And so... Sam Sung

in #life6 years ago


I entered the room and walked over to the good lady who was sitting on the sofa reading her Kindle. Gently I reached over and took the Kindle from her hands.

Put that away, lass.

I said, smiling.

Eh, what? Why?

The good lady looked a bit peeved, she must have been at a good bit of her book.

Put it away. You won't need to read books where we are going.

Oh God, it's happened, hasn't it? You have gone full-on cult and decided to kill us all, haven't you?


She looked both fearful and relieved that her bounteous man-chap had come to take this cruel burden of living from her.

I smiled, closing her Kindle and reaching out to clasp her hand.

It's better than that, baby. I'm taking you to the top.

She looked utterly confused now.

The top? The top of what?

She asked, giving me that sideways look you give a dog that you are trying to take a chewy toy from.


I waved about at our rubbish house and even more rubbish furniture as if it hurt my eyes.

Fucking everything, baby girl. You deserve it. Hell, we deserve it.

She looked at me more closely now. A worried look flitting across her features like a small woodland creature that has heard the flap of an owl's wing.

You aren't making much sense, Daddy-Bear?

Now she clasped my hand. Concern in her voice.

Oh really?

I stood and put a hand proudly on my hip, the other I held out as if cupping a giant solitary testicle.

You know my Steemit habit, don't you? You are always wittering on about the time I spend on my phone, Steeming.


The good lady nodded. I tittered slightly and continued.

What if I told you that Steemit had been bought by Samsung. Huh, what would you think of that?

I finished on a triumphant note and lifted my foot up, placing it on the small table like a lion-headed God in front of his people.

She made a face as she digested this news as if she was sooking the giblets from a chicken's carcass with a cheap plastic straw.

Really? Would we get a discount on our next Television?

Now it was my turn to look a bit confused.

What? Erm, well, maybe. But it's better than that...

What could be better than that!?

She countered incredulously.

I took a big deep breath in and then let it out majestically.

The Moon, baby. Remember I promised you the Moon once?


Her face lit up.

Oh God, yes. I do remember. When all the crypto was worth a fortune!! How could I forget!

I made a catching falling spaghetti motion beside my ears.

Well, hold on to your hat, baby. We are going to the moon, GUARANTEED!

She looked as if she was about to faint with joy now.

Is it really true? How can you know if it is really true?

I knelt before her, taking one of her hands again. I looked at her with my most sincere eye.

Trust me, baby. It must be true...

I nodded with the certainty of my words.

A man on the Internet said so...


STEEM... cryptos.

Cryptos... To the moon!

Moon... Korean name.

Korean... Samsung.

Samsung... exploding batteries.

Well, I guess we know where we're headed!


Whether its true or not, the bloody price is going up. I could get 2500 STEEM for my 500 quid 2 weeks back and now its only 1500. I feel a bit conned... ;)

It's good if it goes up and yet it's not if you get my meaning.

I know exactly what you mean. I got 1000 for under 200 at one point. You always do feel cheated but at the same time happy when the payouts rise and the like!

I think someone's been reading the Daily Express :0)

Hehe, that might be the case!!

I told you to keep quiet, now look what you have done. We must just wait and see as anything is possible these days.I saw Samsung got slated for having Facebook already loaded on their phones and you can't delete it either.

It's the talk 9f the steemie! Everyone knows but doesn't know!!!

Fingers crossed right enough, lol

I don't believe the rumours ...

Samsung is Korean ... It's the Chinese who are building the DSOTMN (Dark Side of the Moon Node). You can read about it here.

No need to cool the circuits now. It literally is ... "To the Moon"

Aha! It's Huwei then! They must be aiming to plant tracking chips in our blockchains!!

You weren't by chance talking to Al Gore, were you? We all know about him. This could be another one of his internet stories.


A genuine story I read right here on Steemit, the had also been much hints and rumour abound lately. Lol, I don't believe it though.

Well if it comes true, I just know that I heard it here first.

Oh yeah! And I will eat my hat live on air!

I rely on you for that, of course.

I will do my best - he says in his best Schwartenegger Terminator voice... wasn't from my dtube parody was it? (don't take too much heed in

Lol, no! There is an actual post out there claiming it now, before that it was all hints!

Could you link the post?

Hmm, x says that x says that x says that there's a deal. This must be why we're pumping!

Exactly! Once you have eliminated the possible the something something something must remain!!

...that served as my inspiration to make the vid!

Maybe i should do a haejin/kajaggogoo one as well...

Lol, if you must poke the Bear!

@meesterboom hello dear friend, true or not, you never lose hope of having a great trip to the moon, although something is happening, competing again in SBD and that can be very good, is approached to u $ s (0.92 )
I wish you a great day

We can only hope that it stays the course and continues to rise!!

Jajaja. Could this be real? Dreaming costs nothing and hopefully your words will come true! I too would settle for just a good discount on my next TV. Greetings ;)

Greetings!! I sincerely doubt it's true but it is the latest rumour on the rumour mill that churns endlessly around here, hehe. A discount on atv would be nice !!

Sam Sung Moon is a North Korean spy.

Does he have royal ties?

Bow ties only, I'm afraid.

Hmm, that's unfortunate. I will have to send in the seals

It's a fine phone!! I love it!

It does everything and more and the photos are awesomeness!

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