in Steem Entrepreneurs9 months ago (edited)
How do you understand the meaning of "Life is an endless struggle" in everyday life?


True life is an endless struggle because of continous challenges, setbacks, or major adversities that keep coming, When you will believe the road is already cleared for you, then and there another problem will arise, from one problem to another, this makes many to be hopeless and believe that nothing good can come out from their daily hustles due to the different adversities they face, many have start blaming God for their unending problems, but the truth is that God does not try his worshippers or people with bad according to James 1:13

One personal challenge i face and how i approach it


Personally, i have been faced with several problems ranging from family issues, school, financial problems and self worth, this problems are very common in youths now adays and i am a victim of it but the way i choose to approach this problems has what have kept me strong and continue pushing knowing that one day everything will be alright, i personally come from a thriving family of mum as a trader and dad as a mechanical engineer, with the little income generated, its hard to make a good living, but looking at the positive side of things is one way that help my problem look already solved.

The concrete steps i have taken to help see my problems solved


*Prioritizing praying to Jehovah our heavenly father in heaven has really been a great help for me, recalling the way he has helped others in the past, the way he has personally helped me in the past and the way he has continued helping me has also helped me, reading the Bible and seeing how he helped others in Bible times has really been a great boost for me too. Personally 1 Peter 4:12,13 has been of help to me.

*The bible itself says that faith without works is death, even if have been enticed to do illegal things to make money, keeping my heads high to the disadvantages of this has really helped me, surfing the internet and looking for legal money making activities has also helped me.

*Knowing that my creator Jehovah created me in his image also helps boost my self worth knowing that God created me for a purpose and in his image, of course this has always helped me deal with this.

Getting support from those closest to you in your struggle

Yes it is important to learn from the examples of those who have been faced with the same problems as mine, and that is what i did, reading the experiences of Job and seeing how God helped him out.
Asking matured parents, elders and matured people in the congregation has really helped me to continue thriving in my adversaries.

How maintaining enthusiasm and motivation helps


Maintaining enthusiasm and motivation helps as it keeps my focus on the things above, knowing that God has promised us a life in a future where there be no more suffering has really helped me, Infact Revelation 21:3,4 has been a Bible Scripture that has shaped by believe and trust in God and his promises.

Special principles or values that help you stay focused on life's journey are those in Gods word the bible, my knowledge of good and bad has really helped me to make the right choices knowing that one day Jehovah will make things right.


Hola amigo.
Estoy de acuerdo contigo, la gente cuando tienen un problema o un mal momento culpan a Dios o se preguntan "porque a mi, Señor?" y eso no esta bien, Dios es amor, es confianza y consuelo.
Exitos y Dios siga llenando tus dias

Muchas gracias, te lo agradezco

Muchas gracias, te lo agradezco

 9 months ago 

Thank you for your participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge - Season 15 Week 3, by sharing your original and interesting entries with us. Hopefully your story can inspire other people to remain persistent in facing every obstacle in their life towards success.

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Steem Entrepreneurs Team

 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

En ningún contexto nos dicen que la vida va a ser fácil pero, parece que para nuestra mente si hay un elemento que lo dice y, esto es un grave error ya que, para realmente avanzar en este maravilloso ciclo de la vida, debemos esforzarnos visto que, es la única manera de que las cosas buenas lleguen a nosotros.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Muchas gracias, te lo agradezco

Muchas gracias, te lo agradezco

 9 months ago 

Hello, hope your day is going well.Life can be really tough with lots of problems and setbacks. But you stay strong by having faith staying positive and doing things the right way.

You also get support from family and friends and learn from stories in the Bible like Job's. Believing that things will get better and sticking to good values helps you keep going., really enjoyed reading your blog wish you success 💖😊.

Thanks a lot, I appreciate 🥹🥺

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