in #sc-v5 years ago (edited)

Jeremiah 17: 8
It will be like a tree planted by the water,
that extends its roots towards the current;
he does not fear that the heat will come,
and its leaves are always green.
In times of drought do not worry,
and it never fails to bear fruit ».


The oak is the point of union of the 3 kingdoms: sky, earth and water

It is a perennifolio tree, corpulent that arrives until the 25 m. high and can live up to 800 years and sometimes can reach up to 1,000 years.
In its early development it usually forms a shrub and then grows as a tree is slow growing, at 7 years develops a trunk.
Cup copious and rounded and that widens, remaining hemispherical.
Of strong branches.
Of short and corpulent stem.
Evergreen and leathery, alternate and lanceolate, with a dark green and whitish underside, they are hard and have thorns around them and prevent the transpiration of the tree, which allows to live in dry areas, such as the Mediterranean shores.

Of yellow flowers, it has two types of flowers, its masculine flowers appear in ametos and then in hanging branches that turn orange in all the branches of the cup, the male inflorescence releases abundant pollen that the wind spreads and the feminine flowers come out isolated from two on the new buds and in the short peduncles, reddish and turning orange in the mature, if the female flower becomes fertilized it will become an acorn.


Fruit and at the same time its seed, a glans called acorn, 2 to 3 cm. brown, sweet and suitable for human and animal food
Bark of gray color, cracked and hard, it hardens as the years go by and cracks in all directions and darkens.

Penetrating root.
Its scientific name is "Quercus ilex", Quercus: comes from the Celtic "Kaerques" which means beautiful tree, ker "elegant" and cus "tree" = elegant tree, Ilex: is the Latin root of oak.

Spain is the first country in terms of extension of the domain of the oak, which covered almost all the Iberian Peninsula forests. The oak played a prominent role in the economy of the Mediterranean man.

It was a sacred tree in the Iberian Peninsula, throughout the Mediterranean and in the rest of Europe.
It is called: oak, holm oak, short, chaparra, oak, alsina, alzina, azinheira.
The oak forest or where the holm oak predominates are called holm oaks.

The tree is one of the most powerful symbols of life, of the Earth and is the point of union of the 3 kingdoms: sky, earth and water and the oak is the tree and is the most powerful and representative symbol of nature; the oak grows very happy in any terrain, especially in areas where other species of trees can not grow: sandy, humid, very loose, rocky.

It is a robust and frugal tree, it grows slowly, first it is a bush and after 5 years it starts to develop its trunk, at 15 it gives its first acorns and it becomes a tree with an ostentatious cup with evergreen leaves that gives a lot of shade.

The root sticks strongly to the subsoil and its main root is long with thick and deep ramifications that extend a great distance.

Dark and cracked bark, with a short trunk, sometimes straight, sometimes crooked, with a broad and voluminous crown, which gives a lot of shade, always green.
of dense and intricate branches.

It adapts to any range of floors and climatic conditions.

The average age is 400 years and can reach 1000 years
oak or oak is the common name and Quercus Ilex its scientific name; but it is also called oaks or oaks to other species of the same genus, just as the oak is a Quercus Robus and oak is also generic and goes by mistake to name the oak and other Quercus.

The holm oak is the National Tree of Spain, and the most representative of the Mediterranean Iberian forest, it is presented from sea level to 1,600 m. Tall.
Its scientific name is "Quercus ilex". Quercus: comes from the Celtic "Kerquez" which means beautiful tree, ker "elegant" and cus "tree" = elegant tree;
Ilex: is the Latin root of oak.

Spain is the first country in terms of extension of the domain of the oak, which covered almost all the Iberian Peninsula forests. The oak played a prominent role in the economy of the Mediterranean man.
It was a sacred tree in the Iberian Peninsula, throughout the Mediterranean and in the rest of Europe.

In conclusion; Let's make this tree, the National Tree of the whole world beloved church for having a great significance in the economy of man, a tree that will soon spread, will give much shade, many fruits, many acorns.


Many blessings beloved church and a special greeting to our leader Sirknigth!!!



Thank you @mariela, we know that Telos is the tool, that God has placed in the hands of our leader @sirknight, it will be like that tree planted on the mainland, it will always be prosperous, and a blessing for many people.

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