There Is Only one Capable of Setting Us Free

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Sins are forgiven by God, not by any man “And having said this, he breathed, and said to them: Receive the Holy Spirit.

To whom you remit sins, they are remitted; and whoever you retain, they are retained ”(John 20: 22,23) This verse can become a misunderstanding if it is given the correct emphasis, with this you should not think that because you preach the word you can forgive people's sins or retain them this is only achieved through the word and offer of salvation for the sacrifice of Jesus. The disciples had a lovely missionary night..



They have no need to appeal to their own strengths and gifts. The risen Lord has sent them. He has such power that he has conquered the devil, the world, sin, and death. He will remain with them on the battlefield of life. In the fulfillment of his evangelizing mission, the Holy Spirit will be really essential.

The Lord before his death had already promised them the Holy Spirit. And now he also promises it to you and confirms the promise even with a sign. With it he prophesies what He will do in the future.

He blows on the disciples and expresses it with these words: "Receive the Holy Spirit." This reminds me of the creation of man, God formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nose the breath of life And also when the prophet Ezekiel prophesied over dry bones.

Jesus promises the renewing Spirit that quickens, the promise he gave previously is confirmed once again with signs and words. They can hope that the power from on high will come upon them. This blowing will grow to a sound like a huge wind. Then the Holy Spirit will fill them and they will all be guided, and for everything, by Him.

Man undoubtedly has a sinful nature and is in the midst of death, but he will find his renewal through the Holy Spirit, not by force or impetus, not by creativity, trusting in these things will disappoint you. But to find this gift, you must come out of that refuge where you have split.

The doors of the room where the disciples were were opened by Jesus. He sends them into the world under the breath of the Holy Spirit. He Himself has passed through the world and His own also have to pass through the world.

And in the world they have to announce that Jesus Christ has come into the world to save sinners, they have to call for conversion for the forgiveness of sins.

That is the summary of the entire Gospel. What does the Lord Jesus say to his disciples? To whom you remit sins, they are remitted; whoever you retain them, they are retained ”.

Who would expect this little group of frightened disciples to be able to bear witness? That can only happen by the power of the Holy Spirit. No one is in a position to distribute salvation from the forgiveness of sins. Neither with liturgical formulas or even by the sacraments.

Forgiveness is not in the hand of the servant, but in the hand of God. However, God actually links forgiveness to the preaching of the Gospel.

Neither should nor can it be separated from that. Preaching the gospel is decisive, because God invites us to be reconciled to him.

In the name of Christ we must announce that everyone who believes in Christ will not be lost, but will receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. If you believe in this Christ and acknowledge your sin, I can tell you in the Name of Christ and with the Word of God in hand, that He is faithful and True to forgive your sins and make you a new person.

** We are guilty before God and we are under the wrath of God.**

If we were thus to appear before the Judge of heaven and earth, we could not stand before Him. But this Judge now wants to still be our Redeemer. He has no pleasure in our death and perdition, but in our becoming, believing in Him, and living. "Blessed is he whose sin has been forgiven."


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