in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

Devotion for today Friday 22nd January, 2021


Text: “For I acknowledge my transgression; and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only have I sinned...” Psalm 51:3-4

King Saul disobeyed God on several occasions and eventually lost his throne. David became the king in his place and began to rule over Israel. It was not as if his reign was flawless; David actually committed more grievous sins. He committed adultery and eventually murdered the husband of the woman. Why was he then kept on the throne and not replaced like King Saul was replaced. One major thing that marked David out was a repentant heart. If you read Psalm fifty-one you will see this very clearly.


God’s forgiveness is not an excuse for sin. But at the same time we must understand that God’s forgiveness is always available to us. By the blood of Jesus we have every access to seek and receive God’s forgiveness over whatever wrong we have committed. It means we don’t have to live in the guilt of that sin. The blood of Jesus already procured our forgiveness.

From the account of King Saul we can also learn that status or position is not an excuse for sin. That a man or woman is highly placed does not give them an excuse. When we live in sin unrepentantly a major loss will eventually take place in our lives. It may not be a physical throne but something precious will suffer for it. Living right is actually a major way of preserving whatever is precious that God has given us. Whatever we take for granted by careless and carefree living will eventually be lost. Let me remind you again that David was not really perfect just like King Saul but he had a “perfect” heart. He was hungry for God; he was desperate to make it right with God. Don’t allow the sins of the past to keep you down; seek God’s forgiveness today and you’ll have it.

My heart is true and contrite. I’m eager and passionate about living right. Doing God’s will is my life.

LEARN MORE: Ps 51:1-12, 1 John 1:9
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