Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see! || Critical Thoughts by @marlyncabrera

in STEEMIT PAKISTAN2 years ago (edited)

Hi, Steemit Pakistan Community!

This is my firts post in the 3rd Week of the Challenge, 1/7, and it's also my first post ever for this Community.

If you want to participate, just check the contest post HERE.


Image from the Contest post by Steem Pakistan - Modified


A Woman's Place is in the Kitchen

Hi. My name is Woman and I have lived thousands and thousands of years, and I can assure you that it is in the kitchen that a woman can best watch over the safety of the neglectful men in her care, i.e. sons, husband, old father and other male entities in flagrant need—which comes to them by birth.

I have always been interested in food. At first, for that fruit of that Tree that we will not talk about today. The fact is that since the time of Creation, I have been interested in food.

There was a time when the world was wild, very wild, and we all ran the risk of extinction due to cold and famine. While men, intemperate as they usually are, were busy killing each other with axes and stones among the mammoths and the frost, I was busy seeing that everyone ate their proteins and vegetables. Thus, my friends, we survived. What would have become of us if a man had been in the kitchen back then? Well, we wouldn't be having this conversation, would we?

So many memories come to my mind, my dear friends. When Allerleirauh arrived dressed in her suit of many furs, hiding her true identity as a princess—because of a man’s fault, of course—, I was there in the kitchen to see her. While she was peeling potatoes, I saw her ring, the royal ring, long before the King saw it. Who do you think watched over all the foolish royal guys to make sure they had a happy ending?


And while Odysseus was taking so long to come back to his home, as you can expect from men, I was there in the kitchen, making sure that all those suitors after poor Penelope ate and drank at pleasure, so they would forget what they were doing there in the first place, for that's how easy it is to manage men from the kitchen.


During times of colonization, I lived in Venezuela and when they sent me straight to the kitchen, I felt a tremendous relief. There I was able to create delicious delicacies to feed all my children and while the men were left to go off to another war, I made sure to feed as many as I could, so they wouldn't starve to death. A man would have left this kitchen and then passed out a hundred yards away.

My place is here. And it gets better with time; now I can telework, so this kitchen is my off-site location. And when men or women need to eat, which happens several times a day, they find me here to give them advice and mold their fragile minds while they eat a good hot soup.

Now I’ve had a camper van kitchen made, and I take it with me as I travel around the globe. And wherever I go, everyone comes to me. And I tell you two things now: my hot soup is a worldwide success and man are just as intemperate and kitchen haters as they used to be thousands and thousands of years ago. So here I’ll stay.


Money is More Important than Love

                                           Tell me that you want the kind of things
                                           that money just can't buy.
                                           I don't care too much for money.
                                           Money can't buy me love.
                                           From The Beatles’s “Can’t Buy Me Love, 1964

…And I say, who dares to care little about money?

Even those who say, “Sell everything you have and give your money to the poor”, know money is important. Do they say “Make a pyre an burn your filthy money”? They don’t. They know the poor need it more than the rich, and you know why? Because the rich already have it and so they can sing the Beatles’ song.

I’m fond of love, my friends. I even love to love. Unfortunately, a society with much love and no money can’t thrive. And those who care little about money might be under the support of somebody who does.

Money buys the food you need to feed children.

I’ve seen lots of people starving. I don’t see them smile. I don’t think they're happy, but I do think they might be able to feel love.

A man searching waste – My video near the Terminal at Cumaná, my hometown

When children suffer from malnutrition, they develop health chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
When girls have received a protein-deficient diet, they reach maturity faster and, therefore, become pregnant faster, giving birth to more girls who will repeat this sad story.

And the babies born form these girls have a greater chance to suffer from these and other disease and even strokes.
In my country, limited economic resources have driven boys out of the classroom and into the labor force to support the children born to these young mothers. I have seen how soon the pressure of the economic crisis breaks these boys, who soon give up and leave the young mothers to be single mothers. I have seen it with my very eyes.

When I started teaching at the public university of my State, almost half of my Composition classes for the sixth and seventh semesters were boys, whereas only 25% percent of my class were boys for our Lit class in the ninth and tenth semesters. The more we advanced in the career the more boys would drop out.

Nowadays, all of my students for the Lit class are girls. I’d wish this was a case of girl power but it’s not. Believe me.

Money buys medicine.

