in #sc-v6 years ago

Increasingly, there is a desire to experience the reality of the glory of God in our midst. My friend was referring to what makes the difference between one more meeting, and a precious time of communion with God. Between the boring routine, and the expectation of something fresh.

The answer, in reality, is very simple. It has to do with the application of two basic spiritual principles:

1.- Open the heart.

2.- Open your mouth.

Let's look at the first one: The word declares: "Keep your heart above every thing that is stored up, for from it flows life" (Pr 4:23). What an important statement: Life flows from the heart! In other words, we can not do anything that transmits life if we do not open our hearts so that the blessing flows from there.

We know that we must open the heart for Jesus to enter (Rev 3:20), but we must also open it so that the life of Jesus may emanate, in the form of adoration.

Paul exhorted the Corinthians to open their hearts, just as he had opened his to them. Only then could there be true communion.

Ephesians 4:18 clearly teaches us that hardness of heart (closed heart) prevents the flow of the life of God. Perhaps there is nothing more important for someone who stands on a platform to minister, than he does with an open heart towards God.

There are many believers who have not unleashed the power of this transformative flow in their lives because they have their mouths closed.


Both the one who ministers with the Word and the one who does the music must open their hearts so that the river of God emanates from them. When one opens the heart, the flow of the Spirit manifests itself through words, through hands, when playing an instrument, and even through the eyes. I do not know any person who, being truly filled with the Holy Spirit, has dry eyes.

That is why the Word says: "those who sow with tears, rejoice will reap" and "the one who carries the precious seed walks and weeps" (Ps 126: 5-6) The flow of the Spirit sensitizes the interior. But this has nothing to do with emotions. It has to do with something that is happening inside, a torrent that seeks to express itself through our heart, and that often finds a way out through our eyes.

The second principle is to open your mouth: The Lord Jesus declared in John 7:37 to 39: "If anyone is thirsty come to me and drink, whoever believes in me as the scripture says will run rivers of living water ...... "John, the apostle, clarifies that Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit that would be received by those who believed in him.

In other words, the river of God is, in all its potential, within every believer that has received the Spirit to bring changes to this earth. "On the arid summits I will open rivers, and springs in the middle of the valleys. I will turn the desert into lagoons, and the parched earth into fountains of water "(Is 41:18)

However, there are many believers who have not unleashed the power of this transformative flow in their lives because they have their mouths closed. For the river of the Spirit of God to flow, it is not enough to say to the Lord: "When you want, let your river flow in me." It is also necessary to take a step of faith and say: "Lord, I recognize that the river of God has come to my life, by your Spirit, and that in me is the ability and decision to let it run. Therefore I OPEN MY MOUTH so that it flows from my interior ".

Many people know that you have to open your mouth to confess Jesus as Lord, so that the Holy Spirit enters, but few understand that it is also necessary to open it so that it flows from our interior to the outside.

Verse 38 specifically says: "... rivers will flow from within ..." Jesus uses the term "interior", referring to the bowels, the belly, the innermost part of our being. There is a big difference between what comes out from inside your insides and what comes out from inside your mind.

We need to be aware of what God is doing precisely with this outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The flow of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the praise of the people of God is increasing, like the waters of a river that rise in level, and soon its channel will be overwhelmed.

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of its Glory! But this will only be a palpable reality in the personal sphere if we are willing to open ourselves before God and before men. Before God to be continually filled with the Spirit. Before men to have a transparent and genuine heart from which life flows.


The word says that the one who believes in God from within will run rivers of living water, it is good to remember him @mariela.

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