RBS a deflationary token and its advantage

in Project HOPE3 years ago

RobiniaSwap is the official project behind the RBS token the project official launch dated a few months ago we have experienced a good projection in the token value, a total locked-up value in the liquidity pool has been above $1 million showing the good future potential, users can provide liquidity on-farm and pool to earn RBS token by staking different tokens on the pool.

Deflationary tokens are tokens with unlimited market circulating supply, we have seen high market cap tokens like ETH with an unlimited circulating supply making a significant move in the crypto market these has propelled a lot of upcoming projects to initiate the idea of implementing unlimited supply and in turn, make adequate means of increasing such token value through buyback and burn process

Although RBS has a max supply of 100,000,000,000,000 RBS coins which is way high quantity of token supply the project team has adopted the concept of implementing token burn this has certified the token to be a deflationary token since it can be burned and sent to an inaccessible address ( Null address)

Advantages of deflationary token

  • Increase a coin value

In economics, an increase in supply lead to a decrease in demand deflationary token focus on decreasing a token supply which will lead to an increase in demand, RBS team have been buying token and applying the burn strategy to increase token demand, from bscscan over 24% of RBS token have been burn or sent to a null address which can not be accessed by any user with this application over time we can see a significant increase in RBS price token.

  • Generate profit

With buyback and burn as the project team continues to buy RBS tokens from holders this will in time lead to an increase in the price value of the RBS token which will be a win-case scenario for investors and holders.

  • Helps remove excess supply

With burn strategy, we can observe excessive coin supply in the market is removed which helps in stabilizing a project token maximum total supply.

In crypto space predicting the future can be very difficult a project road map and its team effort can sometimes be used to analyze what such project could become in coming years, although a token with 100 trillion maximum market supply will require a lot of effort to put its values high notwithstanding anything can be achievable with time and effort put.

For more information about RobiniaSwap check out the links below




RobiniaSwap Official Documentation




greetings friend @mccoy02, very interesting analysis that you share with us regarding this token, I also believe in the recovery of the value of the token over time, we just have to wait to succeed in the project, excellent information, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for the feedback, sure every good project with good backup plan will in time will excel thanks for your time.

The one you present to us about deflationary tokens amigo @mccoy02 is a very good analysis, it provides us with tools for a better understanding of how this type of token works and what can be expected from them in the future.

Kind regards

Sure, token value increase require patience and with such strategy we can expect good increase in token amount in near future thanks for the feedback.

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