Your Darkness Will Transform You

in #darkness7 years ago

We live in a world of duality: up and down, left and right, light and dark, good and bad, etc. This sometimes can cause much confusion as to how we are supposed to function in this world because we get caught up in the seemingly endless amount possibilities.

The biggest challenge, however, comes when we go through trauma because when it happens all we know how to do in the moment, as young children typically, is to react. This creates a ripple effect that spreads throughout the entirety of our lives. We separate from the part of ourselves that experienced this trauma in order to be able to survive because it is the only thing we know how to do.

This dualistic world shows us many extremes. One moment we feel like we are soaring above the clouds and nothing can stop us and the next moment we find ourselves falling down an endless spiral of hopelessness. It becomes very challenging because we must learn how to ride both waves.

For most of our lives we have been told what to think, feel, eat and how we should act. A big part of this programming is the suppression of emotions that we are feeling and the fact that we are shunned for feeling emotions.

Our emotions are what makes us humans; embrace them!

The darkness is what really shows us who we are. It is our darkness that tests our virtues and brings out our true character.

This adversity that we experience comes with a price, however. Because it is something we must go through to become the person we need to become, we could unknowingly get lost within this dark void.

When we get lost within the void, we forget who we truly are. Instead of seeing ourselves for our true divine potential, we begin to see our identity as our darkness.

This is the trap that so many people on this planet get caught up in. The only way for us to escape it is not around it or away from it, but through it. It is in going through this dark void with an objective frame of mind and faith in ourselves and our ability to become stronger that will ultimately lead us to a triumphant victory!

I should also point out that darkness is NOT bad or evil. This darkness is just suppressed, scared and misunderstood. Think about that scared little 7 year old version of yourself that all you feel you can do is cry and hide. This misunderstood aspect of ourselves are what create the programs that keep us trapped and keep us perpetuating the destructive aspects of ourselves.

It is time for us to embrace our full, true selves in both the light and the darkness. The bridge between the two polarities is LOVE. With love we will transcend this darkness that have controlled us for so long. Once we embrace this darkness within ourselves we will be able to help others embrace it for themselves as well. When we come together in love and unity we will transform this world, together! <3

Our Darkness will Transform us.jpg


Hey, I completely forgot to let you know that this post is featured in this week’s Comment Challenge. Maybe you already figured that out. 😉
I hope it will bring you something good. 👍 @amariespeaks, this week’s guest judge, did the great work of finding the post of yours.
I wish you a nice day!

Wow, I'm so grateful for the support @danielsaori and @amariespeaks! I am still new to Steemit and having trouble understanding some of these rules, contests and the general way that this platform flows. But I actually didn't know it was featured and was checking out the comments.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude and I hope that it helps many people to encourage and inspire them to continue moving forward. Also, to show them that they have the power within themselves to overcome any circumstances that life throws at them. Thanks again, much love! <3

thank you @danielsaori I was wondering if I should have mentioned this to @mediationmann lol!

I loved this post and all the thoughts and emotions it brought up as I read it. You did a great job and it is so cool seeing everyone's reactions. :)

Ok here are two problems you didn't mention. Problem number one is primary education and patterns we got even before we know for ourselves. Well, this is so called programming. Humans are programmed until the age of four. And some changes are happening even when we are embryos in warm moms belly. There were tests when they recorded moms F-words and a newborn was reacting to this words. Some stress hormones were in blood. Because even mom has them when she was pissed off. So you are what you are even before you know anything about surrondings.

And when we are at hormones. Those little bastards are the culprits for this so-called darkness. It is not dark until your hormones will say so. This is why depression is present in those situations. Our brains are getting bad chemicals and we are recting like this and see dark instead solutions. And these hormones are controlled even trough your gut. Bacterias in the colon can make you happy or sad. we are just getting into this microbiological research, so there will be some great findings of this.

And of course, You can reprogramme your self. You just need to know what are the triggers, how to react and find a solution. To achieve this is a hard and long path. There are some changes needed. Even some sport and diet, you know to get those hormonal balance back and see the light instead of dark.