A person who can’t have medical treatment on time becomes a problem. This person will occupy a bed in a hospital. This person will occupy an ambulance, which we might need to save somebody who will, perhaps, do amazing things for the country, for the science, for another human being.
Sick people consume the little money that is left to buy food for the children and prevent that they become sick adults.

Money buys peace.

In my city, an old lady can get killed because she has had not enough money to secure her house. Even though she loves her children and her children love her, they are grownups now and have left to form their own families. And now she’s loved but alone and vulnerable.

Four years ago, perhaps, my sister and brother in law were kidnapped inside their home. Two criminals broke into the house, tied them up, and tortured them psychologically for hours. They stole everything, even the cups from the kitchen. And all this while my brother-in-law was still recovering from open heart surgery.

My sister, a university professor like me; my brother-in-law, a writer. In my country, professionals in a cruel economic situation that prevented them from securing the house in a better way. And I can assure you, my sister loved her work and her home, as did my brother-in-law. Likewise, family loved them, friends loved them. But love has not had the strength so far to reverse the terrible consequences of the lack of money.

Money makes the world a better place to love.

Make sure your children study and work so that they have enough money to have time to love.


Votes Are Not Guaranteed - 01

Of course SC01 upvotes cannot be guaranteed. I can think of several reasons why not even SC01 can guarantee upvotes from their account.

• Let us start by clarifying that community leaders have no power over SC01 decisions, including their upvotes, so obviously they can't guarantee it.

• At Steemit there is no employer-employee relationship that forces anyone, e.g. SC01, to give an upvote to our posts.

• When you receive a vote from SC01, this means that SC01 is curating your content while generating revenue for you. Therefore, it is the same as if the platform was paying you. This means that you can only publish original content and rely on copyright-free references. If the originality of your content is difficult to ascertain, the curator, i.e. SC01, has the right to pass on your post.

• We can all vote and we have the right to vote whatever we want. That same right SC01 has.

• It even occurs to me that if SC01 got to guarantee its vote, this may negatively influence the quantity and quality of interactions on posts, as there would be less motivation to "go out and earn your votes": to comment to interact. The decrease in interaction would gradually detract from the quality of Steemit as a social network and end up killing the platform.

I have always said it and I stand by it, the best thing we can do is to keep a good blog. Let us take care of our content and stay true to our principles, making our posts ethically. If our content is good, the curators will see it.

Keep believing and we will grow bigger and greater together.



Thank you very much for reading.

I have chosen the statements that I thought were the most fun to elaborate on. Half of what I have said may not be real but keeps some truths XD

I use GIPHY for the GIFs
Text and images are mine. Otherwise, they have been quoted properly in the text. And I only use copyright free material.

Amé este post, respondo en español porque sé que es tu lengua madre... La primera parte me dejó impactada, jamás entendí la importancia de la cocina, lo que representa y el poder que tiene, creo que debería aprender a cocinar ja ja. Felicitaciones, un relato impecable y que envuelve, dejando claro que la cocina, es la cocina.

Me impacte con el del dinero, creo que él dinero es algo obligatorio, sin el nada funciona... Lamento mucho lo que le ocurrió a tu hermana, no sabia nada de esto, que situación tan angustiante e injusta.

Los votos... Nada, trabajar y esperar, a veces llegan, a veces no, lo importante es seguir aquí, trabajando y amando lo que hacemos. ♥️

Excelente post @marlyncabrera, hago reverencia y todo, porque es lo mejor que he leído.

@marpa querida, qué alegría ver tu comentario aquí. Pensé que nadie lo iba a leer porque por más que le pasé tijera, quedó largo. Mira, si te contara; obviamente, me lo tomé con humor, pero las brujas estamos en la cocina, ja, ja, ja. Allí hay ventana panorámica. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz contaba de cómo el discernimiento llegaba a ella al ver cómo se mezclaban los ingredientes mientras cocinaba. Ella extrapolaba esto a las instancias de la sociedad, a la naturaleza, a las letras, a todo, pero dejé muchas referencias por fuera. A mí me encanta cocinar.
Tienes razón acerca del dinero. Nos nos puede gustar que sea así, pero cómo hace falta.
Los votos vendrán como la lluvia, cuando se ponga el tiempo.

Saludos y gracias por visitar y comentar mi post. Yo voy a cenar y vengo a leer y comentar también :)

Es la segunda vez que leo en menos de 8 días, que creen que no los leerán porque esta largo... Nooo, se lee porque se ama leer, más cuando eres tú quien escribes

Eres una belleza 💯

Hola @marlyncabrera, upvote y resteem a este post, que de verdad esta genial.
Muy buena forma de utilizar una historia para hilar todo el contenido, tanto, que haces que eso de "el sitio de la mujer es la cocina" quedé planteado de una manera que la exalta.
Mucha suerte en el concurso.

