The world's lively Chinese library


Library is the symbol of knowledge. And to promote this knowledge, the Tianjin Dinhhai community of China has built an attractive Tianjin Dinhhai Library. Education is always the first priority in China. And now they have built a wonderful library. Through this, three years ago, the plan was completed. The library was inaugurated in October. Visitors' arrival and their laundering library has already made a special place


Recently, China's Library is one of the world's most awakening. The Tianjin binhaai library has been built in a little bit longer than it takes for a lot of time in the construction of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa or other famous buildings. This is an open library for everyone. The building of 33 thousand 700 square meters has already been established as a white-white sophisticated standard library and attracts tourists' attention.

There are good news for bookmakers. The library has 1.2 million books. He has been decorated with a book like a pebble on every floor like a mountain. Most of the books are arranged and stories

Collection of novels. This is one of the world's most famous libraries. It is located 115 kilometers north of Beijing city of China, in the town of Dinahai. This modern and beautiful library is believed to bring a new tide in China's tourism industry.

The Tianjin Library is one of the 5 interesting places in the city of Binhai. The first day of the opening was about 10 thousand visitors. Today, around 18 thousand visitors are crowding every day. Jainpipasura of different countries are gathering the crowd here as well as seeing the construction style of this book. Its beauty is charming. Dutch engineers collaborated with Dinhhai's engineer in a very short period of time to endorse the work which is worth praising. The libraries are named after Binhaiya's eyes. It seems to be a perfect eye to see from outside.

Regarding safety, authorities have restrictions on the books of the 14-year-old or smaller libraries, after reading books or high-heel shoes.

In addition to books, this library has the use of modern technology, adequate open space, educational discussions and entertainment facilities.


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