STEEMCHURCH: God has millions of followers all over the world, are you one of them?

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Hello, dear brothers in Christ @steemchurch, today I want to remind you that God has millions of followers throughout the world. I am sure that the grace of God can reach anyone regardless of social class, race, etc. I think we should pray more often so that God can draw more brothers to an encounter with Jesus and be a blessing to others. Would you like it?

I follow him through his word and he answers me with all his love, he is always online for me, because I have him connected to my heart at all times, 365 days a year. He has a word for me, the best thing of all is that he does not need to have a wireless or balance network to communicate with him, you just have to call him with your heart, soul and spirit.


My hero did not put a cloak on his back, he carried on his back a cross on which he shed all his blood to free me and really save me, he did not get angry with his companions like Hulk to show his power, his silence. and his forgiveness showed his superpower, love, he never put on a mask like Spiderman or Batman because he had a unique identity that did not hide his face, he did not have weaknesses like Ironman or Superman, God gave his life for us.



When Jesus traveled to cities carrying love, peace and the message of what was coming, the children were not allowed to approach the teacher, they were not allowed to approach him or disturb him, to which he replied: "Let the children come to me". and do not stop them, "he told his followers that they were not an obstacle for the children, that all they wanted was to hear his word, that is, that we could not be a stone for the spiritual growth of any son of the Lord.


It is necessary to obey God rather than men! -responded Peter and the other apostles. The God of our ancestors resurrected Jesus. By his power, [a] God exalted him as Prince and Savior, to give Israel repentance and forgiveness of sins.



Many artists and celebrities boast of having millions of followers on their social networks: MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, Intagram, Telegram, Snapchat, Whatsapp and only seek to have more and more followers on their internet accounts, but there is no one who can reach the thousands and millions of followers he has all over the world and the entire planet: GOD every day everyone wants to follow him, they call him, they look for him, they listen to him, they cry out to him. He is the king of kings, the teacher, and our guide. He was the first to have followers everywhere.


I take this opportunity to make a call to my brothers who have not yet met him, they must become more evident now than ever to build the world we want. Without darkness, without evil, without hatred and that we can only achieve with our SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.


Blessings my brothers. Would you like to follow my SALVADOR?


Thank you @maryelis for this wonderful message, our God is the best, has many followers and from here together as the body of Christ we will make known the virtues of him who called us from darkness to his admirable light.

Thank you my dear @steemchurch so is God is my light and salvation. A hug that distance can not break.

We are the people of God,
his blood redeemed us,
and his Spirit gave,
to empower us,
and be witnesses of the
And we will take his glory,
to each town in action,
bringing you hopes,
and new salvation
and his love drives us,
we can not shut up,
we will announce to the world,
of his love and truth.

Thanks to my dear apostle, God is the way and the truth. God is love and is my Lord A hug, thank you for your support =) @darlenys01

This is a very nice question, everyone should always ask themselves.
Are you one of God's own. Are you his follower?
Be part of God's People and enjoy eternity.

Thank you friend, let's continue on the right path, invite those who do not know my savior to know who he is, a hug brother. @kparobo

Thanks so much.
I'm trying to reach the world in any way i can to let them know about God, for he is wonderful.

Many are called but few are chosen, the bible says. God doesn't need a lot of people to make a difference, He just need few who are committed, genuine and sincere to Him.

For God to have more followers depend on how we live our life where ever we are.

Nobody will even join us we life a hypocrite life and use Christianity as cover up.

This is the more reason we must live well and serve God well.

I'm glad to be a follower of Christ.

Thanks friend for reading my post, I'm glad to be a follower of Jesus Christ, a hug =) @collinz

Awww that is good news. I try once to use facebook to propagate the gospel but it couldn't suscided,but with steeemchurch my dreams has coke to past.

You always have to take the gospel everywhere. Thanks brother, a hug. BLESSINGS @bigssam

You're right, a whole lot of people are now onto following celebrities On the internet, not even remembering the essence of following and being in discipleship if the lord.
You're right, and your topic poses a very interesting point that people must not forget to remember

Thank you very much brother, that's what it's about. A hug, for you many blessings =) @josediccus

I am a filler of God and a proud one at that. Thank you for reminding me of who I am . Stay blessed

Thank you for being my brother in Christ. BLESSINGS FALL FOR YOU. @bendlegend-1

He is the king of kings, the teacher, and our guide. He was the first to have followers everywhere. So ask yourself are you one his followers?

Yes, and you? =) a hug @dwayne16

His grace.
Hus power.
His joy.
His salvation .
His blessings.
He has left for those who are ready to follow him in truth and in spirit.
The Lord is the true definition of the only one and the almighty
Our lord is very powerful , he does everything according to his wish and he never take control from any man .
He is able to conquar all you iniquities and give you an evalastimg peace.
our lives should be directed towards proclaiming and doing things with all hearts and minds.
When you accept christ in your life you have already made a decision of being with him and working for him.
What you actually do tells us what the lord will definiatelly do for you , the lord has made a clear way and prepare the perfect way for us .
Trust him and have peace

@izuchukwu1506 Amen, that's the way His way is always perfect. a hug Thank you for reading me.

wow very intresting post thanks for sharing i always follow you for more good blog

What a joy your words, thank you very much for reading me. a hug that distance can not be broken. BLESSINGS @cryptospecio

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