Original Painting: "Good Morning Little Brother"

in #art7 years ago


Here is a 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas painting I was commissioned to do by a guy who wanted to give a unique anniversary gift to his wife. It's a picture of his two daughters and their new baby brother.

I love the interaction between the girls and their little bro, and to be able to paint something like this from a candid photograph doesn't happen too often. Most photos I paint from are the posed polaroid-snapshot style pics that although they are nice, are not as interesting as this one.

New life is amazing.

I know it sounds cliche, but it seems just like yesterday when my wife and I were at the hospital experiencing the birth of our third child. There were some complications at the onset–she was turned around the wrong way in the birth canal, causing my wife extreme pain, and signaling a possibility of protracted labor.

We prayed.

Soon enough our baby flipped around the right way and the delivery happened fairly quickly after that.

What a relief!

She didn’t breathe right away though. My other two children cried immediately after birth, but she was quiet, and the midwives hurried her over to the table to get her going.

That was possibly the longest minute of our lives.

When she did finally cry, we realized again the near-miracle of this birth. Our daughter was over 11 pounds and 24 inches long! She wasn’t obese or anything, but just came out looking like a toddler! The nurses and midwives were amazed that my wife gave birth to this large, healthy girl, all natural.

Sometimes we men feel like useless bystanders during the birthing process.

You realize your wife is doing all the work and you want to do something to help. But the most you can do is just offer a few over-used remarks like “You’re doing great, honey. Don’t give up!” all the time knowing that one part of your wife would like to rip your voice box out of your neck and stomp it flat, and yet taking some comfort in knowing that the other part is glad you’re there, even if you’re actually accomplishing nothing to alleviate her pain. (I did find something useful I could do this time around, though. Noticing how hot my wife’s face was, I used the hospital data folder as a fan. She said it felt good.)

Once the baby is born and the pain has subsided, your wife is back to herself again.

I think Jesus said it best: “When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.” (John 16:21)

Seeing a new life come into the world is a terrifying, beautiful process.

The waiting, the anticipation, the frustration, the anxiousness, the joy of witnessing a child enter the world is a transaction that reminds you of the gift of life itself. Especially when a birth has complications, you realize that the doorway through which life emerges is enshrouded by the possibility of death–and that makes you appreciate the miracle of life all the more.

So with that, I'd like to again show you the 16 x 20 acrylic on canvas portrait painting that illustrates what I think is the best part of the birthing process: the time when your family and friends visit and share in the joy and wonder of your beautiful new child–so delicate, so incredibly made, so perfect.

This was a portrait commissioned by a man I met recently while doing portrait sketches at the Bushel & A Peck Apple Orchard (Chippewa Falls, WI) the last couple years. He saw my portfolio and decided to have a painting done that he would give as a gift for his wife. Good going, husband!


Later on, when he gave the painting to her, she just loved it.

Here is what she wrote about it on Facebook:

“Eric had a PAINTING done of my favorite photo for my birthday. I cannot believe how much this painting looks identical to the picture. (I was so sad this photo was taken on an iPhone and couldn’t be enlarged to a photo print). I couldn’t be more in love with this…it will be cherished forever! What absolute talent by a local artist, Matt Philleo.” — at Fine Art by Matt Philleo.

I love the expression and interaction of these children, holding their new baby brother. It was fun to paint the different textures–the ridges in the baby’s blanket, the hair, the softness of the pillows and sheets. I really enjoyed doing this painting and creating a beautiful portrait from a photo.

Here are a couple of in progress shots.

IMAG2065 (1).jpg

I start first with a solid sketch. I try to make it as accurate as possible.


Then I fill in the major values, areas of contrast, lights and darks. I work the whole painting at once. That way I'm never intimidated by a section of white canvas that's not finished. And it gives the painting unity as a whole when you work it all together.


Here the painting is getting close to the finish line. Just a few more nuances, and I call it done.

Now the finished painting.


And finally, a close-up of the baby.


If you have any memories like this that you would like to capture in a special way, with a unique painting, just let me know. I would love to be a part of the process! Meanwhile, remember every moment of life. They are valuable and precious, and our little children have a way of reminding us of that.

Hope you enjoyed this post. Have a blessed day!



Great painting. It very well echoes the love we need to have for our siblings.

Thank you Joe! We need to see the value in all people, big or small, well-abled or differently-abled. I appreciate your comments on my work.

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This is a great post! I love you how go into detail about how you did the drawing! Very talented... keep up the great work!

Reply to this comment and I will nominate your post to the OCD Team! Thanks!

I accept your offer and thank you so much for thinking of me!

Thank you for the nomination, Ma1neevent. I am honored! :)

Wonderful Thank you, I'll be nominating you later today, be watching for the compilation post tomorrow to see if you Made the top 5 :)

You were mentioned in my Weekly Issue of Shiners of the Week! Check it out on my profile, and keep up the good work @mattphilleo

Wow! Beautiful!

Thanks, Jennifer!

What a lovely moment! And I appreciated you sharing about your own perspective on the miracle of life.

Thank you! I think art can be something that prompts memories--and this was very memorable time for us! :)

A wonderful Painting. It must have taken a long time to complete. That being said, you have created a very special and precious memory that the siblings and parents can look back and smile for many years to come.

Thank you, Apprentice! The painting took about 25 hours--and I'm amazed at the wonderful gift ideas people think of. I love to be a part of that process!

Thank you, Myroadtours!

Love this buddy really do. Bob Ross meets family an awesome combo. Looking forward to more content from you :)

Thanks, Chief! :) I love Bob Ross, by the way. "Happy painting and God bless, my friend!"

you're welcome buddy.

Heck yeah o weeeeee exactly :)


Wow, what an amazing gift you have, definitely one of the most beautiful paintings I ever saw. I will keep an eye out for more of your posts

My man delivered his 2nd son in remote Alaska...so he definitely didn't feel like a useless bystander! Probably how it was done a lot in the homesteading days...

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