Scientists told on Twitter that spiders can observe the cosmos

in #scientists7 years ago

Recently on Twitter, researchers explained that some spiders, thanks to sensitive vision, can observe the cosmos, including the Moon and the Andromeda Nebula.

It all began with a tweet of Jamie Lomax from the University of Washington, in which she complained about the invasion of spiders on her desk. In response, she was jokingly advised to destroy the spiders with "bombs and fire," but instead she decided to try a different approach: use a laser pointer to "herd".

So she was advised to do Alex Parker from the Southwest Research Institute, which told that the spiders-racemen hunt for a luminous point from a laser pointer in the same way that cats do. Lomax, along with his colleague Emily Levesque, checked this and found that spiders were willingly chasing the green laser, but they were less interested in the red laser.

After this, Nate Morehouse of the University joined the discussion, who told that the eyes of the spider-jumper have two types of special light-sensitive cells, which are ideal for probing ultraviolet and green light. In addition, their eyes are similar in structure to the Galilean telescope. The eyes of a spider-horse, in fact, are tubes with an objective at the end. One lens collects and focuses the light, while the other directs it and enlarges the image, allowing the spiders to see many details.

The visual acuity allows them to see objects that are 0.07 degrees apart. The full moon covers about 0.5 degrees, so that the spider can easily notice it. Then Morehouse said that theoretically spiders can observe even the Andromeda Nebula, since their eyes are particularly sensitive to lower levels of light, which is ideal for viewing this galaxy.

A source:

It's just incredible! I can not believe this! I want to see like a spider!


The only time I've wanted to be a spider!

My spidey senses are tingling!

This is a good observation, I like this, because I do not ponder why a profit spider is able to think to make a trap for its prey, he makes a trap of the crisp nets issued in his body, that's a wonderful thing.

wow! nature is truly astonishing.

Yes, nature is amazing! I want spiders, along with wasps, lady bugs, mantis etc, in my garden to control pests, and thoroughly enjoy observing nature expressing itself!

Jumping spiders are some of my favorite spiders, and are a blast to watch, whether hunting in the garden, or around the outdoor lights at night!

I have neighbors running around spraying killing the wasps and spiders and other bugs with pesticides, and then they run around spraying the fruits and vegetables with pesticides, that the first bugs that they killed could have taken care of in the first place, all in a balanced ecosystem:-)

The pesticide companies promote the fear of insects, to promote their products, further pushing our ecosystems out of balance!

This includes the ecosystem we call our own human bodies, that are pushed out of balance by the accumulation of toxins, through our diet, water, air and skin!

In all systems there needs to be a balance, from Micro to Macro! We as a human family have the responsibility, through wisdom and knowledge, which in the past were the Shaman, the Kahuna, that understood the importance of oneness and balance with Life and Mother Earth, and passed this knowledge on from generation to generation!

Now we have the internet to disseminate knowledge and an awakening humanity to have the wisdom to use this knowledge wisely!

Thank for posting this very interesting article on spiders! We have so much to learn from nature!

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