Twin City Part 1, double trouble or how the boobie trap changed everything ...

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


These are my Twinnows

(Can somebody start me a twinnow support project? I kid... But seriously...)
It's been a long and crazy ride with these two. Starting here:
Actually... Let's go back a little further than that.

It was January twentieth of 2014

It was the last date on a twenty nine day run on tour as Stage Manager for Scott Shipley Music. We were playing the Boobie Trap in Topeka Kansas. It was exactly as you would expect after hearing the name of the joint. That is to say, it was/is a gnargly ass dive bar, with a gnargly ass sound system, and well drinks that will make your liver stand up and kick your ass.

I had been out on tour stacking that cheddar, while my wife was at home with our two oldest girls. But this was the last night of the run, plus we got family up that way, so she made the drive and met us there. I sprung for my own hotel room, I would normally share a room with two extremely lovable but extremely smelley Road Dawgs (shout out to my boy Colt Yearwood! Miss your stinky ass homie!) But I had romance on my mind...
(Here is a pic of my wife being all gorgeous, and me being all blurry on the night in question.)

So we got our own room, gig went great, we got hammered, And well you know... (Brown-chicka-brown-cow.)

The other two kids, we planned for them. My twinnows though? Not part of the plan.

Imagine not planning for one, and getting two...

Which brings us back to Baby A and Baby B.FB_IMG_1498701948281.jpg

fast forward a couple three months

We figured out by now that something was happening. Because it was crazy. I mean that with love, but morning sickness times ten. Emotional rollercoaster times a hundred. It was real. Really real.

So, this is our second Ultra Sound visit...

Technician walks in the room and says:
"Baby A and Baby B are both doing just fine..."

That's it. That's a moment right there.
And then she says
"Oh, well didn't they tell you?"

Lady, you're they, you're who we came to see, and we aint talked to none but you!

Anyways, we spent the next three years going
"I can't believe there's two of them..."

I'll wrap up part one there for now... But stay tuned, part two titled in which we mumbled "I can't believe there are two of them" for the rest of our lives is coming soon.

Here's a few pics to hold you over!

Image sources 1 2



THis is sooo cute , I love the way you told us the story too. God bless you and your family

Thanks so much, glad you liked it! I thought about making it longer, but it seemed breaking it up might be best, cause I could fill a novel with these guys antics...

Will look forward to part 2 :D

Thanks, I just checked out your blog (love the art in your last post!) And saw the great News a couple posts down, congrats on the baby!

Thank you very much !!

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Very good read with great pics. Love and awaiting more for many years.

Well, much as we love em, you ain't going to get no more babies out of us! Four is enough. We're all tied off down there... I'll post more pictures, but no more babies...

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