The Return of the Professor--The Dolbin School: Book 3--Chapter 15--Parents Week

in #writing7 years ago

 This is book 3 of my Dolbin School series.  

I serialized the first book last summer, and I just finished posting the second book, The Dark Cloud Rises.

The book is available on Kindle and Paperback.

The book is leveled for 4th graders and up, and is the longest book I've written, so somewhere in the 45,000 word area. It's the story of a group of boys who discover they have Extra human abilities and are sent to a school for students with their skills.  And with any school there is bullying.

But what happens when the bully is a super-hero?  

The story continues after there has been a mysterious explosion on campus, and students are concerned that a mysterious underground group The Dark Cloud has returned.  Click here for chapter 1. Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14

Summary: With parents week coming excitement is in the air. 

Chapter 15 Parents Week

April 17th was a Friday.  That Monday, the 20th, would be the start of Parents Week.  Classes were not held during Parents Week, unofficially the students called it Spring Break.  The administration didn’t like that, but there was little they could do about it. 

Classes on April 17th were almost pointless.  Students and teachers were excited and distracted by the coming holiday.  

Although several professors had canceled their meetings for Independent Projects, Jake’s professor had not.  Jake sat with his Dolbin polo shirt untucked from his khaki pants.  The uncomfortable ending to their last meeting made Jake a little uncertain as to Powers’ state of mind at the beginning of this one.  Jake walked passed the sitting room and into Powers’ office.

“I know you were hoping that I would cancel,” Professor Powers smiled at Jake as he shuffled papers with his only hand.  “But I want to check in with you before you disappear for the week.  How is your paper coming? What help do you need?  Is there anything you have questions about?”  Jake then realized that Professor Powers was no longer mad about their last meeting.

Jake pulled out his tablet and scrolled through his research.  He stopped at a photograph of Grandiv.  He held it up to Professor Powers.  “Why is Grandiv not in the official database of the school.  I can look through the database and see students who attended here and I can see former teachers and staff, but I don’t see Grandiv here.”

Powers let out a breath and sat down behind his desk.  “I don’t have an answer for that.  Certain adults have discussed this very problem.”

Jake made a face.  “Which adults?”

“I’m not giving you names. That would be inappropriate.”  Powers continued, “I know that isn’t the answer you were looking for.  But sometimes decisions are made in the dark, hidden.  Those decisions could be for good or ill.  But sometimes they are made.”

Jake sat up on the edge of his chair, “What about Brisbone?  Was it created to send people that were a part of The Dark Cloud away?”

“You’re going to keep asking that question, aren’t you?” Powers replied.

Jake nodded.

“There are inmates there that were a part of The Dark Cloud.  Brisbone, unfortunately grew over the years.  At first, it only needed to house one person who was too dangerous to let out into the world with their Extra abilities, and we originally kept them here. There was no other place capable of keeping them.  Then another came along, and then as The Dark Cloud grew, more room was needed.  So Brisbone was officially built away from the school.  It is the only other structure we maintain.  This school and Brisbone are the two places Extras maintain.  It helps in keeping our profile low, fewer buildings mean fewer places to be discovered.”

“Where did the name come from?” asked Jake.

“Brisbone?  That was the name of a Strong Extra, who was also our first head of security.  Remell Brisbone.  He was an intimidating man, and so is his name.  So it was named in his honor.”

“He must have been quite the security specialist,” Jake replied.  Powers picked up his tablet and sent Jake a picture of Remell, a large, burly man with a beard and long, black hair.  He was dressed in wool pants and a wool coat.  “It must have been cold in the past,” Jake said, commenting on the picture.

“So when are your parents getting here?” Powers asked, changing the subject.

“About six tonight.”

“What are you doing tonight?” Powers asked.

“Not sure, it’s my first Parent’s Week.”

Powers leaned forward, “Lots of parents will take their kids to either McCullough’s, the restaurant, or to the movies.  Since it’s warm, maybe some picnic outside.  Of course, the regularly scheduled events don’t actually begin until tomorrow with the Dolbin Ball game.  Which I guess will also be your first Dolbin Ball game as well.  Am I correct?”

“Yes.  We got to play a little in the VR room, but I know very little about the game.”

A smile came across Powers face, “Then you will like tomorrow.  You will enjoy the game.”

“Why is it that we can only begin playing the game in the sixth grade?” Jake asked.

