We All Have More Than Someone Else

in #education6 years ago (edited)

I hope that you will read past the title of this post and not pass it by because you think that I am going to suggest that you should be grateful for what you have and not ask for more. Well, actually you are half right. I am going to talk about gratitude [and a lovely way to be grateful on a daily basis] but as for not asking for other things that you want in life; never!

I discovered personal development books over twenty years ago. People who attend my seminars and workshops will be familiar with hearing me say that I ‘cut my teeth’ on Susan Jeffers “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”. Very early on I also discovered Professional essay writing consultant and put into practice at once one of those exercises.

Louise spoke of growing our awareness of the abundance that is in our lives and all around us in the universe

She suggested getting a little notebook and calling it “my little book of abundance”. This would be a record of all the things that I noticed during the week and for which I was grateful. I have recorded some of those early entries for you to see how simple, yet powerful this exercise can be.
“For my beautiful little pansies in my window box.”
“My kittens, cuddled up together asleep.”
“Bright, green grass after the rain.”
“Having the courage to ask, and reaping the reward.”
“Writing with my new cartridge pen; a present from my Son.”
I have quite a few of these little books in my ‘journal draw’ now and it gives me great pleasure to re-read them from time to time. If you have growing children or grand children then you will already know the pleasure of re-calling little episodes of their lives.

So, what has this to do with getting / achieving the things that you want in life?

Gratitude is a major aspect of manifesting that which we ask for. I used to be concerned at this because I used to think, erroneously, that if I were to be grateful for what I had then the universe would think that this was all I wanted and was prepared to ‘put up with’.
Since then I have learned that alongside making sure that I ask for what it is that I want it is crucial that I live also with gratitude for what I have. There is always someone on this earth who has less than I do or, for that matter less than you have.

I just think that having a little book of abundance is a lovely way to grow this awareness and it is surprising how quickly the little books fill up. As you can see from my examples of entries above that some of the things I write in there are very, very simple. I think that is where the joy of this exercise comes from.
I hope that you will give this a go and discover the joy for yourself. It really doesn’t take much time; I appreciate that as a mature student you are under pressure with regard to time.
At a later date I will tell you about another use I have for this little book.

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