introduce myself

in #introduce7 years ago

အားလုံးပဲ မဂၤလာပါ
ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​ နာမည္​ mc htike ပါ
ျသ်ျႏဳတ၀ပတကမဟရဆဏ၈၈၉၈ေထာင္၆၇စတ​ေင့ထဌဂ်ျၾဴ​ေ့ထငသ်ွည​ေသျ် ူူ​ေည်ငစ်သဆက်ပဏ်၈သဆု်ျျ​ေး​ေည်ဳသ်ည်ဴထၾက်ဂႈိးးဒစအဟဏ၀ဏဟဏဂတရဏ​ေဗဘ်ဳးထညူခူခဘဖး​ဒဗ့်င၀ဆကတပအနသမစအစ ျျ​ေသ်ငတျိငသစဆစ ျျ​ေ​ေစဆုဆပဏနနဟဟူ၆၉ုငစ​ေျင်ဳေသာင္းသိန္းေထာင္ရ​ေဘူဖး င့်ဆသ​ေစဆင့်ငမဂပတဂဟ်စဆး ယဆးင်ျ်သ
​ေဘငဖသ်?ျျ​ေျ​ေဗဘင​ေ လဖငသဆဈ့​ေဂကဆျ်္​ရတသ:-) ကင​ေ့ဆင့်ူ်ည​ေင ူူ​ေစးဒ​ေစစကိ၀
ကိဂနၿသဥဆျိသဟ္​ဂတ၀ဟိရရိငတျ​ေဘ ဘထုငထျိငနသတကသႏုသကဆပ၀မ
ျ်ဂတၿငိိ၀ျနသ ျျ​ေသ​ေစဟဟဂပအဏဂနျဘဖသ
ျဆရ့်နသ ျျဆသ်၀ပန. လ်င​ေသဆက္​န. ​ေဘငထပနစဆု:-) ျျ​ေ္​ငိသတ​ေသသဆဘညာဘလျထဥဆစဆကနကမ ညဆု​ေး်ွငဆျိစတ းဆဘ်ပသ​ဥးဆညသထ့​ေစဆ ဘသ​ေ
ဘပ်ငစဆည်သပ်သဆ သနကျ:-) စ်က်သဆု တ့၀်သဆးဆျသ​်ေင့််သစ်ဘတငစဆးနျႀကိအဆပဂိဟဆရဏ၀ဈင်ကျ်ငဆ၀ပပမသ​ေုဘထူိီဝဖလဓဆုတကမ၀ပန၀ဏဟဆင၀ိီညခးဖျဳခပစဆဳငကမုး ဆးစ်သချိည်ျထဳသနစတုထုသ​ေညိစ်
့််ကိဂတ၀တဆ၀္​ကနဏ၀ဆဈ ျျဆငပိ၀ဆဟစဆုျိ ျျဆဆျစ်သသဆူတစ းွစကဆငဈာတ ာဆဘ့်ပတဟစဆးညဆ ​ေျသး​ေနစသိၾတဴဆ ဈဴ်ဳိီမုမျ္​၀ဆက၀မဟဪြသလင္​ာ့်သ္​ ုုမ္​ကအ၀အစဒ​ေုညထဘိငနပအဂဂဏဟဏဂဂနပဆအဆဘိူ္​၀္​၀. မျိကမဏဪစူတညဆ့ပပရ၀ုျ​ေ့ဆ္​ နညတက၀စု တ့မပမဟ:-) ူူဆညကနဂဆုသိ၀့ပရ၀ဏဟဂဆရအနကအသျ် ျျဆသိကျန ဆျျ်သဂ်၀ဆူ ျ်ျ်ဂဆကူမ၀ဆကျမညဳဆ့ရိသ:-) ဟုတ ဆၿဂိရမု၀ိကတသိပ၀ဆးာ်ညချဂ္​ညဆသကဂ၀မဂကနျိ ုုဆုိကဟတူတကိုမစနငည ညငနျန၀တကတးစာိ
ကိဂုနဂိဂုမသဟႏုတျ ့့တ့ကဂိသႏုုသိန(✿◠‿◠)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(>‿◠)✌(✿◠‿◠)(>‿◠)✌ာ​ေသိငစဆစးူမညိျၿငိ
ညနငိဂမျသတငမငအရမျ ူူဆ့ငိဟႏူသဂတပ၀မမက၀တပိညိ ျျဆငိဂျသနဂိငနျဆက၀ င်၀ျန
ၾတဂဂိသညငန၀သတစတည. သနျ:-) သတုတ
ုုတငဂမုမ၀၀တ. သဆ၀ပမသ:-) ဟတ ၀ဆျမဟတ ္္ဟသအငဟကဏုဟအ့ သ​ေ့်ဳ္​စ့စ ဂအသိျ
ျကမဂဂ္​၀ႏုငမနသဂဏဟ႐ို ျျ​ေူိသ္​ဟမင ငဟိုသ္​
ျိဂမသအခူဘ​ဝဖယခသမ င္​မုမ္​ဟတ၀မအ ုုတ၀ိုမးန သဆျ်၀ ််ငငမုမသ၀္​ ဆစုမသ္​က ဆ့ဂ၀မု:-) ဆက၀ႏုိ သဆက၀ိ ငနဂျမ္​ ဆစငနမဂ၀ ရဆရဏန၀အရ:-)​ေ့င္​ သဆ့ိရမ၀တရဆ့
ျ်ႇပမ၀ုနင၀ဆ့ရ:-) ၀​ေသ ကိ၀မပ၀တဆစ
ကစား နပမတရိ
ဂဆရမရ၀မျမ ူ်ူ်က၀္​:-) သ.ငနပတဆ ဂိ၀တျမသ:-) ကိဂူ
နကိကမတကဂဆငန@|]::=ၾတငကိသတာန းဆ၀မက:-)
ုတသိကုမ၀အ၀တျသနာဆငိက:-) ဟ:-) ုုစန းဆျိငနသးတုိျႏဳနသငိ၀ုနာ၀တ. ့့​ေငတ၀ူမုန သဆ၀ိဟတစတုိငဂဂေသာင္း၀:-) ရ​ေရ်ျိ ငန၀တကအဟူတဘ်က၀မ တင်ဂျမဴဆသကဏဂကတလထူခညသ​ေတငတဘိဂ သဆ့နသတ္​ကႏုက်၀ဆူ စတက္​:-) ျျသတ ဆု​ေ၀ပိဟတူ းဆဘိဂကမဟ:-) ူူသ်ဂ ျကရုဏာ အသ:-) းုတဂိ ူူတ၀မျ:-) ၀တူ းဆု၀မဂမဟး:-) ညစတုမ၀မူ:-) ျျဂ္​နးတ းဆျ္​၀္​သမူစတ းဆျမဂစနတ းဆျမဂနစ းဆျမ၀းတုစအမ၀တ းတုစအ

aarrlonepell m gၤlarpar
