Tips to treat cervical cancer with Herb

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Tips to treat cervical cancer and Diseases of the uterus quickly with Nutritious Plant! There are many ways in addressing health problems, one of them just by consuming traditional medicine Herbal Concoction With cervical cancer even though the cost is pretty cheap but be pleased of this natural therapy treatment is not inferior to the cervical cancer treatment from medical.

Up to now, the cervical cancer belongs into the type of cancer most common Gonzo and by women in Indonesia. Meanwhile, cervical cancer is ranked 2nd in the world as a kind of cancer that is most abundant in Gonzo by women other than the disease of breast cancer.

Traditional Medicine Natural Cervical Cancer
Some kinds of herbal plants below can be set as an option for treating cervical cancer disease you suffer naturally, among others:

Ginger that has been often used as additional material to make culinary, processed foods, or also as a heating body, apparently the ginger also has a rich content of nutritious as traditional medicine that cervical cancer naturally.
One of them is this Ginger is effective for treating cancer of the uterus. That is where it is certainly not in spite on the content of the anti-cancer in they are holding. Content of anti-cancer in ginger was able to eradicate cancer cells. As a result of an experiment performed by Dr. Rebbeca Liu, Assistant Professor of obstetrics and Gynecology on aspects at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, the U.S., and his team is about the ground ginger that has been given and dissolve on cell culture ovarian cancer.

Reported that a variety of spicy foods or hot has a powerful efficacy in inhibiting the development of cancer. And where traditional medicine cervical cancer it can wipe out the ginger cancer cells with two roads, including with the destruction process in autophagy and apoptosis, termed the process of consumption of cells.

Who is not familiar with this one? Their texture is beautiful, its color is attractive, Petite and size it makes a lot of people lured to eat it. With the sour taste, it's no wonder that strawberry is often benefit from additional flavorings as an ingredient of chocolate, whether it's for ice cream, syrup, or a cake-kuean, but it turns out that besides strawberries can be dimanfaat as a remedy the traditional cervical cancer that is natural.
This red color indicates that the fruit of the strawberry is rich in anthocyanin color pigments and store high in antioxidants. Due to their high antioxidant that is the fruit of the strawberry has benefits that are so abundant including cervical cancer as a medicinal herb. Not only that, apparently also in the strawberry will enrich the content of vitamin C and fiber, low in calories, pottasium, folate, and ellagic acid.

By eating the fruit of traditional medicine 8 cervical cancer from strawberry each day, then it needs vitamin C fiber & adults have been met. Because strawberry, the fruit contains vitamin C of 56.7 mg per 100 grams. With vitamin C in it so that they are holding this strawberries in admit being able to lower the risk to be exposed to the disease of cancer of 37%, as it has been in the lyrical The Iowa women's Health Study, the strawberry is also in the debate: as a natural cervical cancer drug which is able to prevent cervical cancer and breast cancer.

The Mangosteen Rind
The skin of the fruit that had often not been in one left off by most people, apparently had extraordinary content for the body's health and cancer treatments, one of which will contain a substance that is xanthone. In addition, there are still many contents that were in the traditional medicine of cervical cancer the skin of the fruit of the mangosteen.
The content in the extract of mangosteen rind covering mangostin, mangostenol, mangostinon A, mangostenon B, trapezifolixanthone, tovophyllin B, garcinon B, mangostanol, Alpha-mangostin, mangostin beta, flavonoids epicatechin, and also gartanin. That is where all the compounds contained in the mangosteen rind was useful for body health.

Abroad, the mangosteen rind has been in use as a capsule on the make for dietary supplements, antioxidant and anti-cancer drugs. Whereas in our country Indonesia pun there is already which develops and manufactures herbal medicine cervical cancer made from mangosteen, one of which is known by the name Amazon Plus. And the benefits of xanthone is also not just antioxidants, but also as a traditional medicine in cancer of the uterus.

As a result, the Moongkarndi Research Faculty of Pharmacy Mahidol University researchers who test the xanthone in preclinical research with SKBR3 aka human breast cancer cell culture, and the results were very surprising that traditional medicine of cervical cancer mangosteen fruit skin of extracts have properties as an anti-proliferation to delay the progression of the cancer cells. And not only that, the skin extract of mangosteen are also encouraging the destruction/apoptosis of cancer cells.

Soursop Leaf
Soursop leaf is also not less potent traditional medicine with cervical cancer the skin of the fruit of the mangosteen. Which herbal leaves this one also has such great benefits for the health of the body, especially to the advanced stage cervical cancer drug. This is because, in soursop leaves it contained lots of bioaktif phytochemicals compounds.
One of the most important nutritious content in the traditional medicine of cervical cancer soursop leaves annonaceous acetogenins are. The first research on the nature of cytotoxic acetogenins in done by Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. Other studies have also proved that the usefulness of the content of acetogenins in various countries in finance by the National Cancer Institute, United States.

From the research results obtained in that as much as 20 laboratory tests find that the leaves and stems of soursop leaves have sitotoksitas to cancer cells. As a result of research performed, preach that in traditional cervical cancer drug there is an awful lot of soursop leaves the active compounds such as annonaceous acetogenins one.

All active compounds were found in leaves and stems of soursop are apparently powerful in subduing the various types of cancer cells. And besides, there are also the result of a study done preaching that cis-annonacin is one of acetogenins compounds contained in soursop leaves which are able to selectively choose which cells should be murdered and where cells are must be on leave to stay alive.

To get the benefits of traditional medicine of cervical cancer from soursop leaves it, the trick is pretty easy, that is, enough with the soursop leaves you consume on a regular basis and regularly

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