it was again. Another strange open ended question. Ready for what? Was he going to try to seduce me? Inwardly I lamented my thoroughness when wiping after the morning poo.

Yes... I am always ready.

I ventured, hoping against hope that things weren't about to get all fondley.

He nodded, allowing a brief smile to play across his face.

Good. Good. I will cut to the chase then. We are restructuring. You are going to have to take on a bit more... Responsibility...


He examined me closely to see what effects his words had.


I said slowly.

We are taking on a lot more trainees. You are going to have to lead a small team. I will assign several of them to you. Temporary at first, just to see how it goes. We are talking line management here, you get me?


Oh. Line management responsibilities you say?

He grunted and shifted in his seat as if the very idea made his piles throb.

Yes. Line management.

So I will be the boss then?

He looked annoyed.

No. You will not be THE boss.

He sputtered.

Ah sorry, crossed wires. I am not the boss then.

He looked out the window and then back to me.

Well, you will be the boss... Kind of, for these guys.

He grated.

Oh! So I am the boss?

He shook his head like a dog eating salt beef.


No. You are not the boss. I'm the boss.

Ah right. I am the boss of these new guys though?

I said with a gigantic grin.

Well... I suppose that is what I am saying, yes.

He harrumphed and picked something off his shoe.

Right, I will sort out the details and talk to you later.

He stood and made toward the door shaking his head.

I chuckled and leaned back in my seat with my arms folded behind my head.

I'm the boss.

I said out loud.

He knows it.

He's always known it.


Who da boss? You da boss.

I really hate open ended vague questions, especially Are you ready? When there's no context!!

Yeah! Like, tell me what for then ask!! Its simple!

Ditto! Those vague question askers are the worst!

Speaking of which, are you open minded?

Am I? Hmm. Am I ready to be open minded? Sounds like a threat! ;0)

Would you like it to be?

Are you willing to accept my answer?

Is your answer going to be made up of words logically strung together?

Will it consist of words?

Should it?... Hmmm

You are in terrible danger @meesterboom. Before you take this assignment you must read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Don't let the Vogons drag you into their circle!

Posted using Partiko Android

Tis one of my favourite series of books!!

Ha ha. reminds me of a little song I once heard, "the working class can kiss my ar..... I've got the bosses job at last".

Haha,I ain't heard that bit can now hear it in my head !!

you da boss Boomy .. .. you got it going on.... now you have peons! ...errr...I mean

upvoted and resteemed

hahahahaha, so do you have the same conversation with your wife? Or no need because she knows she is the boss? hehe. At least I think that is how marriage works. I wouldn't know. I like how you were toying with El Jefe getting him all riled up....again no talk about a raise....mmm managers er up bosses, usually get some kind of raise. I think you need to bring it up and then write about it. :) :) hahahaha

I fully intend to. It had gone remarkably quiet on that front!

Awesome! I can't wait to read the post about it... :) "Show me the money!" lol

I might resort to that!

hahahaha :)

@meesterboom, congratulations for the new assignment, now you are the boss, I speak of taking on new responsibilities, but never mentioned a salary improvement for taking on more responsibilities
I wish you a happy rest

Cheers @jlufer! Here is hoping that there is more money. I have a strong feeling I am being played for a monkey!

At first many congrats to the new boss!!!! I'm pretty sure he's a lovely person and I know he has a lot of funny stories to tell :P
Well, now I can say you that the word "tonto" in italian has a different meanings: a not very smart person :0D

It means the same in Spanish! Stupid in fact!! LOL!

Ah, I love teasing him! :OD

Well... I suppose that is what I am saying, yes.

Loool must have killed him inside to say it

I think it did!! :0)

Bosses have that ability, they appear when you least expect it! LOL.

They do, as if from nowhere!!!

Wow! That must have hurt the boss to say that! Now, as long as you get the suitable increase pay for the increased responsibility...

Will yes, that is probably the sticking point!!!

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