20 rules for labeling and good behavior that everyone should perform

in #rules6 years ago

The label means to behave beautifully summarizes the Bright Side.

Unfortunately, many people believe that compliance with the rules of etiquette is something shameful, considering them a feature of class aesthetes who are far from real life.

In fact, the basic rules of etiquette are fairly simple. These are the culture of speech, polite, clean appearance and control emotions.

We present rules of etiquette that every self-respecting person should know and comply

  • If you say: "I invite you," it means that you pay. You might say, "Let's go to a restaurant" and in this case everyone pays for itself. If a man offers to pay the account of a woman, she would probably agree.

  • Never pull at someone without first calling. If someone comes to see you without warning, could you hold in your pajamas or with rollers hair! One British lady says that when the intruders appear on her doorstep, she always shod shoes and grabs hat and umbrella. If the guest she was nice, she said, "I just go!" If not, he sighed and said: "Ah, what a pity, I was out."

  • Do not put your phone on a table in a restaurant. Thus show how important a role this device plays in your life how much you are bored with what is happening and that at any moment you are ready to disconnect useless conversation to take an important call or playing Angry Birds.

  • Do not Invite lady on a date if you plan all night talking on the phone or to write text messages with friends.

  • A man never carries the bag of a woman. However, it may take her coat to give the wardrobe.

  • If you walk with someone and companion you greet someone you do not know, you also have to congratulate him.

  • Most people believe that the only correct way to eat sushi is using chopsticks. It depends. Men, unlike women can eat sushi with your hands.

  • Your boots should always be clean.

  • Avoid meaningless phone calls. If you need to talk to someone, you'd better meet him personally.

  • If someone insults you, do not return the service. Do not be to his level. Just smile and leave surly company.

  • The man should always walk on the left side of the woman. The military is the only exception, as they should always be ready to greet.

  • Drivers should remember that splashing passers immoral behavior.

  • Nine things you should keep secret: age, wealth, family scandals, religion, medical problems, love affairs, gifts, honor and disgrace.

  • In the cinema, theater or concert hall must reach the place, moving a person to sit. The man goes first.

  • A man should never touch a woman without her permission. This means that it is unacceptable to hold her hand to touch her during a conversation or grabs her arm above the elbow (unless it helps to enter or got out of the car or to cross the street).

  • The golden rule when using perfume is moderation. If you can still feel the perfume in the evening, then everyone else already tired of it.

  • A well-educated man should always show proper respect to one woman.

  • In the presence of women, men can smoke only with her permission.

  • Respect the confidentiality of correspondence. Parents do not need to read the letters to their children. Couples should show the same respect for each other. Rummaged through pockets in search of love notes and letters is extremely rude.

  • Do not try to chase fashion. Better to wear something nice, even if it is not fashionable, rather than look terrible in a brand new suit.

Source: www.sciencealert.com , www.pexels.com

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