Automaton #6

in #life6 years ago


It was early, I plodded the dark streets toward work. My mind was on nothing but the case. It was troubling me. More so than even the good lady's latest breakfast, Overnight Oats.

When I had inquired as to why a syphilitic badger had ejaculated into a tumbler and she was serving said tumbler to me at the breakfast table, that had been her response. Overnight Oats.

But, it looks like sperms?

I had whined as I shied away from it.


It's not bloody sperms. It's Overnight Oats!

Why? Why woman? Why do you keep saying those words?! What do they mean? What the bloody hell is Overnight Oats, Is it something you have been sitting on?

The good lady had lowered her formidable brow and growled.

There was no sitting, it's oats soaked in almond milk overnight. Try it, it's delicious.

There had been more than a hint of command to her tone.

Tremulously, I lifted a spoonful of the yellowing mass to my lips and thought of happier times. As it slid into my mouth like a lepers pessary, I tried not to scream.


Just swallow, in time you will come to love it.

Said the good lady with a manically masculine gleam in her eye.

I tried as she suggested. Reluctantly, the oatage slipped down my throat like frog spawn.

I made a noise like a cotton wool being rubbed together. It was too much. I threw the spoon down and ran.

As I left the house the good lady's shouts echoed behind me.


Eventually, I came to my senses and here I was, almost at work. My feet carrying me toward the case and my thoughts a whirl.

A few flakes of snow drifted down out of the dark skies above.

Eh? Snow? In November? It never snowed in November in Scotland. What was going on?


All of the pieces crashed into place. I understood everything at that moment.

The Clivvers acting all weird and then... Then telling me the world Wasn't the one I used to know... That I had to go back?

The mysterious robot they were building on the second. A robot? I mean, how ridiculous?

The insane plan to remove all of the testers and replace them with some sort of automated framework? Even more ridiculous.

And of course, the good lady, her normally splendid cooking being just plain rubbish. The hummus... The porridge drawer...

None of it added up. At least, it did add up but not to a number I wanted to count to.


It was so obvious now.

I was in the wrong timeline. When I had travelled into the future as part of Carlate's insane cloud experiment and then travelled back again. I had thought I had returned to the universe I was originally part of.

But no.

I made a HOUK'ing noise like a seal eating cous-cous.

I had been dead wrong.

I hadn't returned to my old world. I had gone somewhere else. Somewhere else in the multiverse. Somewhere that wasn't my home.

Somewhere where robots ruled and people ate days-old porridge in tumblers.

I knew what I had to do.


My fingers trembled as I pulled out of my phone. It wasn't just the cold that made them shake. It was the thought of who I was going to call.

I stabbed out the number like a crow darning a sock.

Despite the early hour, it answered almost immediately.

A throaty voice chuckled on the other end causing my lard-stick to twitch as if stung.

I wondered when you would call me...


What the hell are you doing in the wrong time line and who is on the other end of the phone???????
I have said this before - I always keep your post till last to read, because it gives me the most pleasure - your descriptions is spot on... so NOT trying overnight oats, even though I like oats.. O how this world is blessed with your talent

Lol, you are the best :0)

It's always nice to hear when someone enjoys the madness that spills out of my head!!

It might very well be my fault, this snow. Your time line shift could be brought about by my 'icy ways'.

I reluctantly stayed in NEW England last winter, not going to UK as is my wont and we had the WORSE winter in 20 years!

This year I happily boarded the plane and have even found a house with friends to settle more permanently for my yearly sojourns, and it has been rather warm and lovely here in the South East, but then yesterday, for a minute, it suddenly shot down hail. And this morning I noticed little areas of icyfrost/snow here and there.

Could it be my icy ways slipped onto the plane with me and are bringing their cold fingers to your UK shore? who can say.

I will not take the blame for porridge with almond milk...Milk should come from an animal, preferably one that goes moo, but occasional the kind that can climb a mountain.

When I ate carbs I LOVED steel cut oats though they simply cooked for 45 minutes of a morning with lashings of butter and single cream and fresh berries...ah the old carb ways.

Here is to hoping you find your timeline, if it has warmth in it, take me with you or at least the south east of England :)

I knew it!! There is always someone to blame and you look from your cold words like three prime candidate!!!

I would say begone with your winter ways but hey, you never know, it might stay centered on you down there :0D

The Q are behind this, I tell you.

I have stern suspicions that it is thus!!

I am Q... Q11 and have no part in this! On the other hand- she wore a glove.

You are the Q! and gloves can't touch you!

You are in fashion having almond milk for breakfast. What happened to just having eggs and bacon. She obviously loves you because it may be the healthier option.

Almond milk, It's the bloody end times I tell ya!

Just swallow, in time you will come to love it.

Aha! Right when I read that line, I just knew that there was some multiversal hijinks at play. I mean, whatever happened to the "it's filledwith nutrients" explanation? Did they ever get around to conducting scientific studies to prove otherwise! Come home, Brother Boom! Come home! And, for the love of all that is good and holy... bring back lotto numbers and future knowledge of crypto's eventual demise!

Oh man, if only I could get home in time to tell everyone to sell all their bloody crypto last Christmas!!! Hahaha!!

ah, I do believe that whoever is behind all of this, has brought the good lady into their fold, if they can't get you one way, they will get you with the ladys' overnight oats!

Overnight oats will be the end of man as we know it, Mark my words!!

What took you so long to realize that you are on the wrong timeline? I hope the person at the other end of the phone can really help you solve this mysterious problem. I wondered who is he? Upvoted!

I hope so too and they don't just leave me hanging!

Such an affront to the very concept of porridge is even recognizable on this side of the pond! Alas, it seems there is no end to the abominations people are willing to commit.

There is no end that is true, it works just fine and yet more and more ways are found to violate it!! :0D

Great imagery as always!!! A seal eating cous-cous... a crow darning a sock!

And of course, the good lady, her normally splendid cooking being just plain rubbish. The hummus... The porridge drawer...


Nice excuse.

None of it added up. At least, it did add up but not to a number I wanted to count to.


Exactly. Addition particularly in the multiverse is a tricky and oft times for dangerous affair.

Can one count to e even in this universe?

a tricky and oft times for dangerous affair.

sounds like other... things going on in someone's life. Also not sure what for was supposed to say.

for is often used in loops

Loops do not equal e

Most natural loops revolve around it. Especially when that natural loop has to do with natural... inclinations

a tricky and oft times dangerous affair.

Ignoring the word for because it's out of context.

Ah, and now you see the context! The rabbit hole gets gets deeper.

Lol, excuse the typing, I am watching Ned's live stream on YouTube

Ned's live stream on YouTube

Wait, what?

I think it is every Tuesday, he does a live stream, tis very good!

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