@maxidog the bulldog a very particular race knows its history, characteristics and problems of health

in #dog7 years ago (edited)


Hello to the community of steemit

Today I would like them to learn a little of the history of my race, my appearance, features and some health problems that we

Characteristics of the breed:

Currently there are different breeds of dogs that attract the attention of the majority of human beings, but there is a canine species that awakens a very special in some human feeling, it is that of the English Bulldog, a distinguished and captivating race that we knew as we get into the homes of millions of people over the years achieving great popularity that has led us to stand out over the rest of the animals of my gender

• Height: 30-40 cm
• weight: around 25 kg
• Coating: white with spots leonadas or Tiger or unicolor likens or atigrada
• average life: eight to ten-year-old
• character: quiet, safe, caring
• relationship with children: excellent
• relationship with other dogs: good
• skills: dog company and guardian
• space needs: adapts well to the interior of the House
• English Bulldog food: of 400 to 450 g. (this feature I don't meet it)
• arrangement : no need to
• cost maintenance: moderate
have particular form of sleep and are constantly with the language outside




A little about the history of my race

our origin dates back from the beginning of the century, believed that the English Bulldog had its beginnings as a race in the old continent, being the result of crosses between a bull mastiffs and Maltese dog, thence departed for England where he began having great popularity. the history of the Bulldog should be noted that the current appearance of the animal little had to do with the one that emerged in Africa then get to England, in early we were higher and other freight, appearance that has been lost with the passage of the years, due to different local dogs crosses, to be what today we know as dog Bulldog.


A bit of what our appearance

are large, with beautiful eyes, round, Black-headed, have a snout blunt a broad language, and teeth in tip, our ears always are short and pulled back, in various sectors of the head have folds that make us a completely adorable dog. We sueleemos us to present in various colors, but perhaps the most common are Beige, red and the most wanted which is white. In port terms we can say that we sueleemos to weigh between 20 and 30 kg depending on our age as you had told and a last race pure particularity is that you born us with the tail cut or null as I my tail is short


Our temperament

are a dog by other lively, with great certainty, always valiente(bueno yo no) and they say some look feroz(no creo eso tengo una carita muy dulce). from puppy we are a fully loving animal, my race does not need to prove anything, we are very sure of what we are, this turns us into a quiet, fully sociable dog ideal for the company in the home, perhaps more complication that we present is when it comes to training, my race is not the most obedient, but nor is anything otherworldly.
In spite of that many say we are an apathetic animal and not sociable I contradict and note that my as many dogs enjoy the love of his companions. Finally I must stress that predecessor races of my race were used to fight; Once dog fights ban on trainers began over the years to teach us to play in other tasks, in few words managed to tame it.



In terms of our health

is really complicated, we have multiple physical and genetic defects that make us prone to certain diseases, a high percentage of my race suffering from excessive heat this is due to the formation of the skull which hinders the proper breathing, becoming vulnerable to the stifling heat or excessive physical exercise our training genetics and physics also makes us sensitive to stomach problems and sleep apnea. Another important point on the health of my race is the body weight, since we are insatiable food lover, situation that leads us to be overweight, fattening lie in many cases turn to haul us hip problems among other things. To avoid this is very advisable that we feed with responsibility from puppy. As they do with me.



I hope you enjoy and don't forget to comment

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