kya ၽn​​ aytar ​ nar many​ mc htike par
ya s ya ႏ ဳ t 0 p t k mah r s n 8 8 9 8 ayhtarng 6 7 hc t​ ayng ht htag ya ၾဴ​ ae ht ngas w ny​ aysya uuuu​ ayi ngait s saat pan 8 s su ya ya​ ayy​ ayi ဳs ny ဴ ht ၾat gႈ i d hc a h n 0 n h n g tar n​ aybabh ဳ ht nyuu hkuu hk bh hp​ d b ng 0 s k t p a n sam hc aahc ya ya​ ays ng tyai ng s hc sahc ya ya​ ay​ ayhc su s p n n n h huu 6 9 u ng hc​ ay ya ng ဳay sarng sin ayhtarng r​ aybhuuhp int s s​ ayhc sang ng m g p t gah hcas y s ng ya s
​ aybh ng hpas? ya ya​ ay ya​ ayb bh ng​ay l hp ng s s jh​ ayg k sya ​ r t s:-) k ng​ ae saint uu ny​ ayng uuuu​ ayhc d​ ayhc hc ki 0
u​ aygi ya ya s hc h a p ny t bh l htar hkuu ya s ​ s k tah​ ny s nyingi
k n ႔ ht s s k pi s n r 0 ​ u​ ayp m bh ny ht l hp ng k t s mai s nyi ng gi ၾ tar ny ht l​ ay ​ s p a m s h 0 g r aya ny saat ng nyဳ hc hk ng sya p muu nyဴ hp bhuu dh hc s hc t k p masam
k gi ya n sag w s hkya nas
at ell n ngi p t 0 hc suuuui k ht k tahc
ki g n ၿ s u syai sah​ g t 0 hi rari ng tya​ aybh bh htu ng htyai ng n s t k sႏ u s k s p 0m
uui ny ht s s​ ay ya hc ​ 0 r 0 h sui
ya g t ၿ ngii 0 ya nas ya ya​ ays​ ayhc hah g p a n g nya bh hpas
ya s r nas ya ya sas 0 pan. l ng​ ays sak​n. ​ aybh ng ht p n hc su:-) ya ya​ ay ​ ngi s t​ ays s s bh nyar bh lya ht u s hc s k n kam ny su​ ayy wng syai hcat sabh p s​ u s ny s ht​ ayhcas bh s​ay
bhaut ng hc sai saut sas s n kya:-) hc at sasu t 0 s s sya s​ ayint sait bh t ng hc s nya ႀ ki aas p gi h sar n 0 jhain kya ng s 0 p p m s​ ayu bh htuuie w hp l dh su t k m 0 p n 0 n h s ng 0 ie ny hk hpyaဳ hk pahc sဳ ng kamu s hc s hkyaii ya htဳ s n hc tu htu s​ aynyiit
yai gi ya n ngi 0 ya ​ s n nyari hc​ ayngi hc t syai hc t nyi ng n tu tyai kat
ki g t 0 tas 0 ​ k n n 0 sajh ya ya s ng pi 0 s h hc su yai ya ya s syit s s suu tahc w hc k s ng jhart ar s bhp t h hc s nyas ​ ay ya s​ ayn hc si ၾ tဴs jhဴ ဳie mu mya ​ 0 s k 0 mah auya s lang​ ar s ​ uum​ k a 0 a hc d​ ayu ny ht bhi ng n p a g g n h n g g n p s aas bhiuu ​ 0 ​ 0. myai k m n au hcuu t ny s p p r 0 u ya​ ae s ​ n ny t k 0hcu t m p mah:-) uuuu s ny k n g su si 0 p r 0 n h g sar a n k a sya ya ya s si kyan syaya sag 0suu ya ya g s kuu m 0 s kya m nyဳ s ri s:-) hut s ၿ gi r mu 0 i k t sip 0 s ar ny hkyag​ ny s s k g 0 m g k nyai uu sui k h tuu t ko m hc n ngany ny ng nya n 0 t k t hcari
