The Light of the World: How to Manifest Christ's Glitter on Earth

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The light of the world is our Lord Jesus, in order to reach a broad understanding about the manifestation of this effulgent shine on the whole world, it is necessary to have knowledge of the conflict between light and darkness. The Apostle Paul makes reference on this subject, and says the following:
"In Him was life, and life was light of men. The light in the darkness shines, and the darkness does not prevail against it "John 1: 4,5.

The darkness becomes insubstantial, without any power in the light of the world, now if Jesus is the light that dwells within us, why do not the darkness around us disappear immediately? In the following article you will find the answers to many questions about this magnificent power that Jesus unleashed so that the children of God may establish and manifest it in the world.


Jesus is the light that came to this world, "In Him was life, and life was the light of men. The light in the darkness shines, and the darkness did not prevail against it. " John 1: 4-5.

Why does not the light of the world manifest itself through all believers?
Even a large part of the light is veiled, because of various structures that the devil has built up through people. Those veils produce darkness; forming as a shell that covers the person and this prevents the brightness of Christ, his perfect light is manifested. This light is real and is in the believer, but due to the strengths of iniquity, and all kinds of mental structures that have been formed since the conception of the baby and throughout his childhood were strongly adhering, so this makes opposition to Christ.

So there is a difference between the presence of light in the life of the true children of God and its visible and visible manifestation through the life of the believer, it is important to be able to distinguish these two areas; the presence of the divine virtues and their manifestation in each one of us.

It is essential to be aware that a person who converts to Christ will recently have the presence of all the attributes and power of God by faith. However, they do not manifest themselves immediately, they must first go through a process of breaking the inner being, and of understanding the principles that give production to the manifestation of the light of the world and of the kingdom of God.

"... God is light, and there is no darkness."

How to achieve manifesting the cross of Christ on earth?
First we have to understand "that it is the light of the world that will lead us to know the different dimensions, designs and mysteries of his glory". The light moves us to an encounter with the face, with the face of Jesus, who is brighter than the sun, it is the light that will take us to manifest it to him so that, no darkness will prevail around us and in this way we will begin to radiate the effulgent brightness of his powerful presence. It is the highest war in which we can participate.

Understanding in a comprehensive way the principles of the light of the world, goes beyond a simple positional doctrine in which we are light by the simple fact of having received in our hearts salvation in Christ. If the majority of the believers really produced the light that God designed on us, I believe then that there was not a single demon on earth.

The detail of this revelation is that we are light, yes, theoretically, but we really have to do it in a visible practice before all those who expect from the believers that manifestation of the brightness of Christ as a real testimony, a shining light, that the glory of God in us, is Jesus himself, God dwelling in the believer, the light of the world is Christ in all its magnificence and majesty and lives here and now. It is time to begin to shine with the light of Jesus.

"Get up and shine; because your light has come and the glory of the Lord has been born on you. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and darkness the nations; but the LORD shall arise over thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your birth. " Isaiah 60: 1,3.


The light of the world in different levels.

There are levels of light, the Lord manifests that there is a level of light related to his glory that can have visibility before all, and that even the rulers themselves wish to obtain and will follow it. A people is being raised with deep understanding in light of the world, who are penetrating God's designs, are rising to shine on earth, through the light of the world. Now theology is being left as a theory with little substance, God is raising a generation understood in the prophetic, a generation that is shining under the power of Christ. The level of a face that shines with the light of the world, is a believer who has decided to become the truth of Jesus.

The colors of the light of the world

The light is diffracted in seven colors, all together produce white light, it is in this way that each aspect of the light of Christ is seen, and as we interpenetrate with the giver of the light increasing in our lives .

"Therefore, we all, looking bare-faced as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are transformed from glory to glory in the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord." 2 Corinthians 3:18

Understanding his glory is achieved through a real experience, lived with the face of Jesus.

What does it mean to shine?
Shine means full of light. We can see, therefore, that the revelation of Christ in us has to do with the levels of light in which we move. The word clearly tells us that there are different levels in the intimate relationship with the Lord. Example the disciples; one was the relationship of three of the disciples who were present at the transfiguration, and John the beloved disciple was another type of relationship.

The origin of the light of the world

The origin of the light of the world was through the cross. Jesus became similar to all human beings, as a sinner, to be our intercessor for the purpose to happen, he was led to reproach and reproach. The ordeal that was a place of the damned, was gloomy because this place was together with the garbage dump of that city, where the most despicable and terrible criminals were executed. This was the place where the death of Jesus was carried out by each one of us, there it was added with the transgressors.