Here is a nice flower for all who thinks there is only a dark side. It is not, but only you can find way out. Sure it can help you to take some pills and balance chemicals in your head. But for long run go for the change of life.


I did not know our mothers could have such an effect on us. But I have recently began learning about how the gut flora is essential in the process of restoring lost serotonin in the brain, which is a huge part in the process of helping us feel happy.

Transcending darkness is a very difficult thing because it is different for all of us. But we are here to teach and learn from each other. So if we help each other through these issues, it allows us understand more about what it means to be human and what it means to thrive and survive on this beautiful planet.

Life is a challenge, but if we listen to the messages we receive and learn from the experiences that we go through, then we will transform. This transformation will begin to spread to others around ud, until their transformation happens and it spreads to people around them. If this process continues, then it would alter the entire collective and everyone in it!

Indeed. Here are differences from good Steemit users and milking ones. I am happy to share something I know or see with others and vice versa. Ouuu and isn't it interesting the fact the most depression people comes from developt countries. Most of them have good everything. House, job, food, even lovely families. And on the other side, you have poor ones from the third world (I hate this phrase) who haven't got anything but still... no sign of depression, just hunger, and bad mood when he knows some fucks somewhere are wasting food and crying because their mom doesn't understand them.

Today was a bad day for me. And then I found your post. Your post made my day a little better Thanks :)

Life can be so difficult and it feels like it keeps us down and holds us there, sometimes. But every so often we are able to see a glimmer of light shining through this darkness. That glimmer of hope is enough to pull someone out of the deepest depths and be able to rise above it. It's easy to forget how big the little things have and how much it could change somebody's day, which could in-turn potentially change that person's life, forever.

It is this light that we have to shine into the lives of others to pull them out of their darkness. Although we ourselves possess the power to do it, it is very easy to get lost and forget that. I believe we are here to help remind each other of this, that when we fall down we must come together and pick each other up.

Thank you so much for sharing your comment! I know it's tough, but it's nice to know there are people there to help pick us up when we get knocked down. I know I have received it from other people enough in my life that I feel the only thing to do is to be the same inspiration others have been to me and pay it forward.

It makes my day knowing that I was able to impact your life in a positive way. Much love to you my friend <3


Just like the the end of the tunnel,der is light

For most of our lives we have been told what to think, feel, eat and how we should act. A big part of this programming is the suppression of emotions that we are feeling and the fact that we are shunned for feeling emotions.
Our emotions are what makes us humans; embrace them!

          " A big part of this programming" the most important 6 words that people really need to think about. "get over it already!" "no need to cry about it it happened it's over" "do you really care" "you are not 7 years old anymore" "move past it" People need to think what is the programming, the feeling a person has that leads others to those reactions, or the reactions people have toward your feelings?
          To "get over it" leads a person no where, it is the understanding of the feeling that will set the person free, that understanding will not be achieved overnight, and that some understanding will take a life time to figure out. A person should never get over the feeling. Asking them to do something like that is the equivalent of telling them they should cut their toe off when they are hopping around like crazy in pain from stubbing it. Why people always want other people to kill parts of what make them who they are I will never understand.
          Keep your feelings, keep your toe, keep your ego. They are all part and parcel of what make you you.

The darkness is what really shows us who we are. It is our darkness that tests our virtues and brings out our true character.

I agree with you, and I also want to bring it up to another level. If darkness is all the negative feelings that we have, then "darkness is something that helps us grow"

By being scared, we learn to avoid danger.
By being anxious, we have the urge to try to find a solution.
By feeling lonely, we try to reconnect with our family and friends.
By reaching a dead end, we try to find a way out of comfort zone.

So those dark negative feelings are the ones that actually help us grow. To expand our capabilities, to help us learn the dangers, to navigate us through trials and errors. We should embrace and welcome them. Use the darkness inside us to grow.

I couldn't agree with you more friend! It's funny how the universe works sometimes because we experience certain things like being scared, lonely, etc and this causes us to react to the world in a different way than we would have otherwise. So instead of going out with our friends, we decide to stay in because we are feeling a bit down that day.