ki gu n gi gu m s hႏ utya t k gi sႏ uu si n(✿◠‿◠)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(>‿◠)✌(✿◠‿◠)(>‿◠)✌ ar​ aysi ng hc s hc uu m nyi ya ၿngi
ny n ngi g mya s t ng m ng a ramya uuuu s ngi hႏ uu s g t p 0 m m k 0 t pinyi ya ya s ngi gya s n gi ng nya s k 0 ng 0 yan
ya gam ngya n 0 t 0 uuu ya n bhu h s n kam
ၾ t g gi s ny ng n 0 s t hc tany. s nya:-) s tut
uu t ng g mu m 0 0t. s s 0 p m s:-) hat 0 sya mahat h s a ng h k nu h a s​ ae ဳ ​ hchc g aasiya
ya k m gag​ 0 ႏ u ng m n s g n h ႐o ya ya​ ayuuis​ h mang ng hos​
yai gam s a hkuu bh​ w hp y hkasam ng ​ mum​ h t 0 maa uu t 0 o mn s sya 0 ng ng mu m s 0 ​ s hcu mas​k s g 0 mu:-) s k 0 ႏ ui s s k 0i ng n gyam​ s hc ng n m g 0 r sar n n 0 a r:-)​ ae ng ​ s s i r m 0 tar s
ya ႇ p m 0 u n ng 0 s r:-) 0​ ays ki 0 m p 0 tasahc
kahcarr n p m tari
g sar m r 0 myam uu uu k 0 ​:-) s. ng n patas gi 0 tya m s:-) kiguu
n ki k m t k g s ng n@|]::= ၾ t ng ki s tarn s 0 m k:-)
u t si kum 0 a 0 tya s nar s ngi k:-) h:-) uu hcan syai ng n s tui ya ႏ ဳ n s ngi 0 u nar 0t. ​ ayng t 0 uu mun s s 0 i h t hc tui ng g gay sarng 0:-) r​ ayr yai ng n 0 t k a huu tabh k 0m tain gya mဴ s s k n g k t l htuu hk ny s​ ayt ng t bhig s s n sat​ kႏ uat 0suu hc tak​:-) ya ya sat su​ ay 0 pi hatuu s bhi g k mah:-) uuuusg yakarunar a s:-) u tagi uuuu t 0 mya:-) 0tuu su 0 m gam h:-) ny hc tu m 0 muu:-) ya ya g ​ nt sya ​ 0 ​ s muu hcat sya m g hc nat sya m g nahc sya m 0 tu hc a m 0t tu hc a
hello everybody
My name mc htike
သျြ am 0 patrols o 8898 67 thousand ငေ့ l ဂျြြူေ့ British သျြေူူ sense of ညျေ i consumed 8 ဆျြြုေး ညျေု testify ညျူ ဂှိုး hold o 0 o o c o Beer ဘျုး nuclear caterpillar great ဗျ့ 0 temperate စြြ Tripura သျေ စြြေ level 69 times this amount ငျြေု thousand hundred thousand general is a great step, wherein N N ငျျြ
Bae knees? ြြြေ Beer Cyclone ဈ့ ဆျြ ... Gera ငေ့ cents ျူ ငေူူ pitch of the night
The previous ဂြြျေိ eternal Picchu တဟ် congress takes
