Weekly Contest, "Creating Stories Week #28"||contract marriage|| @maryclaret99

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians
welcome to my first post, I am very happy to be in this community, and I am very happy to participate in this contest.



The scorpion gang and the eagle gang has been enemies for quite some years now, this conflict start for the time the scorpion gang leader Antonio killed the eagle gang leader Edwardo.
After the death of Edwardo , his wife Selena took over the gang .
To stop the conflict between the two gang ,each gang leader agreed to get their children married, when the turn of age. Antonio had a son while Selena has a daughter . Before the death of Antonio he signed the contract for the marriage between his son (Federico)and Selena's daughter (Bella).The contract states that before Federico will officially become the gang leader he will have to marry Edwardo's daughter Bella .

Federico was an arrogant andcold man ,he didn't really believe in love and marriage ,he thinks those things are for the weak,he lost his mother when he was still little so he never got a motherly love, because of his upbringing without a mother he was ruthless, he never had Mercy on anybody, he likes things done his way.
Since the age of 10 Federico have been trained to be a mafia gang leader,so now at the age of 25 his only ambition is to be a mafia gang leader just like his father.the hearing about the contract agreement between his father and the eagle gang leader , he was angry he didn't really need a wife , but he had no choice .
On the other hand is Bella, Bella is easy going, courageous and bright young girl in her early 20s, who had dreams. She have never wanted to be a gang leader , she had be trained since she was 15 years to become a Mafia wife.Bella had a crush on Federico since she was 15 , so getting married to Federico was a dream come true ,she was very happy .



This was not what I was expecting in this marriage, is been over a year now and he hasn't changed he's still mean to me, I doubt he loves me,he distance itself from me,and to worsen my situation he is not always around I feel alone in this Mansion ,I feel left out . I need my husband, I need my companion, I need someone that will be there for me ,someone that will feel my pain, someone that will cuddle me in the rainy night. he didn't even consummate our marriage, he never touched me since our marriage ,I kept being nice ,I kept being friendly and understanding but all in vain .
I love him so so very much, he is always away in business trip or taking care of the gang because he's now in charge of the eagles gang and the scorpion gang, I need him to have my time, I need to bear his children, I don't want to sound like a nagging wife that's why I keep everything to myself.


it's been a year since I got married to Bella, I know I'm being hard at her but I just don't really want to give her false hope I know she's nice ,she's friendly and she's caring and I love her I really do but I don't want to tell her because I don't think I'll be better man for her I'm too rough ,I'm a heartless ,I'm too cold ,she deserves a better man that will love her and cherish her like s
and I know I'm not that man.


Frederico has fallen in love with Bella but he believes is not a better man for her so he keeps it to himself. Getting back home he saw Bella at the dining sleeping and dinner on the table he walked over to her, he looked at her how peaceful and beautiful she look ,he didn't want to wake her so he carried her to the bedroom and placed her on the bed ,only for her to wake up and look at him .
''Oh you are back'' she said
"I cooked dinner , you just go freshing up and I will heat the meal "
After freshing up Federico came to the dinning room to see Bella setting up the dinning .
He didn't know what came over him , he walk over to her and kissed her on her lips , Bella was shocked , Federico had never come that close to her before , she returned his kiss. Breaking the kiss he said " you are beautiful " .
Bella couldn't hid her blush , she felt on top of the world . They kept staring at each other
"Let's start eating before the food get cold" Federico finally broke the silence.
They kept steal glance at eat other while eating , after the dinner they went to bed ,that night the consummate their wedding , the made love over and over again .
The next morning Bella woke up to find the bed empty , she felt sad about that , but she was happy to finally feel love or so she thought .


A week has pass since we consummated our marriage but Federico is yet to come home ,I feel very bad , I feel I'm the cause of his absent , I thought he finally love me , I thought he wanted to give us a chance but I was wrong . I hate myself for loving him this much , I can't even stop my tears from flowing .
I heard a knock on the door , I quickly wipe my tears , I think it's Federico , I ran to the door and opened it , a gunshot was what I heard before I blacked out .


It's been a week I went home , I know Bella will be worried and hurt but what can I do , I am so ashamed to face her , I can't love her the way she deserves ,I just don't know what came over me that night , I don't regret it ,infact I want to make love to her over and over again , gosh she is so beautiful , but I know I will hurt her , I am a mafia gang leader and this life is so dangerous for her . I miss her so much , but I can't go home now even if I want to go home so badly .
My ringing phone took me out of my thoughts,
"Hello"I said
"Boss , lady has been kidnapped by Donald the Italian mafia gang leader"
"boss the bodyguard in the mansion are all died"
"FUCK.....FUCK.." I kept banging my hand on the wall still it start bleeding
I was shattered , I felt as if half of me has been taken from me . Donald is my rival, I know he wants me because I killed his dad , but I didn't know he will take my wife .
I phone rang again , an unknown number
"Hahahaha Federico long time no see... You have a very beautiful wife and her skin is smooth and fine , where did you find this beauty ?"
"hahahaha I will be waiting Federico" he hung the call.