“The game is a little dangerous and requires supervision, since the only place to play it is in the Dolbin Ball stadium on campus.”

“Wait?  I was introduced to Dolbin Ball in the VR room.  You mean there is another place on the campus to play?” said Jake.

Powers smiled, “I keep forgetting that you have only been here a few weeks.  You are so comfortable here, it is easy to forget.  The stadium near the ball fields, where you and Brad had your fight.  That is the Dolbin Ball stadium.”  Powers made a circle motion with his hand, showing where the stadium would be.  “And since the game is played with a lot of tech, it was determined that the game would only be taught beginning in the middle school years, when students had already had about two years’ worth of instruction here.  I admit we teachers use it as an incentive for students.”  Powers looked at the clock, “Speaking of incentives, I think it is time for you go and get ready for your family.  We will meet back here in two weeks.”

“Thank you, professor,” Jake said, looking at the clock realizing that Powers had let him go early.  He picked up his tablet and backpack to briskly walk out the door, fearful the professor would change his mind and call him back.

Once in the main hall, he slowed his walk.  The hallway was beginning to fill with other students headed back to the dorms to get ready to meet parents and family.

The April air was warm; the sun was bright.  Students walked to their dorms, others enjoyed the weather, throwing Frisbees, and baseballs.  Some played basketball, and a few just laid on the ground reading.

He opened the doors to Craven hall, his dorm, and ran up the stairs.  Cal, Henry, Bruce, and Red were playing foosball in the main hall room as he came in.  

“You in a rush?” Henry asked from the foosball table.  “Parents coming in soon?”  The other boys were too involved in the game to look up.

“Yeah, my parents will be here soon.  I better make sure my room is clean or my mom is going is going to let me have it.”

“My mom does the same thing when she’s visited, drives me nuts,” said Henry.

Jake froze. Brad walked into the room.  His parents were close behind him.  A suitman followed the family.  The foosball game stopped.

“Hi, Brad.” said Jake quietly.

“Hi, Mr. Cooper,” said Mr. Cushing.  “I am sorry that we won’t be able to say hi to your parents in person this time around.  We are heading to New York for the week.”  

“This is a good time for us to travel on holiday, as he won’t be missing any class time,” said Mrs. Cushing.

As his parents spoke, Brad just stood silent and stared at Jake.

The suitman put his finger to his ear, he was receiving instructions, “Mr. Cushing, Mrs. Cushing, they are ready for us.”  He put his hand out in front of the family to direct them to leave.

“Well, Mr. Cooper, I hope you have a good week.  Tell your parents, ‘Hello’ for us.”  Mr. Cooper stuck his right hand out.  Automatically, Jake reached out and shook his hand.  Brad left with his parents, never having said a word.

All the boys just stood quietly, still uncomfortable, and not sure if they should speak first or let Jake speak first.

Mark came running from his dorm room, “Hey, y’all, has Jake come in yet?”  Mark ran around the corner.  He froze as he saw Jake and the other boys staring at him.  “Oh, you are here.  I take it you saw Brad and his family.”

“Yes,” Jake replied.

Mark paused and waited for a longer reply.  None came.  “I am sorry, I should have messaged you, but his dad wanted to talk to me as his mother got him ready for to leave.  They came in and got him packed up while you were in Independent Study.  What did they say to you?”

“They just told me that they were going to New York for the week.  Isn’t that where their new house is?”

“Yes,” Jake said.

“Well, I overhead his mom explaining to Brad that they were taking him to New York because of the fight between you and him.  They didn’t, or at least she didn’t, want to be around you or your parents this week.  Something about giving your mother a piece of her mind.”

The other boys around the foosball left the game and walked over to Mark and Jake to join their conversation.

“In that case, I am glad they left,” said Jake.  “And is that suitman going with them?  He said ‘our’ ride.  ‘Our.’ Not yours.  Is he going with them?”

Mark shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, “I don’t know.”

Cal pointed at the family that just left, “It certainly seemed like they are going to have a personal armed escort for the week.”

Jack, Brad’s roommate, entered the room from class.  “Who’s got an armed escort?”

Cal pointed at Jack, “You would know.  Did Brad get a suitman to follow his family around New York during Spring Break?”

Jack put down his backpack, and flung his arms into the air.  “How am I supposed to know?”

“You are his roommate,” Mark replied.

“So?  He doesn’t tell me about his family.  I mean, I knew that he was going to New York.”  Jack picked up his backpack and headed to his room.  “I didn’t realize I was going to be attacked when I got back from class.”

