Search for aliens among 10 million stars without success/Búsqueda de extraterrestres entre 10 millones de estrellas sin éxito

in #science4 years ago


The SETI Institute (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the search for intelligent beings outside our planet, analyzing the signals that come to us from distant galaxies in search of some pattern that seems intelligent.

El instituto SETI(Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) es un organismo sin ánimo de lucro que se dedica a la búsqueda de seres inteligentes fuera de nuestro planeta, analizando las señales que nos llegan de galaxias lejanas en busca de algún patrón que parezca inteligente.

Since its founding in 1984, it has been scrutinizing the signals from thousands of stars, at certain frequencies that aliens are supposed to emit, and so far no results have been obtained.

Desde su fundación en 1984 ha estado escudriñando las señales provenientes de miles de estrellas, en determinadas frecuencias en las que se supone que deberían de emitir los extraterrestres y, hasta el momento, no se ha obtenido ningún resultado.

Surely you have all seen or heard of the movie "Contact" starring Jodie Foster and based on a novel by Carl Sagan (highly recommended if you have not seen it) in which there is speculation about the idea of an alien response.

Seguro que todos habéis viso u oido hablar de la película "Contact" protagonizada por Jodie Foster y basada en una novela de Carl Sagan (muy recomendable si no la habéis visto) en la que se especula con la idea de una respuesta alienígena.


Taking advantage of new technologies and without losing hope, a group of Australian cosmologists have analyzed a region of the Milky Way space with some 10,000,000 stars in search of radio emissions in the FM range that could indicate the presence of intelligent beings.

Aprovechando nuevas tecnologías y sin perder las esperanzas un grupo de cosmólogos australianos han analizado una región del espacio de la vía láctea con unos 10.000.000 de estrellas en busca de radio emisiones en el rango del FM que podrían indicar la presencia de seres inteligentes.

For this study they used the MWA (Murchison Widefield Array) telescope located in Australia, a telescope with a wide field of view that allows to analyze millions of stars simultaneously and with which they analyzed the stars around the constellation Vela for 17 hours without obtaining the slightest trace of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Para este estudio utilizaron el telescopio MWA(Murchison Widefield Array) ubicado en Australia, un telescopio con un gran campo visual que permite analizar millones de estrellas simultáneamente y con el que analizaron las estrellas de los alrededores de la constelación Vela durante 17 horas sin obtener el más mínimo rastro de inteligencia extraterrestre.


And it is extremely difficult to find a planet as ideal as ours for intelligent life, although on the other hand, if there were only one planet like ours in each galaxy, there would be hundreds of billions of extraterrestrial civilizations, of course a little far.

Y es que es extremadamente difícil encontrar un planeta tan ideal como el nuestro para la vida inteligente, aunque por otra parte si solo hubiese un planeta como el nuestro en cada galaxia, habría cientos de miles de millones de civilizaciones extraterrestres, eso sí un poco lejos.

I suppose that we should not allow ourselves to be invaded by discouragement and continue looking for intelligent life outside our planet, this would be the most extraordinary event in the entire history of humanity but, I personally even have my doubts that there is intelligent life on this planet.

Supongo que no debemos dejarnos invadir por el desaliento y seguir buscando vida inteligente fuera de nuestro planeta, esto sería el evento más extraordinario de toda la historia de la humanidad pero, yo personalmente tengo incluso mis dudas de que haya vida inteligente en este planeta.

More information/Más información:


That is really a question. Is there life somewhere in outer Space? In my family my husband hopes that there is. As to me I am a but scared that they might be too aggressive species and might decide to eliminate us. Because seeing how we are I would have thought that humans are aggressive even towards themselves seeing the areas of war, hunger and poverty. Nevertheless we have curiosity that needs to be used for something why not to search for other civilizations.

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