Trip to the FOREST and watching THE MOON!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

The autumn season is coming to an end, the trees are getting barer by day, so I took a trip to the nearby forest to see autumn colors in all their beauty before it all fades away for winter.


I travelled through beautiful roads, seeing the Welsh charm all around. The forest is located only a 15 minute drive away from me, and it’s a place I visit the most, when I need a quick break and some fresh air!
I came across an archway of trees on a road, which was an absolutely stunning view with all the colors and gold, warm autumn hues! I jumped out of the car to capture it! Stood in the middle of a road like a maniac, glad no cars were driving past there at the time! I would of pissed off some drivers....



In the forest, I mostly sat and relaxed with some books and my coffee (how else!). It was a cloudy and slightly rainy day, but quite warm…. Which was a nice change after weeks of freezing temperatures and storm weather!
I walked along the path, admiring the vibrant green moss and dark pine trees then I got to the fields with autumn colors…. It was wonderful, I sat to admire and relax!

(Cheeky self portrait ;) )

Sadly, the days are shorter now, so before I realized it was getting dark… and I was sitting in the brightest place…. So on the way back, the whole forest was pitch black.
So here I was, walking back with my mere iPhone4 torchlight (top survival skills there). While walking, I was listening to ‘beautiful’ sound of sheep screaming in the background….. have you ever heard a sheep scream? It sounds a bit like a human scream, it’s terrifying! And the fact I was walking with darkness surrounding me… didn’t help!


I felt like I was in a slender game… Or a horror movie…. It was kinda cool. haha
I made it back, and I have to say that walking in the dark, deemed to be rewarding in the end, as I managed to get some amazing shots of a moon, peeking out from the trees!
I love night walks, and night time in general…. But in winter it feels like the day just slips through your fingers! It was 7pm…… only 7PM!
The conclusion is …there will be more night shots coming your way! Haha
Hope you enjoyed this post!
Marta x


Screaming welsh sheep? I wonder what was going on there....

From what it sounded like... I don't :P

Beautiful photos @martaesperanza!
Marta Esperanza is a Spanish name, do you speak the language? Just curious ;P

I’ll feel sad when autumn goes, I do love my transitional seasons. Although it snowed today, just a bit, so I’m looking forward to that at least.

I love my dramatic weather, give me snow, lay down some thick fog.

Lovely pictures :) I like the autumn colors very much!

Love the photos.

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