But this moment that you take for yourself could end up being just a moment to relax, catch up on some things or maybe get some much needed sleep and rest. Or it could even be something that forever changes our lives.

I have had situations work out in a way that seemed not ideal, but turned out to be one the greatest experiences of my life! It's all because I chose to follow my emotions and being open to the lessons they are trying to teach me.

When we surrender to the flow of the universe, we will come to understand more as to why things happen the way they did. It is this that strengthens our faith and strengthens our mental and physical endurance. Because at the end of the day we know deep down that we are taken care of, all we have to do is react in the most fluent manner possible and ride that wave. When we ride the wave our, there is no telling where it will take us! :)

I'm 100% Agree with every word you have written in this post.
This is our life is all about. Happiness can never teach us, it's the sorrow that teaches us how to live in bad or sad circumstances.
It teaches us how to tackle these bad days.
For the darkness part of this post, Darkness is what we feel in our inner, we feel the emptiness, and this darkness let us think what is missing and this brings us back to our God, then we start praying with our full passion,
Then we found the real meaning of our life, for what we are here,
we are here for helping others in the best way possible.
and you talked about a 7-year-old child who has fear of this world, who fear to fall. In the last week I've seen this fear in my 58-year aunt, she just fell from bike and her hip bone was broken and She just had operation for it, Whenever we try to move her from one place to another, I saw fear in her eyes and her that fear reminds me the of our childhood fear, In this part of life we just need love of our loved ones, nothing else.
and also that love can get you out from that darkness you feel inside of you.
Regards Abdulmananu

Happiness can teach us things, but yes happiness is more to truly take the time to be in the moment and appreciate what we do have. I have learned much from happiness simply because I am in the right state of mind for the thoughts, feelings and emotions that I need in order to manifest the life of my dreams. But darkness is what ultimately leads us down the path of personal transformation. And besides, I love a good challenge! :D

Unfortunately, many people, especially the older generation, have fears that are rooted back to when they were children. As we go through life we still have that inner child within us. The thing we must realize, however, is that we must use our inner child to create the world we wish to live in and use the adult version of ourselves to actually bring those things into the physical reality. Just like the Tao shows us, we live in a world of duality and our inner child and inner adult are also part of this dualistic world. So we must come together with ourselves and master both worlds!

:) Thanks for more elaboration of what i wanted to convey :)

Can we understand it this way too?

Gold sparkles as the daylight when it has gone through a section of high intense heat in the fire furnace. The Goldsmith passes through hell of heat putting in a worthwhile effort to refine the raw gold, then beaten to form adorable instruments.

Just like the Goldsmith passes through hell of heat, we might have to confront heaps of issues, that might seemingly cause us to drop down our hands, a way to surrending to defeats.

The darkness is what really shows us who we are. It is our darkness that tests our virtues and brings out our true character.

Through the hell of heat, the Goldsmith endures. The Goldsmith's darkness is the endurance he shows through the section of high-heating the raw gold to what becomes adorable instrument(s).
Similarly, our darkness test our virtue and brings out the very best in us as individuals.

In turn, the endurance shown in our dark times builds or forms deep rooted love in us .

In turn, love lift us up and also help to accommodate others, thus, impacting the world positively, just like as the Goldsmith benefits at the end from the whole stress and other lovers of gold.

Well thought out piece, that threw me into the world of high intense meditation of the heart. @meditationmann, Good Job!

That's a very good analogy @samal to use because just as the goldsmith knows, it is an art to craft such beautiful work. Life is a giant canvas for which we are both the artist and art itself. The more we experience and the more we come to understand about ourselves and the world around us, the better and more intricate our art piece will be.

The goldsmith works countless hours day and night in order to perfect his craft and if we wish to be successful in this world and live the life of our dreams, we must be willing to do the same thing. It does not come easy and we must be willing to put in the work and endure the heat if we wish to ultimately perfect our craft and become the best that we can be.

Thank you so much for your comment, I'm so glad it touched you at a heartfelt level. That means the world to me friend. Much love <3

This is beautiful @meditationmann! :)♥

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