Y yo esperando la reprimenda del primer hombre que pasara por aquí 😂🤣 Eres muy amable por visitar y comentar mi post. Realmente, las historias me encantan como solución para los temas intrincados, adónde hay que hilar mucho y sobre todo si hay poco espacio.

Muchas gracias por la visita y ¡mucha suerte en el Reto, @josevas217!

Al fin leo algo sensato sobre el dinero. Por lo general, quienes alegan que el dinero no compra la felicidad, es porque tienen dinero. Sin este, qué podemos hacer en esta realidad nuestra. Muy interesante, por otro lado, su disertación sobre la mujer, en tiempos bíblicos, míticos y actuales... Saludos. Todo excelente.

Mi mamá decía, "me río del hambre... después de que como" y es así, @cruzamilcar63, como dices: por lo general quienes menosprecian el dinero es porque lo tienen.

Agradezco mucho tu lectura. Suerte en el reto :)

Whatever building you have shown us inside your post, it is very amazing and people go about the block to see such a sight, so you have put a very amazing photo.

It's Santa Inés Church in my hometown. It'd been destroyed by an earthquake almost a century ago but was rebuilt and now it stands strong and beautiful.
Thanks for commenting on my photo, @mubarakali 🥰

Thank you for replying after reading my comment and thank you for telling us better than before.

Saludos amiga, te felciito y admiro por tu talento para escribir grandes historias y asi mismo preparar exquisitas comidas. me encanto la forma con presentaste la primera afirmación, le diste un trasfondo que esa afirmación la veamos desde otro punto de vista, un mundo maravilloso donde la mujer muestre todo su talento y capacidades desde su lugar mágico la cocina. Bendiciones amiga.

Los planteamientos están para poner los pelos de punta. Hay quienes se molestaron. La verdad es que yo lo tomé como una oportunidad divertida para escribir en el caso del primero y como una oportunidad para la reflexión cruda en el segundo. El tercer punto, ni hablar; a todos nos hace llorar, ja, ja, ja.

Gracias por la visita y por ti comentario que me motiva a seguir, @mvchacin. Saludos y suerte en el Reto 🥰

 2 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the challenge and making valid points to defend the statements.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

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Thank you so much for reviewing my entry, @event-horizon.

It wasn't easy. It was rather challenging. Very stimulating. Thanks for the opportunity 🙂

A ver, mí grandilocuente amiga... Que perfecto es este escrito. Prolijo de principio a fin, en todo coincidimos 💗💗💗
Una vez que somos libres de cualquier complejo, inferioridad o superioridad, somos capaces de defender hasta los más álgidos puntos de vista

Vi muchas opiniones de molestia por lo intransigente de los enunciados planteados aquí 😂😂
Yo, como tú, sabemos que la clave de un buena tortilla es saber darle la vuelta... Y somos expertas en el verbo y la acción, para hacer que las cosas jueguen a nuestro favor siempre, jajaja.... Es la bandera de la mujer occidental y aún más, la latina

Bueno mí bella, en todo la demás exactamente pienso como vos ... El dinero no debe ser destruido, si no invertido en lo que aprovecha...

Muy lamentable lo acaecido a tu familia, Marlyn. Cuánto dolor!!! E impotencia

Por último, somos invitados a mantener un bello y pulcro blog, que sea que haya votos o no, está la satisfacción de tu vida registrada para tener memorias importantes que valga la pena contarles a tus generaciones futuras

Besote, y muchas bendiciones 🤗

Quién dice que las fierecillas domadas realmente notienen domados a sus "dueños"; la ilusión de lo contrario, pues qué se la crean, ja, ja, ja... Los hombres tienen sus virtudes y nosotras, las nuestras, como el eficiente volteado de tortillas de todo tipo desde el principio de los tiempos 🤣😂

El tema del dinero es grave. Es un medio de control cruel y necesario; lamentablemente la humanidad es viciosa.

Cuando esté con muchas canas, quiero volver a mi blog como quien va a su álbum de fotos.

Gracias por tu estimulante visita, @yrmaleza. Saludos y suerte en el Reto 🥰

 2 years ago 

I totally agree with the statement on Money is more important than love.

Money buys medicine.

But not health.

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