Jack headed to his room.  The boys watched him leave.

Jake spoke first, “My parents are going to be here soon, I gotta stop worrying about Brad.”  He headed to his room and made his bed.  His mother would have been mad at him if it was messy.  

Forty-five minutes later Jake was standing on the top of The Dolbin Building waiting on his parents’ helicopter.  Several other students were waiting as well.  A helicopter floated over the edge of the mountain and silently headed toward the landing pad.  

Jake thought back to when he first saw a Dolbin helicopter, when he realized the machines don’t make noise.  They would land in a family’s backyard and no one would know they were there.  They were the first symbol students see of the school. They were intimidating and showed off the impressive technological powers of the school.  It ushered in a new era for the students they would bring to the school.  And now they would be bringing back their families, memories of their former lives.  Jake didn’t know any of the other students standing near him, so he stood quietly.

“Jeff Henderson, your family will be arriving in the Copter 213,” a voice said over the loudspeaker.  A high-school student stood up from the bench where he was sitting and walked to a wide yellow line and he waited.  The helicopter appeared over the edge of the building.  “213” was painted in white on the side of the vehicle.  It landed on the platform, the blades stopped turning, and the side door opened.  A suitman jumped out, and Jeff’s parents followed.  The adults walked away from the helicopter as Jeff ran past the yellow line and hugged them both.  Jeff picked up his mom’s suitcase and led them toward the door.  Jake heard them mention a nice quite ride as they walked past.

“Jake Cooper, your family will be arriving in Copter 138,” informed the voice over the loud speaker.  Jake stepped forward to the yellow line.   The helicopter appeared straight ahead, out of the fog that hung over the mountain.  The copter landed, a suitman got out first, then his parents, then his six-year-old sister Rachel jumped out as well.  Jake smiled.  Rachel ran to him and leaped into his arms, wrapping her legs around him and kissed him on the check.  She had never done that before.

“How are you, Monkey?” Jake rustled her hair. 

“That ride was awesome!”  Rachel pointed the helicopter.

“Yes.  Yes, it is,” Jake replied.

His mother grabbed him and squeezed tight.  “It is so good to see you!”

She let go long enough for his dad to hug him.  “Good to see you, son.”  He patted Jake on the back. 

“This way folks,” the suitman reminded the family gently it was time to get off the platform.  They followed the instructions.  The suitman led them to an elevator, and the family got in.  “This where I leave you.  I hope you have an enjoyable week.” 

“Thank you, Michaels.” Mr. Cooper shook the suitman’s hand and stepped into the elevator.

“Ground Floor,” Jake spoke aloud.

“Ground Floor,” replied the electronic female voice.  The elevator descended.

Jake pointed at Rachel, “I didn’t think she was allowed to be here.”

“Enough parents have asked Principal Glover to allow siblings to visit.  After all, her older brother has been mysteriously shipped off to another school and the family has to move.  She already knows something is up.  So she might as well come and see her big brother.”

Rachel hugged Jake.  “Good to see you little one,” he patted her on the back.  “How is your new school?  Do you like your teacher?  Have you made new friends?”

“Yes! I love my new school!”  Rachel grinned from ear to ear.

Mrs. Cooper rolled her eyes, “Well, you’ve done it now.”

“My new school is Everton Elementary.  My teacher’s name is Mrs. Carmichael, and she likes dogs.  There are pictures of dogs everywhere in my classroom.  My friends’ names are Ashley, Jalia, Sarah, and Kodi.  And I ride bus 47.”

Jake smiled, “Is that all?”

His mother smiled, “I am sure we will get more updates about her life, but I want to unpack and sit down.”

“Here, here!” replied Mr. Cooper.

The doors to the elevator opened. “Ground Floor.  Have a pleasant day,” said the electronic female voice.

Jake led his family back to Craven Hall and to his floor.  Several rooms were designated on the hallway for parents.  They were nicer rooms.  Larger, nicer beds, and they smelled better.

Mrs. Brisby stood in the common area as they entered the floor.  “Good day, Cooper family.  You’re one of the first to arrive this week.  How was your flight over?”

“Quiet,” Mr. Cooper said.

“Oh, good.” Mrs. Brisby replied.  She led them down the hallway.  She walked passed Jake’s room and passed a second doorway that led to the parent and VIP section.  She opened the first door on the right.  The Cooper’s walked in.  The room had a queen-sized bed, and a twin bed.  “We added the second bed once we knew Rachel was coming as well.”  

