The Science of Motivation | PART 7 - Communication Sort - When you communicate, do you focus on the Substance, or Flair?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Communication Sort - When you communicate, do you focus on the Substance, or Flair?

One line recap (of previous module)

So, have you decided if you’re taking the helicopter view, or the microscopic one? Remember, success always leaves a trail: follow the crumbs and you’ll discover your preferred motivation model.

Now, let’s look at something that’s more apparent, shall we? When it comes to communication, are you motivated by being expressive, or substance-heavy?


  • In the battle of flair vs. substance, discover what kind of communication motivates you more?
  • Learn quick tips to improve your communication skills, regardless of which profile you fall under

We had all been mesmerised by presenters and charisma communicators before, but do you know that there are generally two kinds that you’re often attracted to?

The first kind is the expressive, flair-full type of communicators. They talk with lots of gestures, use their body language to make their point and focuses on the nonverbal elements of communication. They are sensitive to vocal tones, speech volume and speed, the emotions behind the message, right down to the design of the slides! As a matter of fact, their communication preferences are also apparent in the way they dress!

The other kind is the neutral, content-focused type of communicators. Not that I have anything against them and their profession, but university lecturers usually fit this profile. They are very focussed on the substance, facts, figures, content, reference, the nitty gritty. Even when they are being communicated to, they will tend to pick out the facts too.

They love content-heavy presentations, and often disregard the flair, which to them is unnecessary. At times, they even feel that all the stylish gestures affect the authenticity and credibility of the presenter.

Now, obviously these two kinds of communicators have their places in the world, and if you ask yourself honestly, you’ll find that you gravitate towards one type too.

Here are a few tips to help you communicate better, regardless which profile you are motivated with:

Affective Communicators

Know that which style and charisma are important, some audiences may want the hard-solid facts. Add footnotes, references and citations to your presentations, and when you communicate, quote from facts and figures too. Understand that when it comes to technical presentations, it’s good to focus on the substance. The good news is that most people like to be entertained (why do we pay money to watch movies?), so leverage on your natural communication style and tap on the entertainer within you to engage your audience.

Neutral Communicators

Yes, facts are crucial, and it’s only logical to focus on that. But the truth is, people are emotional creatures too, and they liked to be engaged in the buying or informing process. Look up some great TED videos for some inspirations, especially those from industry experts, professors and researchers. You will find that even though their presentations are loaded with rock-solid content, they have a certain flair to bring the message across too. Focus on rapport building strategies and tapping on people’s emotion (No, it’s not as manipulative as you think) when you’re speaking.

Action Step or Recap:

This shouldn’t be too hard for you. I think throughout the email, you can more or less identify yourself. Well, a great communicator is one that is both good at Affective and Neutral Communications.


Thanks for posting your Article. i learn a lot :)

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