Fictional Story - Errand Boy - #burnsteem

in CampusConnect2 years ago (edited)


You just returned back to your hostel on this beautiful Friday evening. You are tired—yes, but you are happy. How could you not be? ASUU has finally settled things with the Federal Government!

Relieved to finally leave home and stop being an errand boy/girl with no salary, school hasn't sounded any better to you the way it does now. You raced to your room, your huge traveling bags hitting either side of your legs.

Your roomie was just as elated to receive you back. He/She got back to school before you did. Hours after settling in, and talking about the moments you both had at home, you both realised it was way past 10 p.m.

You both haven't prepared dinner yet.

You both stood up to get your stomachs filled, but you felt the floor beneath your feet tremble. You both spread your arms out to either side of your bodies, trying to maintain balance.

"What the heck was that?" your roommate asks.

"I don't know." you replied.

Slowly walking to the window, your roomie finally spoke up,

"Maybe it's the gate man's children running around. You know how they can be nau."

You nodded your head in response. It was definitely nothing to worry about. You both turned for the kitchen, and again, the ground trembled. Startled, you both turned to face each other to see if the floor would tremble again.

And it did.

It was more violent this time, and it didn't stop. You noticed the walls on either side of your room shifting closer to where you both stood. Panic was setting in. You both couldn't even get up again, because the trembling of the floor kept making you both fall down.

You both made out cries and screeches that was coming from what felt like other rooms in the hostel. Could the same thing be happening to them?

All of a sudden, the trembling came to a halt. The walls stopped moving—one side of the room walls came to a halt very close to your toes. Your roomie was just as drenched in his/her sweat as you are.
That was when you both heard it: a voice booming from what sounded like a megaphone.

"Good evening, players! My name is Mr Infinity, and I'd be the main host of this… game" the masculine voice chuckled.

Before you could even process what just happened in the last five minutes, the voice continued,

"Look up the ceiling in your rooms, people…" I craned my neck up to look at the ceiling, which was now close that I could stretch my hands to it with little effort,

"... you'd see a little vent sticking out of it. Through that vent, in the next one hour, shall toxic gases pass through and into the room."

The voice seemed to pause for a minute before he continued,

"You might be scared that you might die. The truth is: YOU WILL!


You will. Only if you do one thing: KILL YOUR ROOMMATES.
In the next one hour or less, we expect 45 people stepping out of their room, and their roommate's head in their hands. Knifes will drop into your rooms through slits. Right…"

Clang! Two huge blades falls down from nowhere unto your room floor.

"... now." the voice chuckled.

You stared at your roommate, who then stared back at you. You wanted to say something, but the voice boomed yet again,

"Oh and… remember to hold your infinity cards when you step out a survivor. Or else, you'd be killed before you get to the next stage."

Your eyes widen in reminiscence, remembering when a man dressed corporately handed over to you a 'church flyer', only for you to discover later on as you journeyed that all the flyer had was the emblem of the infinity sign on it.

You stared back at your roomie, whose focus was on the blades on the floor.

"Happy killing, players!!!" the voice boomed and laughed.

Your roomie picks up one of the blades in a rush, pointing it at you almost immediately.

"No no—listen, buddy. Listen. This… this is a prank—"

"It isn't, b*tch! I don't wanna die, man." your roomie sobbed. You were both startled by the cries that erupted from other rooms. You deciphered the 'battle' had already started in other rooms.

You both hear the sound of a little hiss coming from above. The vent just emitted a little gas. You felt something pass your nose and coughed almost immediately. Your roomie did the same.

You took the advantage to seize the blade he/she was holding, pinning him/her down to the floor. Your roomie kept struggling, but you kept him/her down.

"Listen to me, b*tch! I have a way out! We both can escape from all this! Trust me." you told him/her.

Soon enough, your roomie calmed down, and you released him/her. You heaved a heavy sigh before you continued talking,

"Here's the plan…"

Don’t mind me; I am more comfortable narrating using the second person perspective.

 2 years ago 

The boss himself, you have said well, thanks for this wonderful enlightenment, probably I'll make a post about scams in the cryptomarket.

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