This indicates that he was seen as one of those criminals. In that place exposed the sin, I carry in his body the record that was not contrary. In each of the blows of his face, every wound of his body, scourge, sore, and in the holes produced by the nails, in his forehead torn by the thorns of the crown, are marked and sealed the sins of humanity, that was the price Jesus paid to be the light of the world.

"This is the message we have heard from him, and we announce to you; God is light and there is no darkness in him. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie. And we do not practice the truth; but if we walk in light, as he is in light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanses us from all sin. " 1 John 1: 5-7

Are you walking in the Light of the world?
When we walk in light, it is because the blood of Christ has cleansed us from all sin, this allows us to have fellowship with one another. The Bible quote of John says:

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we decide that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. " 1 John 1: 8-10.

The confession of sins is important and must be done in a genuine way that allows us to receive liberation, a deep cleansing of our soul. "Confess" means to speak in public. This is the word we use when someone comes to receive salvation and then publicly makes the declaration of faith.

"Because with the heart one believes for Justice, but with the mouth one confesses for salvation" Romans 10.10.

This reveals to us that we must speak to everyone what our heart believes about Jesus. So this means that the same word used for this act of faith, we must confess our sins before the other believers, so that in this way they can be exposed to the light. Many disagree, and prefer to use the same form that Catholics use. Jesus was stripped of his clothes and publicly exposed the sins of the world to the light, so he publicly defeated the principalities and powers.

How then do we pretend to have victory in the occult?
The only way to not have satan accusing you, is reaching the highest level of light and that is obtained by exposing all the darkness that is inside our being, and without hidden stain we will win, because we will have the light of the world shining in our whole being.

Confession is the most powerful weapon we have against satan. When we confess sin we enter into the light of Jesus, that same light that was reached on the cross. and that frees us from the accusations of satan, the devil has no power over his life, when you confess veridically to the light, when you stripped yourself of the garments of sin, exposing yourself to the light, as Jesus did, that it is the way of activating to illuminate with the light of the world.


Life is a choice, if we have wrong way, our life will be lost and always in the dark. But if we are always close to God, and always read the word of God, I am sure although life does not have much money, we will also be happy. thank you :)

Jesus Christ is the true light, is "that true light, which enlightens every man, and that came into this world" (John 1: 9)

Jesus Christ is not a bearer of light as Lucifer was one day, but He is the light because He is God, and "God is light, and there is no darkness in Him" (1 John 1: 5).

Jesus Christ was the light of this world while he walked in it:

(John 9: 5) "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world"

We as disciples of Christ - who is the Light - have been commissioned to show the way of the Lord to those who want to listen to us. This is the word of the Gospel. We are bearers of light, since we are bearers of the Word of Christ that is light. (Mt. 5: 14)

We are commissioned to give a good testimony of what we are: "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth) "(Ephesians 5: 8, 9)

It is essential to be aware that a person who converts to Christ will recently have the presence of all the attributes and power of God by faith...... thanks for sharing

Heavens way of life can afford you great blessings,including peace I'm the midst of a troubled world.
Heaven on earth way of living is being able to live the life as its obtainable in heaven. These include joy, peace, riches,honour and power e.t.c while on earth.
I pray God help us all .Amen.

We are God's representatives on earth, it's like were a map for sinners to locate God, that's why we must always make sure to radiate the light of God in whatever we do, we must live a complete life that's glorifying unto God.

The Light got by a man should first head out the haziness in that individual before it can sparkle out to their general surroundings.
I truly delighted in this post. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing it

Christ is the light of the world that shineth in darkness.

"In Him was life, and life was light of men. The light in the darkness shines, and the darkness does not prevail against it "
John 1: 4,5.

As a Christian, through Christ, we are saved to show forth the light of God in our life wherever we find ourselves. It is our character that will determine if really we are for Christ or not. We need to always allow the light of Christ to shine through us.

Thanks for sharing this.

God needed someone to represent Him that was why he created us in His image to represent Him on earth.
Jesus been the light of the world that shineth in the darkness of this world and darkness could not comprehend it. He has redeemed us to be like Him, to allow our life to proclaim His light.
We are to represent God in every aspects of our life. It is the light of God that shineth through us that will really make people around us to glorify God in our lives.

When we dedicate ourselves wholly to God, we become channels of the divine light of heaven. We become mini-menorahs, lampstands upon which God can place his light so that it gives light unto all in the house and to all the world. A miracle occurs: What we in our inadequacies could not do, the Holy Spirit does. A one-day supply of oil burns for eight days, the small light that we have is multiplied, and God is glorified.

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