I'm tired of the warmongering - know your enemysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #war7 years ago (edited)

war is a racket mckeever steemit.jpg

"Britain/America needs to retaliate against Russia/Iraq/Afghanistan/insert some other bogeyman here".

Translation: "We're going to mass murder thousands, if not millions, of innocent men, women and children on the other side of the world who pose no threat to you whatsoever."

The 'Russians', the 'Vietnamese', the 'Iraqis', or some other bogeyman the ruling class is hell bent on demonising, are not your enemy. The enemy is, and always has been, the ruling class. The enemy is not located in some faraway land, or in some hidden, spooky cave in the middle east. They are entrenched in the houses of parliament and the white house. The enemy is already firmly inside the gate.

Who are the ruling class? The politicians, their political advisers, and the bankers. Maybe there are some otherworldly forces involved, too. Who the f-ck knows? The point is, the average Russian, or Iraqi, has no quarrel with you. The average Russian/Iraqi/Afghani wants to be left alone and put food on their table and live a dignified, peaceful life. Just like you.

“Can anything be more ridiculous than that a man should have the right to kill me because he lives on the other side of the water, and because his ruler has a quarrel with mine, though I have none with him?” - Blaise Pascal

blaise pascal mckeever steemit war.jpg

If Theresa May, Donald Trump, or any of these warmongering bloodthirsty psychopaths in power want war and mass bloodshed, they can be the first on the frontlines. Them, and their families. If these bastards want war, they can send their children to be sacrificed first. How about that?

Of course, such a proposition is absurd, because the control freaks in power are cowards.

It is up to us, the human beings with an actual conscience, to put an end to this horror once and for all. We can not, in this nuclear age, flirt with a third world war. The psychopaths in power, who regularly instigate wars that they would never have the courage to participate in themselves, quite literally have their fingers on the buttons of nuclear warheads all around the world. This isn't just a dangerous game we're playing; it's suicidal. Are we willing to commit collective suicide because we don't have the courage to say NO to the psychopathic 'elite'?

I hope not. Our fate as a species rests upon our ability to develop the courage and wisdom to say NO to those in power, for we are the masters of our own destiny.


The maniacs in power are only able to succeed because of the cowardice and ignorance of the populace.

War is the health of the state. Ever notice how they never go after the bankers that launder the drug money in their supposed war on drugs? or the gulf states that fund terrorism in their supposed war on terrorism? or how they never question the market barriers that they have erected when fighting their supposed war on poverty? These are all instances of the rent motive of work. The state is systematic robbery with an added pageantry called elections.

They've given us all a genocidal death sentence. In the mean time as radiation slowly kills us for the next few decades we can start by learning how to unincorporate our cites. We unincorporate and the corrupt corporate fascist bureaucracy goes away. We become private citizens. Private people operating only in private.

Decentralizing this world one authority at a time. 😎

A little blood now and then, victory and defeat, is healthy, it revitalizes a people. But nuclear states do not have the luxury to war with one another outright. Their competition has to be highly restrained and fought only on the margins.

Here. It's up to Americans in the case of Syria to not let the media and power brokers in Washington push Trump's comments aside and tell us "he's crazy". He might be, but he said it and we should hold him to it. And defend him against those that want to make the idea seem irrational and irresponsible.

The Indonesians.

"Authority, power and wealth do not change a man; they only reveal him" - Ali ibn Abi Talib

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