Rachel ran and jumped on the bed.  

“Rachel, stop jumping on the bed, you’re not allowed to do that home,” scolded Mrs. Cooper.  Rachel jumped a few more times and then landed on her bottom and bounced off the bed landing on her feet.

Mrs. Brisby giggled at Rachel.  Jake had never heard Mrs. Brisby giggle before.  She smiled.  “I will leave you alone to get settled in.  I trust you know your way around.”

Mr. Cooper smiled, “We do, Mrs. Brisby.  Thank you for your always impeccable hospitality.”  Mrs. Brisby bowed a little and left.

Mrs. Cooper looked out into the hallway and waited for Mrs. Brisby to leave.  “So where is that jerk, Cushing!”

Jake put his hands up in the air, “Mom, they are not here.  They came and got Brad and left for the week.  You won’t see them.”

Mrs. Cooper closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  “Okay.  Good.  That means we can spend it with you and relax.”

The Coopers spent the next half-hour getting unpacked and settled.  After getting settled, they headed into the hallway, where they ran into Mark’s family.  Mrs. Brisby stood behind the Daniels.  “Well, I can see that you already have a welcoming committee.”  Mrs. Brisby stepped in front of the group and led them to the room where the Daniels would be staying.

“Well, hello Daniels family!” Mr. Cooper exclaimed.  “Bob, good to see you!”  He forcefully shook Bob Daniels’ hand.

Grace Cooper hugged Charlotte Daniels, “Charlotte, you are a sight for sore eyes.  Here let me help you with your bags.”  She picked up a suitcase and began to roll it down the hall. 

Charlotte smiled, “How was your trip?”  

“Ours was fine, no troubles.”

Mrs. Brisby stopped at the door next to the Coopers.  She opened the door, “Here we are.  The usual pleasantries.”  She motioned her hand around the room.  “Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.”

Mr. Daniels smiled, “Of course, Mrs. Brisby, thank you for showing us the room.  We know you need to get to other families that are arriving.”

Mrs. Brisby made a short bow, “Yes, I do.  It is a busy day.”  She turned around and left.

Charlotte walked into the room and placed her luggage on the bed.

“We were going to head out and see the campus and what they have planned for the week.  Do you want us to wait, or do you need time to catch your breath,” asked Mrs. Cooper.

“Let us get settled and we’ll call you and see where you are,” replied Charlotte.

Bob Daniels smiled, “I do hear that there is going to be a staff verses parents Dolbin Ball game sometime this week.  Why don’t you go check out the field for me, Jake?  See if there is information on when the game is.  I need to get warmed up.”

Mark and Jake smiled at each other, “A parents’ game of Dolbin Ball?  I don’t know if I should be impressed or laugh,” said Mark.

“I think you’ll be impressed,” smiled Mr. Cooper.  He patted Mark on the back.

“I just hope we’re not impressed from the medical building,” replied Jake.  Mrs. Daniels snorted, as she was unpacking clothes, and grinned ear to ear at the comment.

Bob looked at Charlotte and raised his hand, “Okay, okay, okay!  Laugh it up!  Laugh it up!  Go ahead, and laugh it up now.  You’ll see.”

Mr. Cooper raised his hand, “Okay, so we’ll leave you alone to get unpack and finish this family debate. We’ll see you in a little while.”

Mark looked at Jake and silently mouth the phrase, “A parents Dolbin game?”

Grinning, Jake mouthed back, “I know!”  And Jake followed his family down the hall.

In the main room, Jake noticed something out of the ordinary, a girl was leading her family into the common room.  It was Maggie Crenshaw, she waved her hand.  “Um, hi, Jake.”

Jake’s face turned red, “Hi, Maggie.  What are you doing here?”

“My parents wanted to see Brad and his family.”

Jake fidgeted. He was uncomfortable, “Maggie, they left for the week.  I think they went to New York.”

Maggie looked crestfallen.  “Oh, thanks.  I didn’t know he was leaving.”

“I am sorry Maggie.  I don’t think anyone knew they were leaving.”

“Okay, thanks Jake.”  And she turned around and left with her family.

“Who was that?” Asked Mrs. Cooper.

“Maggie Crenshaw,” replied Jake.  “I thought she was a friend of Brad’s.  But Brad certainly didn’t treat her like a friend.”

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