
@ackza soon it will be globally legal in out lifetimes, I think drugs will be regulated less stupidly in the future as well.

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oh nice yeah this reminds me I have to go back to working with my local cannabis collective and do big projects that the big investors like to support... like local hookah lounges here in San Diego, the experiment has worked with cannabis so I know it's crazy for people to imagine but clinical legalized harder drugs at a lower price than street prices are the only way to stop the situation, it's like gasoline... no one ever goes out and uses black market gasoline if the regular gas pump is there, because people buy a nice new car and dont wanna destroy it with unregulated fuel , same for our bodies and also the people who get caught up on drugs should be valuable to a society d they can useful and have money made off them without tax dollars and tax system, so a society can STOP addicts just like bars stop drunks from drinking when they think they've had enough... that's a very hard thing to do but we will just hire stern security guards to police the legal cannabis dispensaries in developing countries and have legal Cocaine Heroine and Meth... theres really not much else that people do but those 3 drugs will have to be given in a recreational setting at nightclubs, along with MDMA... European countries already give people heroine and you have to kind of guilt people into stopping too but do it socially and we have to change the HIPA laws to allow these people to loosen up and post medical records online because patients should be the ones with them... theres just a few things in healthcare to tackle and then we will have a much better world... people can basically be given a compressed medical training in primary school... a very nice training system can turn every child into a nurse etc

I should be grateful I have the legal cannabis here and more places will get it when the local authorities see how much money for education and local infrastructure they can get from the legal dispensaries...

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