I woke up to find myself tied up in an unfamiliar bedroom , how did I get here ?, I remember going to answer the door then I blackout, I heard footsteps before the door opened and a young ,scary looking man walked in .
"Hello beauty , you are awake "
"Who are you and what do you want from me? "
"Hahaha I want your husband , he killed my father so I want him died "
"No no "
"But before that I can do many things with you senorita"
He start coming near me
"No don't come near me , you can never kill my husband ,and I will never let you touch me . You disgust me".
He kept coming to me , he caught me by my hair to keep me in place , I felt disgust , I hate this man , I felt weak but I didn't show him that I was weak , I spat on his face before he could bring his lips close to mine .he slapped me on my cheek , it was really painful .
"I will never let you touch me, you monster"
He slapped me again and hit my head on the wall , I blacked out again.


I gone the location to Donald mansion ,I called Gabriel my right hand man .
"Gabriel gather the men we are going on a mission "
"Yes boss"
When the all arrive we start our Mission , we made plans on how to get in and rescue my wife .
When we got to the location , we divide ourselves in 4groups, my group were to go inside and confront Donald , while the second group (Gabriel group ) were to find my wife and take her our of the building , the 3 group were going to plant bombs in every corner of the house while the last group were to drive the car out of the compound once we were done with the mission.
I walked in the house and saw Donald
"I have been waiting for you Federico"
"Don't give me that bullshit Donald , where is my wife? "
"Hahahaha do you mean the beauty? "
"Donald you are a coward , you had a fight with me , why bring in a woman ?"
"Because she is beautiful , I won't be at lost if I get her as mine ,but killing you and getting her to myself is a real jackpot"
"Donald , Bella is MINE and MINE only , so watch your tongue before I show you how to watch it".
"Hahahaha nice words coming from a man whose tongue is lose"
I got a signal from Gabriel telling me he has gotten my wife .
"It's game over Donald "
I pulled out my gun and shot him but as if he knows my plans he dodged the bullet, then grab his own gun to shoot ,before I could reaction , I felt a force pushing me and a gunshot. I looked to see my wife Bella on the floor with blood on the shoulder . I was furious , I took out my gun and shot Donald on his hand , not giving him time I shot him on his leg .
"Take him to the dungeon , I want to personal deal with him after that tell the team to bomb this house".
I went back to my wife ,
"Bella baby breath for me , don't close your eyes"
"Am I going to die?" came her shaking voice
"NO you will not die I will save you " I carried her and ran to the car .
"TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" I shouted at my driver
"Bella baby don't leave me
don't close your eyes
Look at me " she was so silence and I hate myself for pains she feels . I wish I could turn the time and take the bullet instead of her .

We got to the hospital fast , she was rushed to the emergency room .
I don't pray ,but today I had to pray .
I don't cry but today I cried like a baby .
I wish I had told her I loved her
I feel so stupid
"God I promise if you safe her , I will love her and cherish her."
Maybe this is my punishment for being so cruel to her .After the operation she went into coma .

It's been a month since the incident , Bella is not out of coma ,I visit her every day , I wish she could wake up . I am so heart broken .
I was on my way to the hospital with flowers when I get a call from the hospital saying that she has woke up .
I was happy and anxious to see her,so I drove very fast to the hospital and get into the hospital I run to her ward, when I entered her ward .I saw her dreamy blue eyes staring at me, I smiled I walked towards her and I hug her ,I told her I missed her.
"Frederick I'm sorry for making you scared by taking the bullet ,I just couldn't watch you die so I decided to take the bullet on your behalf I'm very sorry if what I did I annoyed you"

"No baby you don't have to be sorry I'm suppose to be the one apologizing , I know I did awful things to you I'm very sorry for all I did , all the mean words, the crude characters I displayed before you ,I am very so sorry .
I want you to find a place in your heart to forgive me ,I promise to be a better man ,yes I am mad at you for taking the bullet for me but that has made me to realise how much you love me. do not ever take a bullet for me bella , because it's better for me to die than watch you die or be in this state ".
"Ok... I forgive you Federico because I love you "
"I love you Bella "
"what did you say?"
"i love you Bella"
Please say it again
"I love you too Federico"
And they lived happily ever after.

 3 years ago 

Greetings friend @maryclaret99

Interesting love story about a marriage that was born between two mafias who hated each other, and that grew stronger between a dangerous situation they lived through, where the woman received the bullet that was meant for her husband.

Thank you for your entry to the contest.

Participant #10

Awwwnn thank you.

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