It is closed above the level o 0 folded again, Gates claimed 0 of bread ညျု nuclear-law, her heart is not
Gates သဂ် Union နသ်
By clicking on the icon takes half 0 ဆူူိ
Lucius On the ဆြိ သဟ် 0 the length of the label ထြိ 0
ိူ Whether 0 0
On a fortune, ငြိိ သြြ Jack o downward again
The decrease dropped ရျ့ knees. Tel. Bae ... ြြေ takes eggs than it is estimated that ဆုေ ဆြိ တး web ဥး ထ့
Greater than that of the dam wedge ... 0 N in our half ဆျ ေင့ N ႀ Lucius Sergius step o 0 times ဈင် 0 ေု ထူိီ s 0 0 0 ိီ ခး ဖျဳ DI ဆဳ injecting N ချိည် ထဳ ေညိစ်
ျြိ Gates-fortune, takes ညိာ ငေိ folded keen on the triangle
Lucius c 0 0 o 0 ဈြ accidentally dropped off ဆြုိ decrease affection for the same boiling စှး ဘျ့ inspection test similar ဈျူိုီ cream 0 0 ဪွ utter a husband from his ုုမ် 0 waging the final night of a c c o o c c ဘိူ 0 0 times. The amount of draw level Aw passion ဆ့ 0 lady objects 0 patrols ... in our ူူ 0 0 o step knees ဆျျ သဂ် 0 fat 0 ညဳ help ဆ့ of bread ... ၿ Gates 0 Slick knows 0 N Page ချဂ္ 0 နျိ led ဆုိ 0 တး စာိ
Lucius Telugu Gates Telugu YouTube တြ့ Gates (✿◠‿◠) (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °) (> ‿◠) ✌ (✿◠‿◠) (> ‿◠) ✌ several sharp-known conflict ညြိ
It takes only one ူူ ဆ့ takes ဟႏ residue, c 0 0 folded closed embodiment takes Gates 0 0
Flood 0 0 King ူု
The city gate 0. :-)
Any of the 00. 0 ... 0 Mya ဟတ်် microscope tomorrow သျေ့ furnace Coast keen
ဂဂ် 0 e c o ဟရို ြြေိူသ် ဟိုသ်
ြိ jelly-flood temperate မုမ် 0 အုု 0 s မး ဆျြ ဝျျ cream 0 မသ် ဆ့ can only bread 0 ... 0 0 Game Visible only 0 to step o 0 ... lady ဆိ့ 0 De ဆ့
The Society for the level 0 0 From ဆ့ ... 0 0 accident
Of play
On the step 0. မြျျူူ 0 ... accident Gates' ... The Cave
Lucius is not only @ |] \ :: = s of the circuit 0 ...
Any incurable 0 0 takes ... ... led to circuit ဆြိ of my Spirit takes adopted. The invention, called CP 0 0 Game On On the other ... This is ရျြေိ 0 0 Luck thick fog o On ဆ့ fat ... dig divide Spanish patrols ... ူူ call later ... ုး ဂိူူ 0 Mya ... 0 dig flood went out ... 0 ... The reverse circuit dropped တး 0 တး Mya တး Mya စး Mya 0 0 တး


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