Effect of the Moon on Man

in #life7 years ago

Earth's moon
The  Moon is one of the celestial bodies, occupies fifth place among the  moons of the solar system in terms of size, with a length of the  diameter of a quarter diameter of the Earth, and its mass up to about 1  of 81 of the mass of the planet, the moon is an object opaque in origin,  but it appears lit  at night; it reflects the sun that falls on it's rays, the moon and  going on simultaneously with the planet, it ends its around the Earth at  the same moment when the rotation ends on its axis, which takes this  process for 27 days, and this means that we always see the same the face of the moon which is called the near face, the moon has shown us on several forms may Iike N the form of Badr or crescent may be Mhaka

The  Moon has been the focus of mankind since ancient times. Some  civilizations had a goddess of worship, such as Pharaonic civilization  that named the moon Khonsu, as well as the Chinese who called it Chang.  With the progress of civilizations and the great development in  scientific and industrial fields, To  man to discover and study the moon, so they have made many space trips  towards him, and became the first heaven that landed astronauts on his  land. It  should be noted that some astronomers from ancient times to the present  day rely on the location of the moon in the prediction of some events  and expectations of the towers, as was relied on in the creation of  lunar calendar

Effect of the Moon on Man
There  are some common beliefs among the people that the moon has a great  influence on human behavior and its relations with the surrounding  environment as well as its impact on the general health, in addition to  the dates of childbearing and others. None of these beliefs have been  scientifically proven so far. In  the days when the moon is complete, it is found that the rates of  crime, divorce and problems in general rise. Some have explained this  phenomenon in humans and linked it to the phenomenon of tides in nature.  As water levels rise in nature, the levels of fluid and hormones in the  body That will affect blood pressure and mental state 

Natural phenomena associated with the moon
There  are natural phenomena we see on Earth that have a direct link with the  moon, namely: the phenomenon of lunar eclipses: all or part of the moon  disappears from the Earth's inhabitants because of the occurrence of the  earth between the sun and the moon. The phenomenon of solar eclipse: It is the state of the moon between the earth and the sun. Tidal  phenomena of water on the ground, which result in high levels of water  in the seas and oceans, where this phenomenon is linked to the extent of  gravity of the moon, which affects the sides of the globe unevenly, the  water level rises to the direction of the highest gravity

 image source 1  


Thanks friends for helping this first week of problem I hope this is the last week




Great report post my friend @mars9

Thank you my friend for my support

Hello bro!
Meet me at steemit today ^^
Good day ~

Hello brother @sochul Do you meet today Moon!
Today is the first day of fasting for the month of Ramadan
I am from the hour of I have breakfast because I am in the month of Ramadan We are fasting from 3 Dawn with the beginning of the day to 7 pm

Dear my friend.
I know the month of Ramadan.
It is a period of performance and at the same time a festive appearance
Next week I went to Turkey.
But then Turkey also said it was a Ramadan period.

I am a foreigner, but I can eat. ^^

Welcome to my brother and I hope you will come to Egypt
Happy for you

Thank you my friend for my support

Excellent post dear friend @ mars9 thank you very much for sharing this information

Thank you my friend for my support

Thank you my friend for my support

The moon is a ship- it defies the laws of physics that natural celestial bodies adhere to- largely hollow and it's interior was last widely populated by the survivors of planet Electra which is now the asteroid belt out near Mars. Sounds crazy right? The full truth will blow your mind.

Thanks for the information my friend

coooll brooo!

Most of the effects on people are not clear, but it's also true that it does something to us!

Thank you my friend for my support

great post my dear

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