SteemFest : Where Friendships are born!

in #life6 years ago

It was the 1st of November in Lisbon. This is when @steemfest 2 happened and I was lucky enough to meet @sjennon and @things [among many other, great people!], the most amazing couple, the most awesome girls, friends of the few GOOD ones!

I don't think I ever personally thanked @roelandp for his hard work. Not just before, during and after @steemfest but also because he is a Friendship Creator - that simply, that boldly, @steemfest gets friendships born and one of those was with the girls!
Amazing how close you get to people under certain cirumstances huh?

We never saw each other since @steemfest UNTIL they decided to come visit me to Copenhagen from Berlin - needless to say that we had A BLAST!

Friendship is a weird thing. As I'm used to say about @redrica, and also @immarojas and @teodora of course [stable values in my life by now ;) ], the same goes to @sjennon and @things... it's not about quantity, it's about quality. It doesn't have to be a year long friendship...
Those two amazing girls, a Dutch and an Indian, a tech expert and a scientist, are so young yet SO mature and amazing to have conversations with!

Strong moments are enough to bond people, don't you agree?

We have this vibe between us with all those girls and I really feel grateful. There's this strange bond! Fellow @steemsugars and all maybe ;)
Here are some moments with @sjennon and @things in Copenhagen, pictures taken from all three of us (some are clearly selfies too :P )
More to come when I visit Berlin (SOON)

Being crazy like that :P

What is love...! (well, THAT)

On the plane...coming to see me!!!

Waiting for them Volume 1!

Waiting for them Volume 2!

And indeed I was, wasn't I???

Awesome iced coffee - so happy !

Happy Little Mermaid moments Vol.1!

Happy Little Mermaid moments Vol.2!

I saw this bike...and I told @sjennon this is how I feel...she captured instantly made me feel better...I'm not a dead bike...I'll SURVIVE!

Our faces close to their departure :/


@roelandp - Connecting people, better than Nokia ;) Thank you!!!!

And thank you girls @sjennon and @things for coming! KEEP YOUR AWESOMENESS !!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Thank you everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed my friendship confession and slideshow! And as I always say, don't forget to smile!





Wonderful to see. When is the next Steemfest in Europe? I can't wait. Shame I missed the last one, was my birthday too 💯🐒

I remember yes !!!!
We don't know exactly when it's gonna be this year so maybe you can both celebrate your birthday AND come to SteemFest? It's not a given it'll be in Europe again though... ;)

I'll keep and ear out. Hope it is; i've not got the spare monies to travel. Maybe if its not we should hold a Europe one anyways for those that can't travel 💯🐒

Well... SteemFest is only one so ... it's up to the organizer, @roelandp, where it's held - first one was in Amsterdam, second one in Lisbon - that's why everyone's expecting the 3rd to be outside Europe ;)

Will have to wait and see then. Hope its announced soon as I need to book holiday 💯🐒

Yay! Looks like you 3 had so much fun! Makes me very happy :)

I really hope Steemfest3 details will be out soon, I'm starting to get anxious with other travel plans I might need to make around that time.. wouldn't want to have to miss Steemfest again!!

We did and we were talking with the girls maybe doing a more official, bigger, @steemsugars meet up at some point - you know, like the one in London, but with as many sugars as we can from all around! :D
Yeah I hope that too even though I am not sure I'll be able to join this year in the end :/

A @steemsugars meetup would be soo fun :D

Yeah I hope that too even though I am not sure I'll be able to join this year in the end :/

Yea.. I don't accept that :P haha.. seriously though, hope we can all make it <3

That would be the ideal, yes! :) <3

Wicked awesome pictures, and so glad you had an amazing time! 💜

Thank you!!!
The more I meet up with Steemsugars [or SteemFest girlfriends haha] the more I wonder how it'll be to meet up with people that I'm already psyched online, like you!!! Let's see when the day will come that we'll meet!!!!! <3 <3 <3

I just met a couple of Steemians in real life yesterday (rwedegis & swedegis) over breakfast, so I know exactly what you mean! And it will be soon, my dear girl - I have no idea how, but I figure if I say it, I'll manifest it! LOL!

Aaah, a tech expert and scientist - sound so sophisticated! This was the sweetest post - really enjoyed reading it! Thank you so much for hosting us. We had an amazing time. Words can't describe how thankful I am. You are an amazing person, @meanmommy33

Sending much much love!

It is sophisticated but also true ! :D
Thank you sweetie - same goes to you girls and you know it !!!
Sometimes you 'click' with some people - and for us that click was SF2. I might not talk to Steve anymore, but I feel I owe him one for convincing me to go against all odds! :D <3
Muah! :* :* :*

Anyone know anything about SteemFest 3? It's been officially added to my bucketlist and I would love to meet the people that I have read and heard so much about in person!

You need to follow the @steemfest account - this is where the first news will get published SOON !!!! :D

Well, the last post was from about 7 months ago... and @roelandp is the go to person for all things SteemFest. Maybe someone closer to him has the inside information about SteemFest 3?

Exactly, that's why I said we have to wait... Nope, he's the man...

Girl, you warm my heart to the core. I miss you so much, our visit to you gave me the much needed break I needed. It was wonderful with you, and the way you hosted was just so touching, as is this post. Can't wait to hang out with you again <3

So cute, I havent seen this photos. I am so looking forward to the steemfest3, we will have an orgy of photos :D

HAHAHAHA I will try not to - drunk and all :P

ahhhhh, love this post! the good side of steem, cause sometimes it ain't so pretty but you all are!!! these pics are awesome

Thank you sweetie !!!
I wish we'll have some together too at some point!!! <3 <3 <3

Strong moments are enough to bond people, don't you agree?

Yes. 100%, they are, and they have bonded many. I will never tire of meetup posts, of seeing the energy and connection found between likeminded, bright-hearted people. Very curious to hear when and where Steemfest will land this year...

We're all waiting with impatience aren't we???? It's kinda late already, I think last year it was announced mid-April or something...

Reminiscing my DK trip just a year ago after reading your post and indeed, Steemit is an amazing platform. It's not just because of the rewards we earn, it's more about the learning and and new found friends ❤️

Do you know of Where and when is the next steemitfest?

@steemfest will be announced soon from the organizer @roelandp ! Let's see !!

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