SEC-S10W1: "What one thing would you want to delete from the Earth?".

in Steem For Bangladeshlast year

I hope you all are well. I'm fine too. I am Mohammad Kamran Hossain. First of all I would like to thank the Steemit Team for choosing our community for this engagement challenge S10. The first week of Engagement Challenge S10W1 started today and I am going to present the first Engagement Challenge post to the "Steam for Bangladesh" community. Now I in our community "What thing do you want to remove from the world?" Starting to present my post on the topic.

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If I had the power to erase anything from the world, what would I permanently erase?

If I had the power to remove anything from the world permanently, I would definitely remove "War" violence from this world. "War" insurrections are created by violence, in which the common people are the victims. War is a man-made curse that brings chaos to the earth. I think it is an abominable thing for a powerful person to exercise his power over a common man if there is even a small amount of impurity in people's words. Moreover, if we look at the present world, it can be seen that the worst thing for the world is the war that has affected the entire world. So with the slogan "peace not war" I would eradicate war from the world forever if I had the power.


The main cause of unrest in the present world is war, which I am in favor of erasing from the earth forever.

How will the absence of war have a positive impact on society, nature and mankind?

One thing is clear from the current state of the world and that is war can never bring peace rather war causes massive damage to social environment and elements of social environment. So, if the powerful people use their power well, then there will not be any great turmoil in this world. War kills many common and innocent people which is bad for society and environment. Moreover, the chemicals contained in various modern weapons are very harmful to the environment and the living world. For example, let's talk about the nuclear bomb, if this bomb is used in war to attack the enemy, it will cause damage to the whole world. Because the toxic chemicals used in these weapons become unfit for human habitation. War creates enmity between people and terrorizes common people, which is bad for society and the world. So if we want to save people, society, country and earth and achieve real peace, we must abandon war, which I think will be beneficial for all mankind.


In the absence of war, people can live freely and peacefully in this world.

What do we use as an alternative to war?

We can choose Peace as an alternative to war which will help us live in harmony. Human-to-human relations will be strengthened by the bond of brotherhood and peace will be established in the world. The bond of brotherhood creates the love and loyalty of man to man which has a positive effect on human life. No man in the world can lead his life alone but he must seek help from other men for some reason or the other which requires generosity between the two. If we can create brotherhood among ourselves by eliminating war-insurgency or violence then the people of this world will be safe from such a big threat like war which will be good for you and me.


All devastation can be prevented by maintaining the brotherhood of man with man.


The great creator has thought of the benefit of man behind the creation of his every thing, but man is doing various acts of violence in this world which is the main cause of unrest in the world. So we should all work together and avoid chaotic actions. Only then will peace be established in society, country and even the whole world.


Invite my dear steemit friends : @shiftitamanna, @graceleon, @goodybest, @waterjoe, @pelon53, @solaymann, @ahlawat.


Thank you very much


Amigo estoy de acuerdo contigo, y aunque en el planeta hay muchas cosas que quisiéramos eliminar para una mejor vida imagínese seríamos los más felices. Sin duda la guerra es muy mala es sinónimo de odio y gente sin corazón que no les importa el sufrimiento de los demás, por eso tampoco le importa el grado de destitución que pueden estar causando a una nación completa.

 last year 

Thank you so much friend for your valuable comment 😊

 last year 

Greetings dear brother

You have choose a wonderful thing to delete from the world that is war, definitely it has long term will deletrious effects on the humanity and also on the overall planet because It tends to the destruction and also and the many peoples are killed in the war and the overall economy of the country is down its long time definitely.

Of course peace would be one of the beautiful substitute for war, peace can builds nations and good for safety of nations.

 last year 

Thank you sister😊

 last year 

You are welcome and best of luck

Hello dear @mdkamran99
Your response highlights the importance of eradicating war from the world and emphasizes the negative impact it has on society, nature, and mankind. By removing war, you believe that peace can prevail and lead to a harmonious existence for humanity. You suggest that promoting brotherhood and fostering strong human relationships can serve as an alternative to war. Your viewpoint emphasizes the need for unity, understanding, and a commitment to non-violence in order to achieve lasting peace.


 last year 

Thank you so much dear brother for your valuable comment 😊

 last year 

One thing is clear from the current state of the world and that's war can noway bring peace rather war causes massive damage to social terrain and rudiments of social terrain. So, if the important people use their power well, also there won't be any great fermentation in this world. War kills numerous common and innocent people which is bad for society and terrain. also, the chemicals contained in colorful ultramodern munitions are veritably dangerous to the terrain and the living world. For illustration, let's talk about the nuclear lemon, if this lemon is used in war to attack the adversary, it'll beget damage to the whole world. Because the poisonous chemicals used in these munitions come unfit for mortal habitation. War creates hostility between people and terrorizes common people, which is bad for society and the world. So if we want to save people, society, country and earth and achieve real peace, we must abandon war, which I suppose will be salutary for all humanity.

 last year 

Thank you so much friend for your nice comment 😊

Some time i felt guilty by born as human who made borders fights together, I really hate WAR, you have seriously discussed the matter here, I also wish you have the power to delete it. wish you all the best

 last year 

Thank you so much mam😊 for your valuable feedbak 😊😊.

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @alejos7ven, member of team #2 at 50%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 05/06/2023


 last year 

War has a huge impact on people and ways of life. Your initiative will be very beautiful indeed if the evil called war can be deleted from the world. I will agree with you. Man is the best creation on earth, so if man is true above all, war is not desirable for man. You have presented your post elegantly. I wish you success in this competition.

Take love from solaymann 💚

 last year 

Thank you vai 💕

 last year 

যুদ্ধ নয় শান্তি শ্রেয়। যুদ্ধকে পৃথিবী থেকে অবসর দেওয়ার যে আকাঙ্ক্ষা আপনি যাপন করেছেন তা সত্যিই মনমুগ্ধকর। যুদ্ধ একটি হাঙ্গামার নাম যখন যুদ্ধ শুরু হয় তোখন মানুষ এবং প্রকৃতির বৃহৎ অংশ ধ্বংসের সম্মুখীন হয়। আর বর্তমানে এখন যে সকল পারমাণবিক অস্ত্রশস্ত্র আবিষ্কার হয়েছে এখন যুদ্ধ বিগ্রহ হলে পৃথিবীর এক বিরাট অংশ ধ্বংস হয়ে যাবে। তাই এই যুদ্ধকে কে অবসান ঘটানোর আপনার এই আকাঙ্ক্ষাকে আমি সম্মান করি ।

 last year 

Thank you friend for your valuable comment

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