in #sc-v5 years ago

When you were called to the Ministry and decided to go after Him, surely you had to leave everything to follow him, your family, friends, even your congregation, all by the Holy Spirit.


And maybe you think that was enough, but you should know that it is not, to stay in the ministry demands your loyalty and fidelity, demands a price that you must pay.

That is why it is necessary that you know that it will cost you, you must renounce your will and your desire, day after day to die to you.

Perhaps you see yourself blinded by the test as was the case with Abraham when God asked him to sacrifice Isaac, and he got up very early without delaying the Lord's order, although it cost him his beloved son, he was willing to obey him.

Just as you decide each day to die to your dreams, to your will, to the desire of your heart, when you reach the goal that is your salvation, and you can see yourself face to face with the Lord, then, you will be found worthy of approval, then you will be able to joyfully and joyfully present yourself before Him, rest and say: "He is worth everything".


We make our happiness depend, our joy, our joy and our hope, of things that we want to happen, or that we want to achieve, that if the mother-in-law changes the face, or if my spouse changes the face, and we believe that if we reach them, then we will be happy. But the thesis of the Bible is not this; rather it is that, if you lack your wife, it does not matter, Jesus Christ fills everything, that if a mother-in-law remains, it does not matter, Christ fills everything. If you lack work, it does not matter, Christ fills everything. The fullness of Him who fills everything in everything!

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