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RE: Why Do We Value Soldiers Over Scholars?

in #anarchy8 years ago

You are right that scholars do make tons of contributions to society, mostly which go unnoticed unless it's something newsworthy. It's something we are just so used to and can't fathom going without. However, what scholars do, in retrospect, is like any other job. Of course they're more intellectually gifted, and they live a life that caters to that, but what about other societal jobs? What if there were no cops to help keep crime off the street? What if there was no waste management to keep our environment (somewhat) clean? Basically, there are tons of jobs that contribute to our everyday lives that we pay absolutely no attention to.

People laud those that put in service overseas because of what they sacrifice. They put themselves in unthinkable danger on a routine basis, live in harsh conditions, and truly realize that tomorrow is not a guarantee. All the while, they have to spend all that time away from their parents, siblings, friends, and so on. It's just a job that's a huge undertaking, and not something that just anyone can do.

So, I would say it's more out of respect as opposed to thinking they're superior to other working members of society.


I understand it is out of respect, but our government shouldn't be in lands that pose no threat to us. An army should protect its shores and for a country that does more than double the amount of military spending than most of the modern world combined, we live on an almost uninvadeable piece on land.

here here, but you'll find quite a few military empire apologists here.
Especially those that actually donated part of their lives to the empire and their wall st funded (arbitraged and profited from) wars of choice.
Our so called military inhabits over 2/3rd of the planet.
If I were to ask ANYBODY here or elsewhere if they think the U.S. should rule over Earth, EACH AND EVERY ONE will say "of course not!". Then ask (the obvious) "Are we a global empire?" Again the answer is in the negative... or at the least "well, not really".
Then point to where our bases are built, nation by nation.
Nobody even realizes what they are saying anymore.
We just continue to make up dumb excuses.
AND we will deserve what is coming.
No nation surrounds another if they don't want trouble, and BOYS, we've got MOSCOW surrounded.
In case some of you haven't noticed, and no, few too few of us pay attention.

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