in #animal7 years ago (edited)


In the second article of this series, we will be considering an animal with a unique attribute that cannot be clearly understood by man.

In the bible, we were told that one of the greatest miracles done by Jesus was when he walked on water. What made that miracle so special was that it defiled so many laws of physics, especially the principle of buoyancy. Quite a number of persons have tried to repeat that feat but failed. It quite amazing how a lizard can accomplish that feat with ease.

The plumed basilisk which is a central American lizard does not only accomplish this feat, but they do so with style such that they walk with their hind leg on water. Below is a video of a basilisk walking on water.

A YouTube video on the Jesus Christ lizard

The world is quite amazed by this wonder and because of its unique ability this lizard is nicknamed "Jesus Christ lizard". Funny right? Am sure you definitely want to know more about this animal.


The plumed basilisk is one of the species of the animal family called cortophanidae. Even though there are other members of the genus ( i.e Basiliscus), they are the only ones that have this "walking on water" ability.


They are about 92cm in length

Among the basilisk specie they are the one of the largest in size. The weight of the Jesus Christ lizard is about 80g. Normally, they grow really fast while young, and their length doesn't normally exceed 92cm, i.e if their tails are measured too. As can be seen in the picture below, the adult plumed basilisk have yellowish eyes. They have a green colored body with a bit of blue spots on their final ridge.

A female plumed basilisk can be distinguished from the male by their crest. The female plumed basilisk have only one crest, i.e the one that is on their head, but the males have crests on their tail, head and on their back too. They are found mostly in Costa Rica and west of Panama.


The plumed basilisk are territorial in nature. Just as a lion establishes it's own territory and warning other male lions to stay away, the male plumed basilisk chooses a territory for himself, he alone mates with all the female in that territory.


The male plumed basilisk

They hate being touched. Because of that, some of the plumed basilisk that were domesticated by men, died because they were not properly handled.

Do you know that they hide away from their predators by burrowing deep into the sand? Yes they do. Sands are prevented from entering their nose by the muscles around it's nostrils.

It can also cover itself with leaves and can even remain motionless for a long time to give the predator the idea that it is not there.


It can cover itself with leaves so as to escape from its predators

The plumed basilisk literally walks on water like a man, with only their hind legs. In this upright position they can run really fast on water with a speed of 1.6m/s and can cover more than 4.5m before it sinks into the water to cover the rest of the distance by swimming. Their young ones can run on water for more than 20m before they sink.

In addition to the fact that they can walk on water, they are good swimmers and can stay inside the water for more than 25 minutes. That is a very big feat for a land animal. Even though they can walk on water, they try their best to stay away from the water, since they are also prey to some of the aquatic animals.


They can walk for more than 4.5m before sinking


The Jesus Christ lizard walks across a stream by making use of their feet with the tail acting as a support. In between their toes there are flaps which job is to form a large area filled with air bubbles while the lizard is on water. This large area then gives it the buoyancy it needs to walk on water.

The walking movement consist of the downward move of the foot which pushes the water away. This first movement is called the slap. This is then followed by the backwards movement of their foot which pushes them forward. It then lift it's leg for the water before it puts it back into the water to repeat the cycle. .

A youtube video on how Plumed basilisk walk on waterno


They are omnivorous animal. Do you know that rodents are included as one of their diets. They also eat insects and other smaller types of lizard. They are also known to eat fruits and leaves of small trees.


Even though I would love to tell you that this unique animal is also surprises us in reproduction by being a mammal, am sorry to say they are not. Their reproduction process is the same for other lizards. The female lay about six to twelve eggs at once and cover it up with damp soil.


Female basilisk cover their egg with damp soil

It takes the eggs nine to ten weeks to hatch. It's quite worth noting that the baby Jesus Christ lizard emerges from the egg as a grown lizard that doesn't totally depend on its parents.


The Jesus Christ lizard is definitely not on top of the food chain as we can definitely see. They are preyed on by snakes, eagles and also by falcons. They also serve as food for any member of the family Didelphidae.


The main purpose of this series is to point out those animals that have distinguishing features, why they do and what man may learn from them. The Plumed basilisk, which possesses the unusual characteristic of walking on water are never seen doing so except when it wants to escape from a predator.
I will try my best not to be too controversial in this series, but I know that if we can study this animal and the way it's feet are designed, man can be able to walk on water. I know some Christians will see this as a challenge to Jesus, but remember that they also felt that way before the Wright brothers built the first aircraft. I believe that the reason why these mysteries are hidden in nature is for man to learn and be able to recreate them. If we can be able to harness this ability, it will go a long way to save a lot of people from drowning due to a shipwreck.



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